Guide to Hard Drugs

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What are Hard Drugs?

So you got tired of all those icky chemicals in your narcotics and decided to head down to botany for your high. But alas how do you create these so called hard drugs? Well this is the guide for all (known) hard drug recipes.

1. Cocaine

The famous white powder as seen in Scarface, this is a stimulant that can be snorted but be careful it can be quite addicting.

2. Crack

Cocaine's cheaper and easier to make cousin, same as cocaine in most ways except that it must be smoked using a crack pipe which can be crafted using 5 coil, 10 iron rods, and a glass shard.

3. Heroin

There has not been a known way to make heroin, but we do know it exists because you can craft five heroin into a brick of heroin.

4. Hash

Same as heroin no known way to make it but we do know it exists.

How do you make Hard Drugs?

Whether your a botanist or a greytider with a green thumb hard drugs can be easily manufactured with very crude tools.


  1. In order to make snortable white powder cocaine you must first grow coca leaves and then using a drying rack dry them.
  2. Next you use an all-in-one grinder or a mortar and pestle to grind the dried coca leaves this will give you chemical cocaine optionally you can use a chemical separator to remove any nutriment in the solution.
  3. Finally you need some sort of freezing implement to cool your solution the easiest way is a cooling spray which is crafted using a spray can 20u of water, 10u of ice, screwdriver ,and wire cutters.
  4. Congratulations! If your liquid cocaine was cooled enough you will get white powder that you can hand out to your friends and family, or just snort it all yourself to drown out the loneliness.
  5. Powder cocaine will help reduce stun times and increase your running speed along with your mood.


  1. For crack do steps 1-2 for cocaine then come back.
  2. Crack requires no such cooling instead you will add 10u of cocaine, 5u of water, and 10u of ash (ash can be obtained by burning paper then scooping the ash from the floor).
  3. Next you will heat the container containing the mixture this can be done with a lighter, you will know when it is at an optimal heat because crack will fall onto the floor in front of you.
  4. Congratulations! If your concoction was heated and you got the measurements right you will have crack cocaine, but don't forget to make a crack pipe (using 5 coil, 10 iron rods, and a glass shard) otherwise you wont be able to ingest it in any way.
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