Random events

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These are random events that occur during a game regardless of gamemode. They have a relatively low chance of occurring, and are often (but not always) accompanied by a broadcasted message from CentCom. Some may only occur after so much time has elapsed during a round.



Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Varies

"<Anomaly type> detected on long range scanners. Expected location: <area name>."

A random type of anomaly spawns in a random location on the station! These tend to cause bad things if left alone. So hop to it! To neutralize an anomaly, grab an analyzer from a toolbox and a remote signaling device. Scan the anomaly with the analyzer, then send the signal with the frequency shown! This will neutralize the anomaly and leave behind a core, a relatively valuable item to science.

The anomalies will move around, so a bit of hunting may be necessary if it happens to stray from its location.

Types of anomalies

  • Unstable bluespace anomaly (Rare)
    • If left unchecked, it will eventually detonate, warping every object in the area into a random location. Virology may end up in space! Tech storage may suddenly appear in the security wing!
  • Localized hyper-energetic flux wave (Very common, 10 players minimum)
    • If left alone, it will eventually erupt in a violent explosion.
  • Pyroclastic anomaly (Very common)
    • Creates plasma fires!
  • Gravitational anomaly (Very common)
    • Pulls and flings objects everywhere nearby.
  • Localized high-intensity vortex anomaly (Rare, 20 players minimum)
    • The rarest of the bunch. Consumes objects and creates hull breaches. Nasty!

Aurora Caelus

Minimum round time: 5 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Above average

"<Station Name>: A harmless cloud of ions is approaching your station, and will exhaust their energy battering the hull. Nanotrasen has approved a short break for all employees to relax and observe this very rare event. During this time, starlight will be bright but gentle, shifting between quiet green and blue colors. Any staff who would like to view these lights for themselves may proceed to the area nearest to them with viewing ports to open space. We hope you enjoy the lights."

The space around the hull glows with varying shades of green and blue as the ions batter themselves against the station.

Brand Intelligence

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 15

Chance of occurrence: Low

"Rampant brand intelligence has been detected aboard <station name>, please stand-by. The origin is believed to be a <vendor type>."

One of the machine type specified in the CentCom notice has become sentient! If not stopped, it will begin to spread a virus to all other vending machines, causing them to animate and attack anything in sight!

The origin machine can be any of the vending machines in the station, from the soda machine in escape to the cigarette dispenser in the captain's office. It will shout aggressive speech at anyone nearby and launch products at anything in sight. To stop it and prevent it from infecting any other vendors, it must be either deconstructed or its wires all cut, or just simply screwdriver the panel open and flick the speaker switch to off.

Bureaucratic Error

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: N/A

Chance of occurrence: Low

"A recent bureaucratic error in the Organic Resources Department may result in personnel shortages in some departments and redundant staffing in others."

Randomly sets the overflow role (the infinite slot one, default is Assistant) to any job in the game. You might end up wading in Wardens or drowning in Clowns

Camera Failure

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Extremely High

One or two random cameras around the station will be deactivated.

Carp Migration

Minimum round time: 10 minutes

Minimum players: 2

Chance of occurrence: Above average

"Unknown biological entities have been detected near <station name>, please stand-by."

Space carp spawn around the station. Take care and have a good weapon handy when heading out into space. And watch yourself when around windows!

Clogged Vents

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Chance of occurrence: High

"The scrubbers network is experiencing a backpressure surge. Some ejection of contents may occur."

Air scrubbers around the station may suddenly erupt foam filled with chemicals and reagents. The chemicals/reagents which may be involved in this event are random and depends on the severity of the event, as there are several levels/versions of it.

Communications Blackout

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Chance of occurrence: High

"Ionospheric anomalies dete'fZ\\kg5_0-BZZZZZT"

Telecommunications goes down temporarily. The crew isn't often alerted of this, but the AI always is. Sometimes confused due to crew incompetence with the Ion Storm, detailed below.

Disease Outbreak

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 10

Chance of occurrence: Low

"Confirmed outbreak of level 7 viral biohazard aboard <station name>. All personnel must contain the outbreak."

Get your asses in gear, medbay! A virus has somehow made it aboard the station. Could be the common cold, could be the confusing space retrovirus, could be the crippling brainrot, or a completely random Advanced Virus.

Due to the similar CentCom alert, expect many confused/dumb crewmen to fill communications with cries of "WHERE'S THE BLOB?" or "LYNCH VIRO."

The longer the round has gone on, the worse the virus!

Electrical Storm

Minimum round time: 10 minutes

Minimum players: 5

Chance of occurrence: Very High

"An electrical storm has been detected in your area, please repair potential electronic overloads."

A bunch of lights short out in a general area on the station. Annoying at best. But at least it gives the janitor something to do other than mop blood trails.

Fake Virus

Chance of occurrence: Very High

One to three random crewmembers will start experiencing random virus symptoms, such as a headache, coughing, or sneezing. These symptoms will gradually increase in frequency and become more severe over the course of three minutes, after which the symptoms will vanish. A Health Analyzer should clear the misconception up. In addition, shortly after the first one to three crewmembers are afflicted, another one to five other random crewmembers will cough, sneeze, or feel lightheaded exactly once.

False Alarm

Minimum round time: 20 Minutes

Chance of occurrence: Above Average

Plays a false alarm message for about any other event. Fun with meteors.

Grid Check

Minimum round time: 20 Minutes

Chance of occurrence: Average

"Abnormal activity detected in station name's powernet. As a precautionary measure, the station's power will be shut off for an indeterminate duration."

Shuts down all APCs stationwide for 30 to 120 seconds, with the exception of Engineering. Usually leads to stationwide looting once Assistants crowbar open airlocks.
Can be fixed early by hitting the APC's "Reset" button.

Immovable Rod

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 15

Chance of occurrence: Average

"What the fuck was that?!"

Something of a humorous physics joke, an immovable rod will travel through the station in a straight line causing reasonable amounts of damage to the structure and killing anybody unfortunate to be in its path. They take some time to travel through the station, make an immense amount of noise, and as such are avoidable to players with quick reflexes. They will often open up secure areas, resulting in looting. If an Immovable Rod's path includes the arrivals shuttle, or any of the escape pods, you will find out what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.

High-Priority Bounty

Minimum round time: 10 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Very High

"Central Command has issued a high-priority cargo bounty. Details have been sent to all bounty consoles."

Whenever Cargo completes a bounty, there is a reasonable chance that it will be replaced with a high-priority bounty. All this really changes is that the reward for completing said bounty is doubled, encouraging Cargo to complete it. There is a maximum of three high-priority bounties that can be assigned in a round, meaning that during long shifts, it's pretty likely that Cargo's going to run out of these.

Ion Storm

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 2, with at least one AI existing

Chance of occurrence: Above Average

"Ion storm detected near the station. Please check all AI-controlled equipment for errors."

All AIs aboard the station are uploaded with a random, glitched law! These new laws have random symbols for numbers, and thus are listed as the highest priority laws. New AI laws can range from bizarre and humorous to outright dangerous. A few examples include "CARGO REQUIRES THE STATION'S UNDERWEAR," "THE STATION IS HAPPIER WITHOUT VIPERS," and "JOHN SMITH IS A XENO." This sometimes results in someone having to reset the AI.

Ion storms can also cause the order of laws to be rearranged. Have fun with an AI that doesn't have "you may not harm a human" as priority #1!

Even better, Ion storms can sometimes replace laws or even whole lawsets.

Mass Hallucination

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Average

Everyone shares a hallucination! Doesn't even have a CentCom notice. Might result in mass panic due to an imaginary delta alert notice.

Meteor Wave

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 15/25/25 (Normal/Threatening/Catastrophic)

Chance of occurrence: Below Average

"Meteors have been detected on collision course with the station."

Meteors begin to spawn on the outer edges of the map, hurling across space! These are capable of dealing heavy damage, if not instantly annihilating anything they collide with. Capable of even releasing the singularity with a few bad hits!

Meateor Wave

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Very Low

"Meaty ores have been detected on collision course with the station."

Like meteors, but with meat and gibs instead of minerals.

Mice Migration

Minimum round time: 20 Minutes

Chance of occurrence: Average

"Migration Alert."

Spawns a bunch of cable-chewing mice all over the station's maintenance tunnels. It's a good idea to send in Engineers/cats/snakes/lizardpeople.

Portal Storm

Minimum round time: 30 minutes

Minimum players: 15

Chance of occurrence: Very Low

"Massive bluespace anomaly detected en route to <station name>. Brace for impact."

A bunch of green portals start appearing on the station, spawning syndicate shocktroops.

Greytide Virus

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 5

Chance of occurrence: Average

"Gr3y.T1d3 virus detected in <station name> imprisonment subroutines. Recommend station AI involvement."

All of the doors in a specific department or multiple departments become bolted open. The AI or cyborgs can fix this quickly, but hacking will do in a pinch.

Processor Overload

Minimum round time: 20 Minutes

Minimum players: 20

Chance of occurrence: Above average

"Exospheric bubble inbound. Processor overload is likely. Please contact you*%xp25)`6cq-BZZT"

Blows up telecommunication processors and causes Engineers to despair as none of them know how to fix tcomms.

Radiation Storm

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Average

"High levels of radiation detected near the station. Maintenance is best shielded from radiation."

Everyone caught outside of protected zones is subject to a hefty dose of radiation. If you're particularly unlucky, you might get a bad mutation, or an extra strong radiation pulse. If you're lucky, you might get a genetic power!

Random Heart Attack

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 40

Chance of occurrence: High

Unlucky spessmen get heart disease, which if it reaches stage 5, causes a heart attack. The only permanent cure for heart disease is surgery, albeit corazone can help stop the progression of heart disease. Using gym equipment will grant a hidden exercise buff that prevents heart disease for 20 minutes.

Random Human-level Intelligence

Minimum round time: 20 Minutes

Chance of occurrence: Average

"Based on [data], we believe that one of the station's [pets] has developed [random] level intelligence, and the ability to communicate."

Grants a ghost control over one of the station's simple animals/robots.

Shuttle Loan

Minimum round time: 6 Minutes

Chance of occurrence: Average

CentCom takes control of the Supply Shuttle and recalls it for some purpose they state in the announcement.

Cargo Bay can decide whether they want to loan the Supply Shuttle to CentCom for 5 minutes through the Supply Shuttle Console. The station receives a nice sum of bonus cargo points, in exchange for the following...

  • "The syndicate are trying to infiltrate your station. If you let them hijack your shuttle, you'll save us a headache."
  • "A group of angry russians want to have a party, can you send them your cargo shuttle then make them disappear?"
    • A number of armed and angry Russians, plus a bear or two come with the next supply shuttle. Kill them for some sweet duds!
  • "The Spider Clan has sent us a mysterious gift, can we ship it to you to see what's inside?"
    • The next supply shuttle comes loaded with giant spiders, nasty!
  • "Your station has been chosen for an epidemiological research project. Send us your cargo shuttle to receive your research samples."
    • The next shuttle comes with human corpses ridden with various viruses, to be used for the benefit of science or traitoring. May also include virus culture bottles.
  • "Seems we've ordered doubles of our department resupply packages this month. Can we send them to you?"
    • The next shuttle comes loaded with a variety of free goodies. Sweet! (Does not include extra points. Dang.)
  • "It looks like a neighbouring station accidentally delivered their pizza to you instead."
    • You get a bunch of free pizzas! May or may not include a pizza bomb.

Space Dust

Minimum round time: None

Chance of occurrence: Extremely High

Spawns some high-speed space dust that can break grilles or windows on the edge of the station.

Space Dust (Major)

Minimum round time: None

Chance of occurrence: Below Average

"A neighbouring station is throwing rocks at you. Perhaps they've grown tired of your messages."

Spawns small meteors that can cause trouble.

Space Vines

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 10

Chance of occurrence: Above Average

A plant which spreads extremely rapidly around the station. Space vines will grow thicker with time, first getting thick enough to block vision, then capable of entangling people. You can resist entanglement, but it is safer to avoid the vines. Airlocks, fire doors and windows will stop their growth until someone opens them. If in an open area, the vines will continue to expand until they engulf every space not blocked off!

To fight the vines:

  • Drag a goat, either Pete or one ordered from cargo into the vines. It'll eat any vine it passes into, and even quickly consume them on its own so long as there's any nearby.
  • A scythe from a weed control crate is effective.
  • Plant-b-gone spray from botany and weedkiller grenades from cargo are also good options.
  • Fire will also kill vines dead. Not recommended, as it will also kill anyone unfortunate to be caught around it.

Spider Infestation

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 5

Chance of occurrence: Very Low

"Unidentified lifesigns detected coming aboard <station name>. Secure any exterior access, including ducting and ventilation."

A number of spiderlings, along with a good chance of their mother spawn aboard the station. The babies will eventually grow into adult giant spiders, so smash them while they're vulnerable!

Spontaneous Appendicitis

Minimum round time: 10 minutes

Minimum players: 5

Chance of occurrence: High

Even spacemen have to deal with appendicitis sometimes!

Spontaneous Brain Trauma

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 5

Chance of occurrence: High

Sometimes your brain goes a little wrong.

As a wise man once said: "Didn't make sense not to live for fun, Your brain gets smart, but your head gets dumb"

Stray Cargo Pod

Minimum round time: 10 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Very High

"Stray cargo pod detected on long-range scanners. Expected location of impact: [impact_area.name]."

A pod containing a random cargo supply park lands in a random part of the station. Contraband included!

Stray Syndicate Cargo Pod

Minimum round time: 30 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Low

"Stray cargo pod detected on long-range scanners. Expected location of impact: [impact_area.name]."

A pod containing a crate loaded with 30 telecrystals worth of Syndicate Items lands in a random part of the station. A blast from the past.


Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 2

Chance of occurrence: Very Low

"Space-time anomalies detected on the station. There is no additional data."

Wormholes start appearing randomly around the station for several minutes. Going into one of these wormholes will teleport you to a random location. Sometimes you might be lucky enough to wind up somewhere good. Sometimes you might find yourself out in the middle of space.

If you have no intention of taking the gamble, you should move around the station in Walk mode. Wormholes that spawn directly on you will not warp you, so remaining perfectly still will ensure your safety. But take care not to let some chucklefuck push you into one!

Wisdom Cow

Chance of occurrence: Very High - but it can only happen once!

"A wise cow has been spotted in the area. Be sure to ask for her advice."

A cow spawns in a random area on the station. Centcomm doesn't tell you where, but the cow will wander around a bit. The first person who interacts with the wisdom cow will receive a puzzling piece of advice, and become a master at a random skill, upon which the wisdom cow will vanish.

Antagonist Events

These events spawn various player-controlled antags that are announced to ghosts.


Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 20

Chance of occurrence: Average

Spawns an abductor team that will kidnap and experiment on the crew.

Alien Infestation

Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 10

Chance of occurrence: Low

"Unidentified lifesigns detected coming aboard <station name>. Secure any exterior access, including ducting and ventilation."

One or more alien larva spawn in random locations aboard the station, their players pulled from ghosts with the role enabled.


Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 20

Chance of occurrence: Low

"Confirmed outbreak of level 5 biohazard aboard <station name>. All personnel must contain the outbreak."

A Blob spawns in a random location on the station. This will prevent the shuttle from leaving until it is either destroyed or kills everyone on station.

Fugitives / Hunters

Minimum round time: 30 minutes

Minimum players: 20

Chance of occurrence: Low

Spawns a team of Fugitives in a random spot in Maintenance, with no access and a single toolbox to hack around with. After 10 minutes, a team of Hunters, with basic access, is spawned in through a shuttle, and is assigned to capture the fugitives.


Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Minimum players: 15

Chance of occurrence: Average

Spawns a sentient Nightmare.


Minimum round time: 1 hour

Minimum players: 15

Chance of occurrence: Average

A Space Ninja spawns. 'nuff said here.


Minimum round time: 30 minutes

Minimum players: 10

Chance of occurrence: Low

Yar har! We're here for your credits!

The station receives a communication extorting current station funds (80% of ya'rr points to be exact!). If they answer yes, the money is just gone and nothing of interest happens.

If the station refuses to pay or is silent for 3 minutes, a pirate shuttle arrives somewhere in space.

Pirates can activate the Data Siphon - a device that steals station funds and shuts down RnD servers as well as the cargo shuttle. However, this reveals the pirate shuttle with a GPS beacon.


Minimum round time: 20 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Below average

Spawns a Revenant on station.

Sentient Disease

Minimum round time: None

Chance of occurrence: Low

Spawns a Sentient Disease on station.

Slaughter Demon

Minimum round time: 1 hour

Chance of occurrence: Extremely Low

Spawns a Slaughter Demon on station.

Solo Operative

Minimum round time: None

Chance of occurrence: None, unless the Nuclear Authentication Disk is unsecured, in which case it slowly ticks up to Low

Spawns a single Nuclear Operative, with 20 Telecrystals in their uplink.

Space Dragon

Minimum round time: 1 hour and 10 minutes (70 minutes)

Minimum players: 20

Chance of occurrence: Extremely Low

"A large organic energy flux has been recorded near your station, please stand-by."

Spawns a Space Dragon on station.


Minimum round time: 30 minutes

Chance of occurrence: Below Average

"Our long-range sensors have detected an odd signal emanating from your station's gateway. We recommend immediate investigation of your gateway, as something may have come through."

Spawns a Swarmer shell on station.

Wiznerd Events

These events replace the regular events when the wizard casts Summon Events.

Special Events Prompt Effects Chance
Advanced Darkness
Your eyes hurt... a vignette settles in your vision and closes in.

This isn't your average everday darkness... this is advanced darkness!
At last, the darkness recedes.

Restricts the vision of affected mobs to a single tile in the cardinal directions. Flashlights, normal lights, they all do jack when you're trapped in Rock Bottom. Low
Blobies None Some corpses turn into non-sentient Blob Zombies which are non-infectious. Average
Change Faces None All sentient beings (including the wizard) swap their faces randomly High
Change Minds None All sentient beings (except for the wizard) swap their minds randomly. An assistant can have his mind swapped with the captain, antags are carried along with the mind, but if you're a changeling, you're sort of boned. Very Low
Change Places None All sentient beings swap places randomly (if they are in the station) Low
Cursed Items None Cursed Katanas, Fake Wizard Robes, LSD Laced Cigarettes, Boxing Gloves, Luchador Masks, Chameleon Masks, and Cat Ears are distributed among the crew Average
Ghost You suddenly feel extremely obvious... Ghosts are now visible to the crew. Average
Greentext The mythical greentext appear at your feet! Pick it up if you dare... Anyone who picks up the greentext gains an objective to escape alive while carrying the greentext. Problem is, the greentext is absolutely gargantuan and weighs a literal ton. High
Imposter None A fake, identical body double to the real wizard spawns. Can cast fake spells to confuse and scare the crew. Very Low
Improved Casting None The cooldown of a single spell for the Wizard is decreased as if that spell had been taken again. Average
Invincible None A random human (filthy liggers get out) is injected with 40 units of adminordrazine, making them invincible for 100 ticks Average
Lava Warning:
You feel the ground beneath you getting hot. Waves of heat distort the air.

The floor is lava! Get on top of something!
The ground cools and returns to its usual form.

The ground turns into surprisingly cool lava, lightly damaging anything on the floor. Flood the station with plasma for optimal effect. Low
Magicarp Unknown magical entities have been detected near [station_name()], please stand-by. Magicarps and Chaos Magicarps are spawned around the station Very Low
Petsplosion None The bane of every HOP, animals around the station start to randomly gib Low
Possession You suddenly feel a welling of new spooky powers... Ghosts become visible to the crew, and can possess objects and spook people Low
Race You feel somehow... different? Everyone turns into a random different species. Very unfortunate if you happen to turn into a Plasmaman. Low
RPG Loot None All items get a snazzy little pronoun which either buffs or nerfs the item. Items can be buffed by using an item fortification scroll. Average
Robeless Casting None The wizard can now cast all of his spells without any of his robes. Low
Summon Guns None Everyone get guns, some get a survival objective Very Low
Summon Magic None Everyone gets a wand, some get an objective to steal magical items Very Low