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You've worked yourself out being a [[Security Officer]]. Not hard enough for you? Well, you're in the right place. I hope. Being the Head of the entire [[Jobs#Security|Security Department]] that are tasked with protecting the entire station and its crew isn't an easy job. In fact, you have it the hardest only bested by the [[Captain]]. But just maybe, you might be able to lead your modest crew of [[Security Officer|Officers]] and the rest of the [[Brig]] personnel to victory against those who wish to bring harm and ruin to NanoTrasen.
== Job Description ==
Your job isn't to hunt people down, unless it's an urgent matter in one of the many places your normal security officers can't get into, so you can usually just sit in your office and let the [[Roboticist#Securitron|securitrons]] and officers do it for you. You have more access to the station than anyone else in security, but less than the other heads. Try not to depend on it.

'''Bare minimum requirements:''' Try to keep your team alive, working together, communicating, concentrating on the bigger fish rather than small leeches and not devolve into shitcurity.
You are concerned with the following people:

* [[Security Officer|Security Officers]]: These are your pawns, and it's your job to control them. If they're being incompetent resource wasters, yell at them and get them to fall in line. If they continue, tell them to stop or have them demoted. A security officer that does not do his job properly shouldn't even have this job in the first place.

== [[File:Bulletproofhelm.png]]'''THE Peacekeeper''' ==
* [[Warden|The Warden]]: This is a special security officer who acts as the Brig's watchdog. Make sure he doesn't set and/or support unfair and bad brig times, that he doesn't leave the Brig, and he won't bother you. He also hands out equipment in emergencies, and will take over if you happen to be unavailable.
<span style="background-color:salmon; font-size: 200%;">[[File:StunBaton.gif|64px]]'''[[Guide to security|See here to view the Guide to Security to learn the full in-and-outs of being an officer. Read this religiously if you want to be competent at being the Head of Security.]]'''[[File:StunBaton.gif|64px]]</span>

As head of [[security|Security]], it is your responsibility to watch over the [[Brig]], [[Bridge]], and [[Courtroom]] areas and to make sure Security Officers [[shitcurity|don't ruin everything]]. Your job isn't to hunt people down unless it's an urgent matter in one of the many places your normal security officers can't get into, so you can usually just sit in your office and let the [[Roboticist#Securitron|securitrons]] and redshirts do it for you. You have more access to the station than anyone else in security, but less than the other heads. Try not to depend on it.
* [[Detective|The Detective]]: The job of the detective is to investigate crimes, conjointly with the Forensic Technician. They specialize in interrogating suspects and witnesses, and pursuing leads. They are firmly under your command, regardless of what they may say.

* [[Forensic Technician|The Forensic Technician]]: The job of the Forensic Technician is to investigate crimes, conjointly with the Detective. They specialize in analyzing evidence procured at a crime scene, and dispose of their own lab to do so.

== Your Office ==
* [[Job_Guides#Command|Station Command]]: Should security or anyone else be acting out of their job description [[Job_Guides#Command|Station Command]] can be called in. They conduct their own investigations to determine whether someone has overstepped their power or authority. You have no direct authority over them.
[[File:hos-office.png|300px|thumb|alt=Security Office|Your office is in the main [[Security Office]], complete with posh carpeting!]]
Your office is in the [[Security Office]]. It holds several weapons, devices, a [[recharger]], and both types of security terminals, as well as a personal Head of Security Hardsuit, with slightly better armor plating and a unique look. Included as well are your usual office supplies, your unique stamp, key terminal, and a button to close the shutters on your windows.

Contents of the office include an [[energy gun]], your very stylish three-setting [[Guide to Head of Staff Equipment#Head of Security|X-01 Multiphase Energy Gun]], a [[stun baton]], a [[Security_items#Riot_Shield|riot shield]], [[Security_items#Mindshield_Implant|mindshield implants]], [[Flashbang|a box of flashbangs]], a full [[Security Belt]], and multiple stylish alt outfits to wear. It is recommended that you take most of these things, as they can come in handy when you really need them. Also included in your locker is a host of miscellaneous gear ranging from loudspeakers to remote door controls, depending on how generous central command is.  
== Strategy ==
=== Officers, Roll Out ===
The first step towards keeping the station safe is to ensure that your own officers aren't a threat. Security enforces the law, but they are not above it - and neither are you. Make sure that all of your personnel are familiar with the regulations regarding [[Corporate Regulations]], and [[Security_Officer#Standard_Procedure|standard Security practices]].

'''[[Guide to Head of Staff Equipment#Head of Security|Have a look at all your unique equipment here.]]'''
Once your force is up to speed on the rules and regulations, send them out on patrol. Pay attention to all the radio channels for any calls for help. If there are any, dispatch some officers to handle it, and make sure that the [[Detective]] collects any relevant evidence. Make sure that the Warden keeps the Security records up-to-date, not in the least because Beepsky can help your officers catch criminals who would otherwise evade them.  

==[[File:Hoscap.png|32px]] Your Authority ==
=== Laying Down the Law ===
As the Head of Security, you are responsible for a lot of important security staff. It's important not to lose track of them, and make sure they are doing their job correctly. You are concerned with the following people:
Check to make sure that appropriate times are given out for violations of Corporate Regulations, and that your department only arrest people who have actually committed crimes. Remember, if they're doing something that you don't like but is technically not against the law, you can issue an official injunction - preferably in a official sounding language, written, and stamped with your Head of Security stamp - against it. Expect abuse of this power to be called out, however.

===[[File:Helmet.png]] [[Security Officers]]===
If one of your officers misbehave, yell at them, or in more serious cases, show them the inside of a cell. Keep them busy by sending them on patrols, leads, and follow-ups. An unoccupied officer is often a [[NanoTrasen_Liaison#Submitting_an_Incident_Report|bad officer.]]
These are your pawns, and it's your job to control them. Each of them is given an assignment when they sign up. If they're being assholes, yell at them and get them to fall in line - if they continue, throw them in the brig for a little while. It's important not to let these guys run rampant, because they can and will fuck everything up if you do. If they seem to not know what they need to do, give them a firm reminder of what they need to do. On occasion you might have a new player on your team, so don't go too hard on them. However, if they continue to be assholes or just totally incompetent, bust them back down to assistant and kick them off the force.

===[[File:Policecap.png]] [[Warden|The Warden]]===  
==== El Capitan ====
This is a special security officer who acts as the Brig's watchdog. Make sure he doesn't set and/or support shitty brig times and that he doesn't leave the Brig while prisoners are present. He is next in the line of succession if you get bumped off, and your most senior lieutenant. Treat him like your right-hand man, as he can run the Brig just fine by himself under most situations.
It is also important that you understand the relationship between Security and the [[Captain]]. The Captain's authority on the station is absolute, except where it conflicts with Corporate Regulations; the Captain cannot pardon criminals, cannot get away with committing crimes, and so on. The only time that Corporate Regulations can be overridden is when there is an imminent and overwhelming threat to the station. Other Heads of Staff are required to follow Corporate Regulations as well. '''However''', this does not mean that you are the law. You are still outranked by the Captain. You can only arrest the Captain, or other Heads of Staff, if they've actually committed a crime. Until that time, you have to follow orders just like anyone else.

===[[File:Detectivefedora.png]] [[Detective|The Detective]]===
A loose cannon at best, dangerous at worst. Generally just let him do his thing. He's used to operating with a fair degree of autonomy from Sec. Just remember to call him a loose cannon from time to time and be ready to send in the redshirts should he uncover [[Changeling|something big]].

===[[File:Fedora.png]] [[Lawyer|Lawyers]]===
Finally, always remember to follow [[Security_Officer#Standard_Procedure|standard security procedures!]]
The Lawyers' job is to watch you and try to cite you for violating a guideline. Your authority over them is questionable, although you are completely within your rights to remove their Security radio access if it becomes an issue. When used correctly, the station's legal counselors can provide an extra layer of security by keeping an eye on things or by policing the various debris and detritus that crops up over the course of a shift. Pass out some spare sunglasses or a SecHUD (if you're feeling particularly generous) and don't refuse their clients' right to counsel. If you wind with a ''[[traitor|criminal]] attorney'' on your hands, don't hesitate to bring the hammer down.

== Office ==
Your office is in the [[Security_Officer#The_Brig|Brig]]. It holds various security equipment for use in apprehending and detaining criminals. Your office also has both a security records computer and a security camera potato which you can use to monitor the station from the comfort of your desk chair.

==[[File:Clipboard paper.png]] Assignments==
== Brig ==
Each officer is given an assignment when they join the game. Most will be assigned to guard one of the four major departments (Medbay, Research, Engineering, and Supply). Department guards are given a small security office along with limited access and are able to use that department's radio channel. Department guards are also marked with color-coded armbands. It is your job to make sure each department is staffed by a member of security. If a department becomes a hotspot for criminal activity, it may be a good idea to reallocate more men to that department.
The holding area for prisoners. Only people with access to security can enter. It's still possible for normal crewmembers to view the cells through the windows behind them. As the windows are electrified, though, they're not a valid means of entry unless the person happens to have insulated gloves.

==[[File:Handcuffs.png]] The [[Brig]] ==
The brig also has blast doors in all of the windows, as well as the halls into the cells. There's a button to drop them in the warden's office and your office.
[[File:Thebrig.png|300px|thumb|alt=Brig|The [[Brig]] is where most of your "in-and-out" prisoners will make their stay.]]
The holding area for prisoners. Security personnel, [[Heads of Staff]], and the Lawyer have access to the hallway, but only Security personnel can use the cell controls. It's still possible for normal crewmembers to view the cells through the windows behind them. As the windows are electrified, though, they're not a valid means of entry unless the person happens to have insulated gloves.

Prisoners try to flee all the time, so do something about the doors (portable flasher), or handcuff them to the bed as you investigate their items (make sure to release them if they aren't super dangerous). And '''SET A GOD DAMN TIME TO THE TIMER''' -- it won't lock the door unless you do this. Remember that [[Station Engineer|some]] [[Quartermaster|prisoners]] may have a toolbelt or insulated gloves, thus a means to escape if left unsupervised. Remember to remove possible weapons, unless you want [[robust|a]] [[Handcuffs|nasty]] [[Stun Baton|surprise]], but you already knew that, [[Shitcurity|right?]]
Prisoners may try to flee, so do something about the doors (portable flasher), or handcuff them to the bed as you investigate their items (make sure to then release from the bed and cuffs if they aren't dangerous). And, '''SET A TIME TO THE TIMER''' (the door won't lock unless you do this). Make sure to [[Corporate Regulations|keep the time to the crime]].

In the event that a prisoner has been deemed too dangerous to release, they can either be executed or, if you aren't <strike>a barbarian</strike> a true manly HoS, taken to the [[Prison Wing]]. The prison wing is located to the upper left of the Warden's Office. It can comfortably hold just as many prisoners as the normal brig, but it has real airlocks to block the cells and the entire wing can be locked down with impenetrable security shutters. It also has no automatic timer, so don't put someone in a permanent cell without a very good reason. If you wish to execute someone the humane way, you can also use the <s>lethal injection</s> prisoner transfer chamber located to the left of the prison wing. If you do go this route make sure you keep it reasonably a secret from any Asimov silicons, i.e. don't talk about execution over security radio.
In the event that a prisoner has been deemed too dangerous to release, they can be kept in one of the secure holding cells.

Or you can banish a prisoner to the Lavaland Gulag. A comfortable, out of the way location where escape is 99% impossible. Just make sure to not ""'''accidently'''"" push the prisoner into the lava lake......
== Links to Other Departments ==
As Head of Security, you coordinate your actions with the captain, the other heads of staff, and your officers. You will often work with Medical, when a crime results in injury, when a prisoner is hurt, or when a patient is violent. When a criminal damages station infrastructure, you will work with Engineering to determine what happened and whether it's safe for your officers to investigate. Supply and Research can get you high-powered weapons if you need them. And do try to keep the janitor from thoughtlessly cleaning up the evidence.

== You're My Favourite Deputy ==
== Traitoring ==
You're <s>occasionally</s> almost always going to get an understaffed (or entirely absent) department staff. This is going to pose a problem, especially during times of crisis. Luckily you are capable of deputizing volunteering members of the crew without having to make them full officers.
Head of Security would theoretically be one of the easiest traitor jobs on station. You are the most heavily armed and armoured person on station, with about as much access as the Head of Personnel, and have the entire security department under your thumb. You are also seen as one of the most trustworthy people on the station. However, don't count on ever becoming a traitor by normal means, as you are Mindshield Implanted. But there can be situational exceptions to this rule, but it's unlikely it'll ever happen.
With your access to the Bridge ID Console, you can give people security access. A box of armbands in your office can also be used as a badge for those who you have deputized. Hand them some gear and cuffs, give them a briefing of what you expect from them, consider [[Security_items#Mindshield_Implant|mindshield implant]]ing them, and set them loose on the station.
By deputizing a crewman, you are authorizing them to act as a member of security. Although you run the risk of deputizing those who are [[Clown|inexperienced]] or downright [[Traitor|treasonous]], they can prove to be a valuable asset in extraordinary circumstances.
==[[File:StunBaton.gif|32px]] Day to Day ==
You'll be dealing with the possibility of several different types of threats to the station on a round-to-round basis. It's generally a good idea to be alert and ready to call out exactly what the flavor of the shift is as soon as you can confirm it, so that your officers can be informed in their decisions from that point on. Knowing how to deal with everything that can be thrown at you is crucial to working well as the Head of Security, and while this guide provides a good start, experience is the greatest teacher.
You have basic departmental access, which means you can easily get into Engineering, Science, Medbay, and Cargo and <s>help yourself to choice goodies</s> investigate crime.
==[[File:Multiphase gun stun.gif]] Shut it Down ==
If the situation on the station is spiraling out of control, and your control of the brig is in question, you can attempt to lock down the brig to hostile forces. Within the Warden's Office, and your Office, are controls that allow you to lock down the brig, these will activate massive blast doors that can selectively seal off the brig, making it significantly harder for anyone to get into the brig, and more predictable. You can then use security barricades to seal off entrances, as well as using the Security Door Control to bolt off select doors to the brig (usually held by the Warden).
===[[File:Flash.gif|32px]] Riot Control ===
The Head of Security is a target while in [[Revolution]] mode. He's also one of the toughest people to attempt to attack directly. It is important to be reserved when you hear of flashing in random locations and don't immediately run out and start beating skulls in. This makes you an easy victim. Bear in mind that some traitors will attempt to fool you into thinking a revolution is on - a false revolutionary might instead be carrying several [[Syndicate Items|strange and powerful]] weapons. That being said, just like any other head of staff in a revolution, you need to keep on the move. Staying in one place for long -- even a place people wouldn't expect you to be -- makes you a much easier target for a mob attack or stealthy bombing.
To decommission a revolutionary, you have two options: Beat their head in like the [[shitcurity|monster]] they always knew you were, or forcibly inject a [[Security_items#Mindshield_Implant|Mindshield Implant]] into their brain. The former, while a good deal more satisfying, is both unreliable and dangerous - It's easy to accidentally bludgeon someone not only out of the revolution but also out of their mortal coil. The latter takes more time and is limited in uses, but ensures people will stay on your side, barring an implant removal surgery. Don't be afraid to start tazing and implanting passers-by once a revolution is on board.
'''Remember''': If anyone 'seems to reject an implant, they are a Head Revolutionary and must be either killed or exiled if you intend to win control of the station. While you could shove them through the gateway or onto the penal colony, it's just as good to beat them to death in the Brig and leave their body to rot in the Warden's office - Or better yet, out of sight in the Gulag where nobody will ever find it.
===[[File:Ritual knife.png|32px]] The Inquisition ===
With a cult on board, you quickly become both very important and very vulnerable. For all your gear, nothing but the [[Chaplain]] can protect you from a heretic with a piece of rune-etched paper. Success in defeating a cult is based primarily around resource management and thoroughness in your actions - It can be very difficult for the dark one's followers to complete their task when faced with a responsive Security team. It's important to acknowledge firstly the danger of a cult: It's members, much like during a revolution, blend in with the crew at large, yet can disable you instantly and drag you off to be sacrificed while you try in vain to scream for help.
The [[Chaplain]] is easily the most important person on board, barring almost nothing: They provide you with an endless source of Holy Water, your primary weapon in staving off the cult and rescuing crewmembers from it's grasp. It should be your top priority to secure them inside the Brig the instant a cult presence is confirmed, as they will very likely be an early target. Luckily, their null rod keeps them safe from magic, and can oftentimes mean the difference between victory and defeat. Force-feeding enough holy water to a cultist will force the darkness out of them, bringing them back to your side. Similarly, when applied to the floor, it is an invalid location for Wraiths attempting to jaunt.
One of your greatest allies outside of the [[Chaplain]] is the [[AI]]: It's constant camera view of the station cannot see runes, but it can easily report and lock down suspicious congregations of humans. Equipping it with a P.A.L.A.D.I.N. lawset gains you an extremely powerful surveillance unit that can single-handedly flush out the cult into your waiting arms. Be aware, however, that a Wraith can very easily kill the [[AI]]. Your comrade may be sadly short-lived.
Oftentimes, the cult will transition from a stealthy threat to a very blatant one with constructs and armor. Apply judicious amounts of laser fire and try not to get in melee range. Constructs are incredibly dangerous in the later stages of the game where they are able to mass-produce shells and shards. More often than not, it's best to begin evacuation when constructs start appearing en masse, as it is indicative of a very strong cult presence.
Constructs, as mentioned, can be a massive mid to end game threat from a cult. Juggernauts will make up the bulk of the cult forces, not only do they have a heafty health pool but their unique armor will deflect a good portion of energy attacks, the best way to kill a Juggernaut is to use a ballistic weapon, such as a buckshot Riot Shotgun or a cargo ordered Auto Rifle. 
'''Important''': Out of Holy Water? Chaplain dead, MIA, or never showed up? [[Cargo]] can order you religious supply crates, and [[Botany]] can mutate melons into holy-melons, which are rich in holy water.
===[[File:Nuke.gif|32px]] Being Nuclear/Wild ===
Red hardsuits, dead AIs, telecomms explosions, oh my! Nuclear Emergencies are perhaps some of the most individually demanding rounds for a Head of Security, requiring a large deal of knowledge and raw robusting skill to overcome the terrorist strike team aboard the station. The premise is simple: There is a fukken disk, and you need to keep it. Fortunately you will start the shift with the pinpointer, making your job of finding the Captain, Clown or Operative with the nuke disk much easier.. The operatives all have pinpointers of their own, so remember that hiding the disk is never a viable option, as they can track it down. Similarly, leaving the z-level with the disk (or destroying it) will cause it to respawn at a random predetermined point on the station, which is typically a worst-case scenario.
When shit hits the fan (The AI mysteriously dies and Telecommunications is now a smoking wreck), your first priority should be to locate and secure the disk. This typically involves dragging the Captain to Brig and using your desk announcement system (Which does work with comms down) to summon your loyal minions to the brig. They'll want the bulletproof armors and some lethal weaponry, and potentially the Ion Rifle, depending on what was brought.
Typically, it's a good idea to arm some assorted crewmen on top of your own forces, as they provide valuable meat shields for the more important people. Nuke ops also like to bomb and/or raid the armory, so your brig may become the front lines of battle.
Did you lose the disk? It ain't over 'til it's over, so don't be afraid to don your special Hardsuit and chase those chucklefucks right back to their own shuttle. So long as the disk escapes on the Emergency Shuttle, you are in the green. Worst case scenario you can still evacuate to the mining station/gulag.
There are four possible endings for a Nuclear Emergency:
===[[File:Blob core.gif|32px]] Biohazard Containment ===
For once, a problem you can't solve by harmbatoning. With a blob on board, you take on a unique support role that will see you bouncing between the frontline and the supply lines in the rear. Once a blob has been confirmed, your first and highest priority should be to empty out the Armory and distribute the energy weapons. Typically, it's a good idea to stow the Tasers and Shotguns, seeing as they're next to useless against biomass and some chucklefuck can and will waste precious time trying to use them. Against certain chemical variants, the Riot Gear is incredibly strong as well. '''Fuck the Ion Rifle. Hide the Ion Rifle. Someone will take it and Ion you and ruin your day'''; it sounds like common sense but you will save yourself a world of hurt by just shoving it in a locked locker.
Once you've ensured the crew is armed, it's usually best to gauge where you're needed and bounce between fighting the blob and making sure new weapons crates get unlocked. You're going to be one of the three or four jobs on the station who can open up the incredibly cost-efficient laser crates (3 guns for 15 points!) so try and remember how important you are. Beyond that, you carry a couple of guns yourself, and the more fire support the merrier. Finally, when you're not lasering blob or opening crates, start fetching rechargers from the Brig or nearby Security posts to bring to the front where they're needed.
==[[File:Light Bulb.png]]Tips==
* If you label all the items in the armory, and all items you distribute, you'll know exactly who fucked up and how when said items turn up in the backpack of the Clown
* There are muzzles and straitjackets in the prison wing for restraining dangerous prisoners
* If you fill an air tank with 20% O2 and 80% N2O, set the pressure to 101kpa, put on someone along with a mask, and turn their internals on, you can give them a fate worse than death for close to eternity. This also keeps changelings from reviving easily, but they can just use adrenals (they also work while asleep) and then turn off internals to escape. It's still good to buy you time to get to the kitchen or cremator.
* You can use the gulag shuttle (or any other shuttle, but the gulag one is the most reliable) to gib changelings. Surprisingly useful if the gibber and cremator were destroyed.
* The Armory has a few types of special implants - If you run out, more can be ordered from Cargo
** Chemical implants can be triggered by the recipient or remotely via a prisoner control console
** Each Chemical implant can be filled up with 50 units of chemicals injected into the implant while it is still in it's casing
** Tracking Implants have three functions: They tell you the approximate distance to your target, the direction from your current position (With the tracker), and acting as a teleportation beacon
** Suspected Changelings can be implanted with a tracking implant, as it gives a special HUD icon, ex. I didn't implant that person but they have an implant, probably a ling
** You can use tracking implants to give completely private orders to individual officers even while Telecomms is down
* Giving a lethal parole implant is an effective way to keep track of your prisoners: Ask Chemistry for the deadliest 50u they can make and pump it into an implant
* Permabrig's electric razor is impractical; many people can be recognized on sight from their hairstyles and shaving them bald removes that
* Taking a Riot Shotgun, <s>filling it with buckshot shells,</s> taking it out back and sawing it off with a circular saw will let you put it in your backpack, giving you a perfect counter to energy sword/shield users.
* Disablers can be ordered from cargo for cheap (1,500 points as opposed to 2000-3000 for other weapons), and are a nice alternative to giving civilians tasers because they:
**Take at least three shots to do anything more than slow, due to the lack of a proper taser bolt option
**Have 20 shots before needing to recharge
**Are easy to identify
**Don't have a lethal function
* If you can get Sergeant Araneus a sentience potion from Xenobio, he can help assist security. Besides, a giant spider patrolling the brig gives you several badass points.
* Keeping a close eye on your Officers and other staff is usually a very good idea. Keep tabs on your Officer's life signs by getting a portable Crew Monitor from Medbay. The [[CMO]] will most likely not mind.
**This however will not be able to detect [[Changeling|Changelings]] if they are fully disquised. Beware of these creatures infiltrating your security force. They are one of the biggest threats to you and your team simply because of their ability to assimilate into any scenario seemlessly. ''The enemy might be right next to you and you would never know.''

Even the Head of Security is not above the law and it can be very easy to be ousted as a traitorous element if the antagonist Head of Security isn't treading carefully.

[[category: Jobs]]
[[Category: Jobs]]
[[Category: Security]]
[[Category: Command]]

Revision as of 16:24, 12 February 2021

Rough Draft

This document may not be entirely accurate with our current policies. Please be mindful that this may change.

Head of Security

Superiors: Captain
Difficulty: Very hard
Guides: Guide to security, Guide to Trials, Chain of Command, Space Law, Head of Staff Equipment, Security items
Access: All of security, Head of Security's Office, Maintenance, Medbay, Research Division, Bridge, Engineering, Construction Area, Cargo Office, Mining, Gateway, Personal Lockers, Weapon Permit
Duties: Coordinate security personnel, ensure they are not corrupt, make sure every department is protected, save the Virologist when he gets mauled by monkeys.
Minimum requirements: Not defined

Job Description

Your job isn't to hunt people down, unless it's an urgent matter in one of the many places your normal security officers can't get into, so you can usually just sit in your office and let the securitrons and officers do it for you. You have more access to the station than anyone else in security, but less than the other heads. Try not to depend on it.

You are concerned with the following people:

  • Security Officers: These are your pawns, and it's your job to control them. If they're being incompetent resource wasters, yell at them and get them to fall in line. If they continue, tell them to stop or have them demoted. A security officer that does not do his job properly shouldn't even have this job in the first place.
  • The Warden: This is a special security officer who acts as the Brig's watchdog. Make sure he doesn't set and/or support unfair and bad brig times, that he doesn't leave the Brig, and he won't bother you. He also hands out equipment in emergencies, and will take over if you happen to be unavailable.
  • The Detective: The job of the detective is to investigate crimes, conjointly with the Forensic Technician. They specialize in interrogating suspects and witnesses, and pursuing leads. They are firmly under your command, regardless of what they may say.
  • The Forensic Technician: The job of the Forensic Technician is to investigate crimes, conjointly with the Detective. They specialize in analyzing evidence procured at a crime scene, and dispose of their own lab to do so.
  • Station Command: Should security or anyone else be acting out of their job description Station Command can be called in. They conduct their own investigations to determine whether someone has overstepped their power or authority. You have no direct authority over them.


Officers, Roll Out

The first step towards keeping the station safe is to ensure that your own officers aren't a threat. Security enforces the law, but they are not above it - and neither are you. Make sure that all of your personnel are familiar with the regulations regarding Corporate Regulations, and standard Security practices.

Once your force is up to speed on the rules and regulations, send them out on patrol. Pay attention to all the radio channels for any calls for help. If there are any, dispatch some officers to handle it, and make sure that the Detective collects any relevant evidence. Make sure that the Warden keeps the Security records up-to-date, not in the least because Beepsky can help your officers catch criminals who would otherwise evade them.

Laying Down the Law

Check to make sure that appropriate times are given out for violations of Corporate Regulations, and that your department only arrest people who have actually committed crimes. Remember, if they're doing something that you don't like but is technically not against the law, you can issue an official injunction - preferably in a official sounding language, written, and stamped with your Head of Security stamp - against it. Expect abuse of this power to be called out, however.

If one of your officers misbehave, yell at them, or in more serious cases, show them the inside of a cell. Keep them busy by sending them on patrols, leads, and follow-ups. An unoccupied officer is often a bad officer.

El Capitan

It is also important that you understand the relationship between Security and the Captain. The Captain's authority on the station is absolute, except where it conflicts with Corporate Regulations; the Captain cannot pardon criminals, cannot get away with committing crimes, and so on. The only time that Corporate Regulations can be overridden is when there is an imminent and overwhelming threat to the station. Other Heads of Staff are required to follow Corporate Regulations as well. However, this does not mean that you are the law. You are still outranked by the Captain. You can only arrest the Captain, or other Heads of Staff, if they've actually committed a crime. Until that time, you have to follow orders just like anyone else.

Finally, always remember to follow standard security procedures!


Your office is in the Brig. It holds various security equipment for use in apprehending and detaining criminals. Your office also has both a security records computer and a security camera potato which you can use to monitor the station from the comfort of your desk chair.


The holding area for prisoners. Only people with access to security can enter. It's still possible for normal crewmembers to view the cells through the windows behind them. As the windows are electrified, though, they're not a valid means of entry unless the person happens to have insulated gloves.

The brig also has blast doors in all of the windows, as well as the halls into the cells. There's a button to drop them in the warden's office and your office.

Prisoners may try to flee, so do something about the doors (portable flasher), or handcuff them to the bed as you investigate their items (make sure to then release from the bed and cuffs if they aren't dangerous). And, SET A TIME TO THE TIMER (the door won't lock unless you do this). Make sure to keep the time to the crime.

In the event that a prisoner has been deemed too dangerous to release, they can be kept in one of the secure holding cells.

Links to Other Departments

As Head of Security, you coordinate your actions with the captain, the other heads of staff, and your officers. You will often work with Medical, when a crime results in injury, when a prisoner is hurt, or when a patient is violent. When a criminal damages station infrastructure, you will work with Engineering to determine what happened and whether it's safe for your officers to investigate. Supply and Research can get you high-powered weapons if you need them. And do try to keep the janitor from thoughtlessly cleaning up the evidence.


Head of Security would theoretically be one of the easiest traitor jobs on station. You are the most heavily armed and armoured person on station, with about as much access as the Head of Personnel, and have the entire security department under your thumb. You are also seen as one of the most trustworthy people on the station. However, don't count on ever becoming a traitor by normal means, as you are Mindshield Implanted. But there can be situational exceptions to this rule, but it's unlikely it'll ever happen.

Even the Head of Security is not above the law and it can be very easy to be ousted as a traitorous element if the antagonist Head of Security isn't treading carefully.

Template:Command Template:Security

Jobs on Skyrat Station