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Superiors: Head of Personnel
Difficulty: Very Easy, Mostly Roleplay based.
Guides: No external guides.
Access: Maintenance, Barbershop
Duties: Give people haircuts.
Minimum requirements: Not defined

The Barber, sometimes referred to as the Barberian is a largely if not completely roleplay based job. You have no obligations and for all intents and purposes, you are little more than an assistant with a different uniform a highly skilled artist of fashion. You have the most basic of access and must use your collection of hair and beauty products to save the station from its own poor fashion sense. Changing of an individual's hairstyle is achievable by anyone using a mirror, but no mirror will ever match your artistic vision and talent. Unlike a filthy mirror, your fashion studio contains a vendor, capable of dispensing a wide variety of items that will help you in your endeavours. Some crew may consider your position unnecessary or a waste of space and may even go as far as to mock your career choice, but those plebeians just don't understand what true artistic talent is. You have the potential to play a compelling character and make the best of it with elabourate emotes of styling a pompadour to those few on the station looking for a haircut.


  • Barber's Scissors: Your tool of the trade, use this to give people horrendous the best haircuts.
  • Razor: Only an uncultured commoner would use this to cut hair, however it can still be used to beautify pets.
  • Assorted Lipsticks: Comes in a box of seven delicious flavours.
  • Hair Dye: You're an expert, and you know that your customer would be much happier with absurdly colored hair.
Jobs on Skyrat Station