Guide to security

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Welcome to NT's Security Department. Enjoy your stay.

Who Orders Who

  • Department guards report directly to the Head of Security, but may be dismissed from their post by the department head.
  • The Head of Personnel is not part of the security hierarchy and should not heavily involve himself in security affairs. The HoP cannot order security around and cannot enter secure areas such as the Armory without authorization from the HoS.

Security Equipment

Being well geared up can easily make the difference between the outcome of a tight situation. The next steps will show you one way to equip yourself, you can however wear your gear as you like.

The main thing behind this is that you want to be as ready as possible for even the most uncertain of events.

  1. In case you've just joined the security force, you need to get your security jumpsuit, helmet, armor, jackboots, gloves and a security bowman headset (which provide flashbang protection) on.
  2. Go to the Security Office and open a security locker.
  3. Get HUDglasses and put them on.
  4. Get Breath Mask from your internals box and put it on.
  5. Take your Emergency Oxygen Tank (set to 16 kPa output) and put it in your pocket. ALTERNATIVELY Take a Flashbang and put it in your pocket.
  6. Take your ID Card and put it inside your PDA, then put your PDA into the ID-slot.
  7. Get your Security Belt and put it on. Your Security Belt comes preequipped with a Stun Baton, Flash, Flashbang, Pepperspray and Handcuffs.
  8. Get an extra pair of handcuffs from the SecTech vending machine and put it in your box in your backpack.
  9. Grab your taser from your bag and place it in your armour slot.

Alternatives to this setup: ditch the handcuffs for zipties, ditch the pepperspray for another flashbang, grab extra flashbangs from the locker.

And all you need to do now is keep your Security Belt open so you'll have quick access to the items in case of an emergency and be prepared for most things the station's going to throw at you!

Also make sure you understand what the icons on your Security HUD mean. For further info about security equipment, refer to the List of Security Items.

Don't run around with your taser or baton out! You will get disarmed and your weapons will be stolen. Not only will the rest of the security team laugh at you, you've also potentially armed some very dangerous people, putting the safety of the entire station in jeopardy. Keep your weapons secured until you need them!

Security Robots

  • Officer Beepsky is often all but forgotten until you hear his cold, cruel voice shout out to you. Securitron models have been documented to capture even the most hardened criminals where security fails. If you're in a tight spot, you can call Beepsky to you by using your PDA.
  • While Beepsky's rudimentary orders can be accessed from security computers, silicons are not within the normal chain of command. They are subject the AI and follow the same laws.
  • Don't kill silicons for trying to stop you from executing someone. It's required of them by their laws. Do note there is a difference between a silicon stopping you from executing someone, and a silicon bolting down all of security because of one officer. They'll be treated differently.

Sidearm Tokens

You may notice that you have spawned with a strange blue token in your bag. This can be redeemed at the gun vending machine in the firing range on Blue Alert and above. Doing so will give you the option to take a lethally chambered ballistic handgun. These can be re-fitted with Hollowpoints, IDHF or Rubber rounds. These should be used for lethal takedowns, and nothing else.

Corporate Regulations

Corporate Regulations a summary of most crimes with some suggested sentence times. You are generally recommended to not follow them for minor and medium crimes. Avoid stacking (in particular) minor/medium crimes when deciding on brig times, unless the criminal has really bad behaviour. Instead prefer shorter sentences such as a couple of minute in the brig, or 50 points in the gulag instead of 500 for inciting a riot, unless the crime is severe or griefy in nature. Sometimes the Captain determines what is lawful and what isn't (within reason), but don't obey the Captain if you're told to "purge all non-humans" or similar.


Certain items are considered "Contraband" by Corporate Regulations; these items, listed here, are not allowed to be possessed by non-Security, and those who do are to be charged according to this table. However, this does not mean you should be going around taking every bit of contraband you see; think of what's good for RP and for the round. You could take the traitor's bag of contraband and loot, or you could pretend that you don't know what it is and let them go! Be reasonable, though. Something like a radio jammer is not as recognisable as a fully automatic SMG.

Standard Operating Procedures

  • You have stun weapons, USE THEM. Don't kill if you're not in serious danger. See the Rules for more details.
  • Be wary of people with harmful intentions. You should use minimal force, but not at the risk of your own life.
  • Communicate with your team, ask the HoS/Warden for orders and respond to calls for help (you can highlight the word help in chat").
  • If you're going somewhere you know will be very dangerous, bring a buddy with you.
  • SOP changes depending on the alert level: Green Alert enforces all privacy laws, outlawing bag searches unless warranted with evidence, means you cannot have weapons visible (you may have them holstered) and generally means you should not be carrying lethal equipment on you. Blue Alert allows random bag searches and allows weapons to be visible, but not wielded (outside of combat). Lethal rounds may be given out at most. Amber Alert shares many similarities with Blue Alert, but also means that Security may wield and use lethal energy weapons + lethal sidearms. Red Alert is nearly identical to Amber Alert, but also allows for use of lethal Primaries and combat mechs.

Dispatch System

  • As a Security Officer or Civil Disputes Officer you handle Open and Active Dispatches. If you need help with your active Dispatch you should request assistance from your Sargent.
  • As a Security Sargent or Warden you oversee all of the officers and their Dispatches. Note that in order to be able to actually manage Dispatches you must request the HoS' spare headset key as it requires you to have access to the Command Channel.
  • As the Head of Security your one and only job is to manage tickets and reassign/modify Dispatches as the need arises. If you do not want to do this give your spare headset to the Warden or Sargent. DO NOT HANDLE TICKETS YOURSELF


Insubordination and dereliction of duty are crimes under Space Law, so occasionally a Head of Staff might request your assistance in demoting one of their subordinates. In such cases, you are to accompany them as they confront the subordinate, or are asked to arrest someone who has abandoned their workplace and fled. In either case, ensure that you secure their ID and all items related to the job (i.e. tools and gloves from engineers) and return them to the head at your earliest convenience. The head can then remove the departmental access from the ID and return it to the demoted person.

The Brig / Punishments

The Brig

Instructions on how to correctly brig a prisoner can be found here.

Punishments should fit the crime. Use your best judgement and try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Consider the following examples:

Robert Marshal, an assistant, is arrested for running into Medbay and taking a stethoscope. They've been very cooperative with security personnel.

  • Confiscate the stethoscope and return it to Medbay when possible
  • Remove any items that could be used to break out and place them in the cell locker
  • Set a fair timer on the brig cell, one to two minutes (or don't give them a timed sentence at all!)
  • Uncuff the prisoner, leaving them bucklecuffed is considered poor form
  • Confiscate items that were unrelated to the crime (tools, gloves)
  • Beat the prisoner unless they are actively resisting arrest
  • Give a ten minute sentence

The shaft miner, Tyler Stevens, broke into engineering from space and immediately began attacking a station engineer.

  • Remove their EVA suit, any mining tools or other items. Have the detective work his magic on the weapons to confirm what happened.
  • Set a reasonable timer on the cell, or send then to the gulag for a similar sentence.
  • Interview witnesses, the victim and the assailant. Ascertain what happened. There's almost always something else going on.
  • Inform the Warden or Head of Security and ask them to take over if they say the prisoner is to be permabrigged.
  • Beat the prisoner to the point where they're critically injured or worse.
  • Strip their items in the rapidly depressurizing engineering room.
  • Let a lynch mob harm your prisoner.
  • Refuse their request to speak with legal counsel.

An energy sword is found in maintenance. The detective scans it and finds one set of fingerprints and several sets of blood. The prints belong to Jane Conway, the curator. She is subsequently arrested and hauled into the brig.

  • Strip all of their posessions and put them in an orange prisoner jumpsuit. Confiscate any contraband and turn it into the Warden.
  • Inform the Head of Security.
  • Interrogate the prisoner. Perhaps they have more contraband hidden elsewhere, or they're working with another enemy of the corporation.
  • Allow them to speak to a lawyer. If they wish to be put on trial, attempt to facilitate that.
  • Beat them to death on the spot.
  • Talk about executing them or otherwise harming them. Your silicon friends won't take kindly to that.
  • Refuse to negotiate. There are an infinte number of options besides tossing someone in perma or executing them.

To sum up, acting in good faith and treating prisoners fairly ultimately leads to more trust between security and the rest of the crew. Every incident is different and will have its own unique set of factors that ultimately determine the outcome. Security should be busting heads infrequently.

Permabrigging / Forced Cyborgization

Captain, Acting Captain or Head of Security (or, in their absence, Warden) permission is required to permanently lock someone up. You do not NEED the Captain if the HoS is available.

Punishment via throwing them into permabrig should fit the crime. Did whatever they did to deserve such a sentence affect anyone? Were they being harmful? Are they the kind of person who just comes back for more and more constantly? Permabrigging someone for stealing something and running away through secure areas vs permabrigging someone who's shot and killed people. One is a much less severe crime.

Unlike other servers, Forced Cyborgization is not allowed without consent. Do not do it.

Lethal Force / Executions

The Prison Wing
  • If something poses a constant threat, you are free to use lethal force. This includes dangerous nonhuman creatures, changelings, nuclear operatives, cultists, and wizards.
  • If hulks are smashing shit, you are free to use lethal force on them until they pass out and lose hulk after too much damage, at which point you can either take them to get healed or heal them yourself, and then brig/permabrig them. If someone's using their stun immunity to go around smashing stuff for no reason you are allowed to kill them - "no reason" being the key words. Don't kill hulks that are breaking stuff for good reasons (like when the rogue as shit AI is flooding plasma)
  • If someone is shooting at you with lethal weaponry you are free to respond in kind.
  • Once you have someone stunned and cuffed, there is usually no excuse to not take them to the brig/permabrig if they aren't one of the above listed threats. Beating a common criminal, who is already down and unable to fight back, to death is shit. Some circumstances may change this. Don't let your guard down.
  • Executions are to be authorized by the Captain, and only the Captain. The HoS and/or Acting Captain cannot authorise an execution. Whoever authorizes an execution will ultimately be held responsible by admins.
  • In instances where nonlethal force is not an option or not a good idea, e.g. someone in space breaking into the Armory, firing lasers at them through the windows isn't going to get you in trouble.
  • See the Rules section for more details.

Dealing With Threats, Minimal Force

As a Security Officer you are expected to fight any and every hostile force assaulting the station, from traitorous crew members to powerful reality defying Wizards to teams of "crack" syndicate assault forces. You must know how to counter any and all threats that are thrown at you, preferably with minimal force needed on your part. Remember, however, that not only is the station's peace at risk, but your very life is on the line; fail and you will die! Here is NT's staple guide on suggested courses of action against expected threats.


Single shitlers can be punished with a timed brig sentence like any other criminal. If they come back looking for trouble again and again, start asking about a perma sentence. A "three-strikes" rule is a generally accepted standard.

Criminals screaming that security is rogue or murderous (when they're actually not) should be threatened with a stint in perma.

In cases of a full-on invasion by Assistants (a greytide), lethal force (within reason) is justified. Don't be afraid to crack a few skulls if it means keeping the Armory secure.

A persistent greytider should be adminhelped once all possible IC solutions have been evaluated. If the same person is behaving horribly as non-antag across multiple rounds it may be bannable.


Traitors range in hostility and thus are a mixed bag to tackle, standard ranged stunning is recommended in dealing with confirmed traitors. If someone is suspected of being a Traitor, get several Officers to search the person in question and possibly search their department for hidden items. Interviews with witnesses and victims can help in proving the guilt of a possible Traitor. You should generally offer the chance for a perp to surrender before engaging, unless they are actively hostile. In the case of overt traitors however you will need to respond with a proportionate level of force.

  • Improvised Weapons: Order the AI to lock down the area, assess if civilians are at risk and use ranged stun weapons to subdue the perp. They are a low risk threat to you unless they are somehow able to stun you.
  • Stolen Station Weapons: Assume they are carrying at minimum a ranged firearm capable of stunning. Ask the AI to locate and lock down the area. Multiple Officers should attempt to simultaneously attack the perp. Use of Flashbangs will prove effective if the perp is well entrenched.
  • Syndicate Weapons: Suspect should be presumed to be armed and dangerous, AI should report and track perp's location. Do not approach without backup. Consider asking the Warden/Head of Security to issue Riot Shields and Energy Guns. If suspect is wielding Dual Energy Swords, ranged energy weapons (including disablers) will prove ineffective. Flashbangs, stunbatons, shotguns or the Detective's revolver will be suitable (just be sure the detective doesn't kill the suspect).
  • Spray Bottle: A unique "device". Small amounts of water can slip people for long periods of time, making you drop your weapon. If the suspect is reported to possess a Spray Bottle or Fire Extinguisher, do not approach without walking. If the suspect is using ranged weapons in a conjunction, be wary and avoid getting into a bad situation. Consider getting Cargo to order Galoshes or ambush the traitor.


Changelings are alien entities that have infiltrated the station. They can easily change their appearance in a moments notice. If there are confirmed sightings of Changelings, be wary. Sometimes you will encounter one with bio-organic armor, a shield that stops ranged tasers in their tracks, and an incredibly deadly arm blade. Don't underestimate them under any circumstances! Due to their abilities, it is possible for a Changeling to kill a fellow Sec Officer and impersonate him. However, you should note that they will lack a Mindshield Implant unless they had themselves implanted. Be wary of Sec Officers without Implants and unless they can confirm they were killed and cloned, they should be arrested or kept under close watch. While you are free to terminate a confirmed, hostile Changeling, you must be 100% certain that the suspect is a Changeling and a hostile before engaging. Non-Hostile changelings should, generally, be roleplayed with, and please read Antagonist Policy to know the metaprotections that Changelings have; generally, you cannot cremate a hostile Changeling until they revive in front of you at least once.

The same standard tactics in subduing a Traitor apply to subduing a Changeling, however do be wary that some Changelings can get up instantly after being stunned and sometimes melt their handcuffs. If they do, you may need to switch to lethals.

Security Controlled Locations

The Security Office

The Brig: The Warden runs this. If you're in here, the Armory or any other part of the security sector he has authority over you. The Brig itself has cells and cell timers.

Prison Wing: The prison wing is used to indefinitely hold criminals charged with major crimes. Like the Brig, the Warden has authority over this area. However, transferring a prisoner in and out should not be done without authorization from the Warden or someone superior.

Security Office: The Security Office is attached to the Brig. It contains the Head of Security's Office, a SecTech vending machine, security computers, and a couple of equipment lockers.

Security Posts: Small Security Posts are in each of the station's four major departments: Cargo, Medbay, Research and Engineering. These offices each have a security records computer.

Armory: The Armory contains additional weapons and armor which the Head of Security and Warden have access to. They should hand out these weapons in case of increased danger, such as a revolution or syndicate invasion.

Do not secure the Armory without a justifiable reason. "I expect people to try to break in" is not acceptable, that's called metagaming.

If someone is actually TRYING to break in? By all means, move the weapons. Don't move them at roundstart without any real reason other than to dick over antags who go through the trouble of getting all the way in undetected.

Arrival Checkpoint: This checkpoint is near the Arrival Shuttle. It has an ID computer that the HoP can man as well as other security computers. There is also a locker with security gear. If you're a late-joining Security Officer, it might be a good idea to take the equipment from here, assuming it hasn't already been ransacked.

Citations and Fines

For minor crimes you may choose to give the culprit a citation (containing a fine) instead of brig time. Officers can issue a citation and a fine (up to 1000 credits) from a security records console. If you get a citation, a PDA message will alert you how much the fine is. You can pay your fines at any security warrant console, located outside the brig, in a law office, or the courtroom public area.

Not paying a fine has no automatic consequences.


So the escape shuttle has been called! Your job will be to ensure that everyone proceeds on the shuttle in an orderly fashion.

Prisoners in the Brig should only be released at the Warden's discretion. Prisoners from the Prison Wing should be moved to the Security Escape Pod or to the Escape Shuttle's brig where they will be held until the shuttle docks at CentCom.

Key Points

  • Ask first, stun second.
  • Space Law is a suggestion, and is never a substitute for thought, intent, and context. Being unnecessarily harsh is generally frowned upon, even if it's in Space Law.
  • It is highly encouraged to only arrest Heads of Staff with approval from HoS or Captain (unless they are clearly dangerous).
  • Only the Captain, HoS or Warden can authorize a permanent sentence. Only the Captain can authorise execution.
  • Your job isn't to be a tyrant or your suspects will be praying to the Gods (read: Admins) for ultimate justice. Make sure you follow standard protocol so that the Gods smile down upon you.
  • If an Admin contacts you, please explain to them what happened. Just because you're a Security Officer doesn't mean you're wrong by default. Don't throw a tantrum, you'll only make things worse.
  • Try not to take this job too seriously and have fun.