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Superiors: The core
Difficulty: Easy to Medium
Guides: This is the guide.
Access: None
Duties: Spread, assimilate, further the agenda of the flesh and make all whole with the flesh.
Minimum requirements: Not defined


Important Note!


  • PMS(Permanent Mechanical State)
  • Hive(Central infection area, where the cores are etc)

Converted non-sentient mobs are PMS at all times as they cannot be reasoned with and are controlled by AI.
Converted sentient mobs can be considered PMS if they are inside the hive and it has been confirmed hostile, however, if they are not inside the hive then they are not considered PMS, and standard engagement rules apply for both sides (see CI). Converted sentient mobs should generally not be friendly unless they are trying to convert someone to the many.

Fleshmind Metaprotections: Crew do not know the name of this entity. (stop shouting "FLESHMIND" over common) Crew can quickly assess that it is dangerous after they witness it acting in a hostile manner. Individual crew do not know what converted mobs look like until AFTER they have seen the fleshmind wireweed and structures. Crew can quickly assess that the use of wirecutters to cut wires would be a good idea.

Fleshmind is an AI controlled random event where a rouge AI core spawns with one simple mission: spread and assimilate all.

The flesh spreads around the station by entangling everything from machines, to bots in wireweeds. On occasion the AI will decide to place a structure somewhere, these can be anything from simple lights to assemblers that spit out nightmares to assimilate the crew and station. Fleshmind is a largely PvE based random event but it can quickly turn into PvP as it spreads around the station and grows more powerful. The flesh brings its own varied repertoire of hostile mobs to the table, each of them fulfill a role in the assimilation of the station and the battle for control (Players included!). Machines on the station that have been affected by wireweeds have a chance to be hostile when attacked. The vines that are wrapped about them can violently lash out at the attacker, turning an already hostile environment even worse.

The Fleshmind is controlled by its core of which there can be several, with a maximum allowed of six. Cores will pop up randomly and a priority announcement is broadcast when one spawns (The annoucement only happens when two cores already exist). The hostile mobs spawned by the structures will also grow increasingly stronger with each new core that exists. This effect does work both ways! Kill a core and the Flesh's mobs will be slower and deal less damage increasing the chance for victory. An announcement is also broadcast when a core is destroyed.

Thought the Flesh may seem similar to Kudzu or a Blob it is far from that. An area can be covered in Wireweed and still be relatively safe to walk around in. The name of the game here is sabotage. Because if you want to win against the flesh you shouldn't try to fight the wireweed. Instead you should focus on taking out things like assemblers and other key structures that hinder the progress of the crew. Eliminating crew that has been assimilated is also a good way to secure a victory. Ion weapons also make for a good offense given the synthetic nature of this event.

Announcement notifying the crew a new Core has spawned
(Will only happen if two cores already exist)

The Flesh and you

As a player who has been consumed by the flesh you have a few options available to you to help progress the fight and assimilation of the station.

When converted three new action buttons will have appeared in your UI. Each has their own function that will be detailed Below:

Announcement that plays when the sixth core has spawned.
Action Cooldown Description

Create structure
120 Seconds This button will allow you Create any Flesmind structure, everything from turrets to assemblers and down to even something as simple as lights. Given strategic placement of your structures this will be your most valuable tool in winning the battle against the crew.

Call Flesh reinforcements
120 Seconds This button will call any AI controlled Fleshmind mobs to your location. This can be made useful in leading a charge or calling your allies to you when you're stuck in a pinch. This ability will only work on mobs that are within your view range.

Flesh chat
N/A This buttons lets you communicate with other players that have also been assimilated into the flesh. It works similar to the changeling hive-mind.

Besides these new toys and tools you can play around with you are still a very normal crewman. With zero restrictions to your ability from before your assimilation. All you have now is a flashy new look and a new mission in life to unite all in flesh.

Flesh Structures

The Flesh has a wide variety of structures available to it to help the process of assimilation along a little easier. Each serves their own function and will be listed in the table below:

Structure Examine text Ability cooldown Health Description

Processor Unit (Core)
This monsterous machine is definitely watching you. N/A 800 The central processor and Core of the flesh. More then one of these can exist at any given moment, with the maximum being six. With each additional Core that is spawned Flesh mobs will become faster and stronger. Destroying these should be the primary focus of the crew, if all the cores are destroyed the flesh will slowly die off.
When attacked a core will call the mobs around it to itself, it will also violently throw the attacker away before barricading itself will Wireweed walls.

A column-like structure with lights. 90 Seconds 100 A simple structure that emits a faint blue light and that will occasionally send random chatter over the radio. No real function besides these two.
Will start spawning when there are three Cores

Tormented Head
A head impaled on a metal tendril. Still twitching, still living, still screaming. 45 Seconds 120 A structure that will scream at and stun enemies within range, depending on who's side you are on this will either be a trap or a handy alarm.
Will start spawning when there is one Core

A small pulsating orb with no apparent purpose, it emits a slight hum. 60 Seconds 100 This structure will fill your thoughts with messages from the flesh (It will spam your chat with text) It also emits a soft blue light and has no real function beyond those two.
Will start spawning when there are two Cores

A strange pyramid shaped machine that eminates a soft hum and glow. Your head hurts just by looking at it. 10 Seconds 100 This structure causes nearby mobs to suffer from hallucinations. The range is the same as the normal view distance. Can be used in combination with other structures to setup deadly traps.
Will start spawning when there are three Cores

This cylindrical machine whirrs and whispers, it has a small opening in the middle. 40 Seconds 260 This structure will spit out mobs when enemies are detected nearby it. It can spawn a maximum of 2 mobs at any given time. Works great with Tormented heads to make nasty surprises for anyone trying to stop the assimilation.
Will start spawning when there is one Core

A strange pod looking machine that twitches to your arrival. 3 Seconds 300 A simple turret that will shoot a neurotoxin at any hostiles within range. Use these together with other structures to really fortify a position and make progress inevitable.
Will start spawning when there is one Core

Flesh Mobs

Mobs that belong to the Fleshmind will progressively get stronger as more Cores are active around the station. Movement speed of these mobs will increase greatly to a point where even a Mechiver will outrun the fastest crew member. Knowing what targets to pick in a fight and what they do can prove crucial in an engagement with them. In the table below an overview of all the Fleshmind mobs can be found.

Structure Health Description

50 A small little medibot look alike, but instead of healing you this one will harm you with its sharpened blade. Its quite fast and has a higher armor pen bonus. Slicers are created by assemblers or any medibots that get ensnared in the wireweed.

1 Just about the last thing you want to come across when fighting the flesh. Floaters are suicide bombers that they will explode on contact with an ememy or a mild gust of wind. Their low health makes them handy targets to shoot when they're in a large group of enemies for an easy detonation. Hit this one before it hits you. Floaters are created by assemblers.

75 A Globber is the angry version of a Cleanbot, instead of cleaning floors this one will throw acid at you from a distance as well as insults. It can be handy to drag one behind you if you have been assimilated already as a form of self defense. Globbers are created by assemblers.

100 Stunners can best be summarized as rouge Securitrons that are hell bent on killing you. Their small health-pool and low damage don't make them very threatening but they are very annoying since they will stun and harm-baton you. Stunners are made by assemblers or securitrons that got ensnared in the wireweed.

Flesh Borg
350 Flesh borgs are Cyborgs that have been converted a Mechiver or have been created by an assembler. They have a decent healthpool and have two different attacks: Claw: Which stuns the victim and Slash: that slashes everyone around the Flesh borg. When controlled by a player it will also have the ability to use the Flesh chat to communicate with the others that have been assimilated. The slash attack is on a 20 second cooldown if it is a player controlled Flesh borg.

Flesh Human
250 Flesh Humans are created by assimilating Humans into the flesh, they can also be created by assemblers. They have the ability to fake their own death to surprise an unsuspecting victim. The fake death is on a 20 second cooldown.

200 Treaders are a utility mob for the Flesh. Their ability is to release a healing gas that heals other friendly mobs around it. Bringing one to the front-line where the fight is at might prove beneficial to swinging the battle in your favor. Treaders are created by assemblers.

160 Phasers can, like the name suggests phaze through and around stuff. It has the additional abilities of being able to split itself into four copies, one of which being the mob itself and phasers have the ability the enter closets when they're not being attacked. They're relatively low health and created by assemblers.

500 Mechivers are the driving force behind the assimilation of people and borgs. Their ability is that they can shove someone inside of themselves, be it living or dead and spit them out as a newly assimilated member of the Flesh. They can also revive dead people that have already been converted. They're extremely slow and cannot be dragged around so you are at the mercy of the AI in how they'll react to their environment and what they're gonna do. They can and will push past anything, including walls and other obstacles in their path. Their conversion ability has a one minute cool down and they are made by assemblers.

Type 34-C Fleshdrive
2000 A colossal, towering machine of the flesh, the will and of the many manifested in flesh and metal form, armed to the teeth with rockets lasers and guns.

It will spawn when a [REDACTED] amount of cores exist. Its attacks are largely ranged, consisting of rapid gun, laser and missile fire. It is advised that this entity is tackled and attacked in a large group or a location with plenty of cover from gunfire.


  • The flesh can spread both naturally but it can also spread through the power lines.
  • Work in groups when attacking mobs are structures.
  • Eliminate mobs and structures that contribute to the growth and assimilation of the station first.
  • Ignore wireweed as much as you can (It will grow back faster then you can break it) and focus on key targets instead. Like Cores!
  • As an assimilated human you should use the different abilities of the now friendly mobs to your advantage. Bring one along with you for protection for example!
  • While assimilated as a player you can build flesh structures. Use this ability to craft deadly traps for the crew when they eventually start fighting back.
Jobs on Skyrat Station