Security Policy

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This document is to serve as a set of guidelines, references and suggestion on how to handle common on station situations that you will be faced with as security and the expectations and limitations of each security role, it can not reasonably go over every specific interaction or situations that may appear so you are expected to use your best judgment when engaging with them.

You have great authority and the ability to influence the round for better or worse so remember our first guiding principle, be a good community member by being considerate of others and our fifth, produce a net gain of fun. Go by those and you’ll find yourself as a member of security that the people like to see in the department, be it crew, other security members or antags!

The Security Guiding Principles

  1. Remember to use the Combat Indicator, often referred to as the “CI”, as security you will find yourself engaging in mechanics more often than the average crewmate so having a solid understanding of when to use the CI is a must! Mistakes do happen but consistent failure to properly use the CI can and will result in a ban.
  2. You are expected to follow Corporate Regulations when feasible, though it can be skirted around if the other player is willing to play along with it, use it as a tool to generate RP not shut it down. For drastic actions that the Corporate Regulations do not prescribe, such as forced borging or hardcore torture (currently hardcore torture constitutes actions such as intense physical abuse (ex: excessive breaking of limbs), the usage of drugs or similar.), you need to acquire OOC consent.
  3. Antagonists are an essential part of the round, they are the main conductors of this train, the driving force of the chapter that is the round so work together with them to create an interesting story. Don’t focus on catching them just for the sake of “winning” and try to avoid long sentences for cooperative and/or non-violent antagonists.
  4. Be aware of the meta protection placed around antag items. Generally speaking, if it’s non-obvious and/or disguised then you can’t recognise that item. For example: you can easily recognise an e-bow but you will not be able to recognise that something is a chameleon item until you see it being used to change its appearance.
  5. The head of your department is the “Head of Security”. If the captain finds this person problematic or demotes them, you are to remember that you work for Nanotrasen, not the Head of Security. Please keep this in mind during Head removals.
  6. If you are being demoted, role-play out the scenario and realize that it can happen. Do not attempt a one-person coup, if you want to contest it do so through RP. Present your case to a Lawyer, the HoP or even the Captain, do not make it your goal to fight and assault the HoS or Captain for demoting you.
  7. Crew life is valuable and you are expected to take the actions that will put the crew in the least amount of danger when dealing with threats.
  8. Being given the green light for lethals does not give you the permission to field execute someone. The fight ends when they enter crit and you should do your best to make sure they do not die in transit.
  9. You can roleplay as a corrupt security member, you can roleplay as a bully but do so with the goal to create interesting conflict for all involved, not shut down roleplay or create a toxic environment. You are not to ignore antagonistic behaviour that is a threat to the station. It’s fine to take a bribe from someone who stole some medical tools or got into a fist fight, but for major crimes or higher you should avoid taking bribes or letting them free.
  10. ERP is allowed as security as long as you are not needed. On blue alert you are likely to be called and expected to respond to issues. On amber alert and above you are expected to drop your ERP and help manage the current situations. (With an exception regarding non-con against security staff)



Arrests often happen either on the spot as someone is seen engaging in a crime or reported and an officer responds in a timely manner, or when enough evidence of crime is gathered by security to set an arrest status on someone. While the former does not require an individual to be set to arrest, the procedure is mostly the same:

  • Grab their attention, it can be a message, an emote or just the Compli-o-nator from your mask.
  • Go over their crimes and explain to them why they are being arrested.
  • Depending on the severity it can either be handled on the spot or they can be taken into the brig for questioning or to be processed.

If at any point they have shown that they will run away or skip to mechanics when officers hail them, you may skip those steps and go straight for arresting them.

Brig Procedures

The suspect is to be brought to the brig cuffed, if needed, and in a stable condition, make sure that they are not bleeding out while you drag them! Notify either the Head of Security or the Warden depending on availability and place them into a holding cell where you will check their personal belongings, go over their crimes, add them to their record if needed and either release them or process them. You may keep them without charging them for up to 10 minutes, time which must be subtracted from their sentence, in order to go over their belongings for contraband, try to get a brief interrogation or clear charges up with the other security members, but if you fail to charge them within those 10 minutes you must release them. If you are planning on a longer interrogation, you must do so while their timer is running and you can not keep them longer than their sentence unless you have clear OOC consent that they want to continue the long RP scene.

If the crimes total to less than 15 minutes they are to be placed into an available cell and their personal belongings in its respective locker, non-violent prisoners are to be uncuffed.

Remember, all items that can not be classified as contraband or evidence are to be returned to the person upon release.

NOTE: While the Warden is the main person in charge of the brig and the prisoners that does not mean that they are the only person who process arrested individuals, make sure to help them out if tasks are piling up on them.

Prison Procedures

In the case of a sentence that is longer than 15 minutes a prisoner will be processed for GENPOP, our system of managing long term sentences by using permabrig and timed lockers.

The steps for processing a prisoner into prison, either for a long sentence or a permanent one are:

  • Escorting the prisoner to the prison lockers and removing from them all items. Contraband and evidence will go to their respective lockers, personal items to the personal locker of the prisoner, with the exception of items of significant religious or personal importance. Do not remove their clothes unless they are a martial artist and it is not safe to leave them uncuffed.
  • Use the locker interface to be given a prison ID card and jumpsuit for the prisoner. Enter their name, crime(s) and duration.
  • Allow them to change either in a changing room or a cell room, put their clothes in their prisoner locker.
  • Upon release make sure that their items are returned to them.

If you are handling a violent martial artist and they have assaulted security staff during their incarceration you may ask the Head of Security or Captain for permission to pacify them via surgery. Remember simply having martial arts knowledge is not a crime nor is it punishable via pacification, assaulting people and using it as a tool to break out is.

Note 1: Sometimes due to PRs or map resets the timed prisoner lockers are not available so it is recommended to either set a cell timer up to remind you of the sentence or keep track of time through something like an alarm on your phone, you can just do it by clock but it's likely you'll forget if things become hectic.


Before an execution can be carried out it must be approved by the Captain and Head of Security. If both undeniable evidence and proper authorisation is acquired, security may opt in to execute the person via lethal injection, electric chair or firing squad in the execution room. With the exception of terminating Unknown Biological Entities (ex: changelings), outside of extraordinary circumstances when it is not possible to do so, all executions are to be done through the above mentioned methods otherwise the ones who authorized and carried out the execution will face IC consequences or, in very extreme cases OOC consequences as well. For more details, consult Corporate Regulations.

Note: Declaring someone as Do Not Revive is considered posthumous authorisation of an execution and requires the same authorisation as an execution.

Hostage Situations

When dealing with a situation that involves hostages you are expected to first and foremost value the life of the crew, do not endanger the hostages just for the sake of catching a valid. Unless proven to be unable to do so, always assume that the hostage taker is able to and will follow up on their threats to kill or maim the hostages so approach with caution, engage with their demands, see what’s reasonable and can be arranged and try to work with them. If it’s not certain that there will be no crew casualties it’s advised that you negotiate until a dead end is met.

Implant Searches

Security may find itself in situations where they suspect a captured agent of using implants, which may require an implant search, which can be done in either the brig infirmary or the medbay and either by a security medic or normal one depending on availability and risk of escape. Currently, security has metaknowledge on the following implant types:

  • Deadman switches, such as micro and macro bomb implants
  • Micro EMP devices
  • Micro Stealth Devices
  • Micro cuff busting devices

Note: You should only assume that an implant is at play when no other logical explanation can be given, such as someone stripped of gear releasing EMPs, someone threatening to explode with no visible detonator or explosive, etc… You should not do implant searches just because you know they exist.

Riot Control

For an event to be considered a riot, 3 or more individuals must be disturbing the peace through violence, disorder or terror to the public. Riots may happen for many reasons, ranging from crew being unhappy with their conditions or leadership, an on station movement turning radical or even just a prisoner uprising.

Once a riot situation has been reported, it is strongly advised that security regroups in the brig to ascertain the situation, determine the needed gear and form pairs. The Warden or Head of Security will be the one who decides how much gear is needed, though generally in cases of crowd control riot armour, tear gas, shields, non lethal long guns and flashbangs are often deployed, with a very strong recommendation against using lethal weapons.

After the gear has been given out and the course of action decided, personnel are expected to head out in groups or pairs to avoid situations of being swarmed. Your goals should always be to break apart those crowds and non lethally detain individuals whenever possible so that the numbers may be thinned out slowly. Remember, if you feel like you risk being overwhelmed it is better to retreat and regroup than risk it!

When the crowds have been dispersed and the instigators detained, it is expected to return riot equipment to the armory and move towards operating as usual, though it is still advised to be cautious as further incidents may happen.