Corporate Regulations

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Notice: This page serves as a placeholder and a WIP for Corpregs 2.0; It is not yet in effect and anything yet is subject to change.


General Overview

Corporate regulations are a form of cataloguing and classing behaviour - criminal or nuisance.


Injunctions are corrective measures to undesirable crew behaviour. They can be issued with misdemeanours and higher punishments in place of or in addition to regular penalties. Plea bargains are common causes for injunctions. Injunctions require a paper copy. The suspect is entitled to a copy, the original must be stored.

Injunction Specifics
Injunctions cannot impact on the suspects current ability to perform their duties.
You MUST demote the suspect if the injunction would bar or significantly impair their ability to do their job.
Example: You cannot bar a scientist from entering science; as it would prevent them from performing their Job.
• Injunctions may not last over thirty minutes.
• Injunctions may not prohibit the suspect from accessing any essential service - such as Medical


• Injunctions listed as a penalty only require the arresting Officer's approval to be put in place; but may be over-ruled by someone higher in the CoC (Chain Of Command)
• Injunctions not listed as a penalty require approval from the Warden, Head of Security or Captain (or acting).
• An injunction can be taken as a plea bargain and must always have the suspect’s signature. The suspect is entitled to a paper copy.

Crime Tiers

1. Minor: General crime of low severity - Usually fines.

2. Medium: Crime that would evoke brig time upon being committed.

3. Exceptional: Crimes that would warrant serious brig time upon being committed.

4. Capital: Crimes that will result in an execution; or serious, lifechanging consequences for the Suspect.

Criminal Offenses

Quick Code Reference

Code 1XX - Minor 2XX - Medium 3XX - Major 4XX - Exceptional 5XX - Capital
01 Abuse of Equipment Abuse Of Confiscated Equipment Aggravated Assault Manslaughter Annihilation
02 Animal Cruelty Assault Assault of an Officer Murder/Attempted Murder Unwarranted Mutiny
03 Battery Creating a Workplace Hazard Escaping Confinement Grand Theft Terrorism
04 Damage to the Station Eavesdropping Inciting a Riot Grand Sabotage
05 Disorderly Conduct Insubordination Kidnapping of an Officer
06 Drug Possession Kidnapping Major Trespass
07 Petty Theft Medical Malpractice Possession of a Restricted Weapon
08 Rubbernecking Narcotics Distribution Possession of Contraband
09 Tresspassing Overreach of Executive Powers Sabotage
10 Possession of a Weapon Theft
11 Rioting
12 Robbery
13 Violating an Injunction

Detailed Crime Information.

Minor Crimes

Abuse of Equipment

To utilize security/non-lethal equipment in an illegitimate fashion
5 minute sentence & 100 credit fine
Notes: The use of disabling devices, such as Flashes, Batons, Tasers/Disablers, and non-lethal rounds, outside the range of one's assigned duties. This should cover non-sec using items i.e. greytide with a flash randomly flashing people OOC Notes: Use this to punish people for 'dicking about' over more severe crimes.

Animal Cruelty

To Inhumanely injure, torture or otherwise abuse animals.
5 minute sentence & 100 credit fine
Notes: This crime exists for the CMO randomly killing runtime in their office; Not to punish chefs who kill monkeys or Pete in their back fridge; Take into consideration the intent - does it align with their job? OOC Notes: This is ideally meant to punish people who randomly kill station pets.


To use physical force against someone without intent to seriously injure the target.
5 minute sentence & 100 credit fine
Notes: Repeated attempts at disarming (more than 3), tabling, non-lethal chokeholds, minor punching (less than four), smashing bottles on heads, and stunning are all considered battery. For serious harm, see Assault. OOC Notes: This is meant to punish people for spamshoving/shittery; Consent is however, key here. Dont punish two people for battery for fighting in the corridors consensually - charge them with disorderly conduct.

Damage to Station Infrastructure

To deliberately damage the station or station property to a minor degree with malicious intent.
5 minute sentence & 100 credit fine
Notes: Departmental Pets, Cyborgs, Xenobio golems, and personal pets are station property. Graffiti is not considered Damage to Station Assets, but destruction of personal belongings or property is. For serious damage to station property, see Sabotage. OOC Notes: This is mostly meant to protect the station from greytiders breaking in everywhere; such as, people hacking doors. While not sabotage, is damage to station infrastructure.

Disorderly Conduct

To be intentionally and publicly belligerent, offensive or in general - a nuisance.
100 credit fine
Notes: Spamming offensive racial terms over common, slurs included - being a general nuisance, screaming down your microphone. OOC Notes: This is meant to allow sec to fine people for spamming 'Ligger' and other offensive terms over comms, in public, ecetera, or just being a general nuisance to the station.

Drug Possession

To possess space drugs, ambrosia, krokodil, crank, meth, aranesp, bath salts, THC, or other narcotics, by unauthorized personnel.
100 credit fine & Confiscation
Notes: Botanists and MedSci staff are not subject to this law so long as they are not distributing or using them for profit or recreation. For distribution, see Narcotics Distribution. OOC Notes: This is meant to allow security to punish botany for carrying 20 kilos of methamphetamine worth of plants - and an assistant 'magically' ending up with some of it.

Petty Theft

To take items from areas one lacks access to, or to take items belonging to others or the station as a whole.
100 credit fine & confiscation or return of stolen item(s)
Notes: Keeping items which are in short supply where they belong is what is important here. A doctor who takes all the surgical tools and hides them is guilty of Petty Theft. Resisting demotion is considered Petty Theft. For more serious cases, see Theft or Robbery. OOC Notes: Don't abuse this to brig an assistant for taking spare cable coils; use it to punish hoarders (hardsuits, medical supplies ecetera)


Observing a scene of an accident, crime or emergency in an unduly manner..
Forceful removal from the area & 100 credit fine
Notes: The security department is not immune from rubbernecking, as not every engineering or medical emergency requires their presence. The first professional responder at the site of the emergency takes full authority on who is allowed to be present, with their supervisor being able to replace that authority at any time. Obstructing an arrest is included in this. OOC Notes: Use this to disperse an undue crowd that may end up interfering with security operations; or in general, use it to get people to back off on a threat of being fined - Don't abuse this to instantly baton somebody the second you see them enter a crime scene.


To be in an area which a person lacks authorized ID access for. This counts for general areas of the station.
Forceful removal from the area & 100 credit fine
Notes: Remember that people can break in, sneak in, or be let in. Always check that the suspect wasn't let in, or was otherwise given access. Trespass and Theft are often committed together; both sentences should be applied. For restricted areas, see Major Trespass. OOC Notes: Needs to be clear that this is for trespassing only i.e. the door was open

Major Crimes

Abuse of Confiscated Equipment

To take and use equipment confiscated as evidence.
Investigation and Subsequent Demotion if claims are found to be true; bar an extreme emergency situation
Notes: Evidence is not to be used for anything but evidence with the exception of the Syndicate Encryption Key. Anything used in a crime is considered evidence, this includes everything from tools, to guns, to emags. For general abuse of security equipment, see Abuse of Equipment. OOC Notes: This should be ahelped if anyone gets charged with it; using evidence is against server rules due to powergaming policy. This does not count as a rulebreak if an officer picks up a dropped gun in the middle of the firefight; and uses it to save their own life.


To use excessive physical force against someone without the apparent intent to kill them.
500 credit fine reparation to the victim and 5 minutes brig unless forgiven by the assaulted.
Notes: To cause serious but non-critical harm to another crewmember including, but not limited to, forcible/deceptive ingestion of toxic or illicit substances. For life-threatening harm, see Aggravated Assault. OOC Notes: This is used to charge people for critting others in situations where said force is disproportional or entirely unwarranted.

Creating a Workplace Hazard

To endanger the crew or station through negligent but not deliberately malicious actions.
500 credit fine; Demotion or brig upon head of staffs request. If suspect is a Head Of Staff, demotion or brig upon CC or Captain request.
Notes: Examples of this crime involve accidental plasma leaks, slipping hazards, accidentally shocking doors, breaking windows to space, or Security personnel not keeping their equipment secure. A banana peel in the corridor is not a hazard. A banana peel in front of the singularity is. For Workplace Hazards that lead to death, see Manslaughter. OOC Notes: This is used to charge people for continually posing a threat to themselves and others through sheer incompetence or negligence(The HoP hitting a welding tank with lethal lasers in a firefight, for example)


To listen into private security, command or central command communications without proper authorisation.
500-1000 credit fine depending on severity of communications listened in to. Confiscation of all related equipment; brig time optional (10 minutes maximum)
Notes: To listen in upon Security, Command OR CC Chatter. Security has a 500 credit penalty, Command 1000 and CC 1000 + Brig mandatory. OOC Notes: This is used to punish people for stealing and using encryption keys with MALICIOUS intent. Intent is key here; You do not brig someone for taking the captains headset after they had died mysteriously in maint to report it over loud-voice.


To listen into private security, command or central command communications without proper authorisation.
500-1000 credit fine depending on severity of communications listened in to. Confiscation of all related equipment; brig time optional (10 minutes maximum)
Notes: To listen in upon Security, Command OR CC Chatter. Security has a 500 credit penalty, Command 1000 and CC 1000 + Brig mandatory. OOC Notes: This is used to punish people for stealing and using encryption keys with MALICIOUS intent. Intent is key here; You do not brig someone for taking the captains headset after they had died mysteriously in maint to report it over loud-voice.