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* Attack the mining base (without opfor)
* Attack the mining base (without opfor)
* Permanently imprison people (without ooc consent)
* Permanently imprison people (without ooc consent)
* Tide space, and clear ruins, much as DS2 can't

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Revision as of 01:12, 19 September 2023

Skyrat policies
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important table

See the google doc for the color coding, the wiki doesn't support it currently:

Soft-purple is interdyne Red are syndicate ghost-roles

Blue is info for the station-crew (Interacting with ghost roles)

Tan is for Cargodise Lost (the supply shuttle in space)

Neon-Purple is for Golems

Orange is Charlie Station/Port Tarkon

Green is ashwalkers


For a general rule, don’t rob/destroy/invade empty ghost-roles.

No double-dipping characters between any of the following, without having them approved as a 'double agent.'

- DS2 | Interdyne | Station. -

No ashwalker chars on the station/syndicate/Interdyne unless you intend to play them as incapable of returning to being a ‘tribal’.

Ghost roles can only research if the total research points are above 30k.

Unless specified otherwise, You should avoid leaving your ghostrole and going ‘back’ to the main station.

(And if you do, you should not interfere with antags/midrounds)

For Antags, you are not to run to Interdyne/DS2 to hide, even if you’ve seen them in-round; without explicit admin permission.

OOC: Company Locations

Interdyne DS2
Interdyne (obviously) Donk
Tiger Coop

Interdyne Pharmaceuticals

(Station side antags are not to go looking for Interdyne, and those roles are encouraged to treat them as any other station crew.)

The unhappy middleman between the NT, and the Syndies, with either side accusing them of being with the other.

Currently, Interdyne’s standing goal, and reason for presence on Lavaland is to provide items, and services to those whom request it, for a ‘modest’ fee, without asking for reasons, or authorization. Using their cover as a pharmaceutical company to dissuade Nanotrasen, or the Syndicate from any acts of direct opposition, while they play both sides for their own long-term benefit.

This however, does not mean that they aren’t taking actions of their own to inconvenience and otherwise discourage Nanotrasen, or the Syndies from trying to push them off their ‘claims.’

(For Interdyne players, this roughly translates into using your role to provide ‘illicit goods’, or services the station might be trying to clamp down on. Ala, you are a ‘soft-antag’, in that you shouldn’t be trying to directly damage or harm the station/DS2, only providing the means for others to do so)

OOC - Important Rules

What you can do:

  • Go to the station (use the public mining shuttle or elsewise, jetpack to the station from ds2 until you have a shuttle)
  • Trade
  • Visit other lavaland roles
  • Visit other space-roles if you end up there
  • Build in, and around the base
  • Produce anything you can think to sell, and have the means to make

What you cannot do:

  • Act like an antag
  • Start fights with ghostroles for the sake of killing them
  • Speedrun megafauna
  • Attack the mining base (without opfor)
  • Permanently imprison people (without ooc consent)
  • Tide space, and clear ruins, much as DS2 can't

Interdyne can opfor regularly, however, you will be expected to ‘keep it sane,’ that is, respect the fact you have essentially an entire station to prep on without limit, and under-prepare yourself so you aren’t a lone-op every-single-time you opfor (unless that is blatantly permitted), and else wise, keep it to two people or less on the opposition side of the opfor.

IC - Lavaland Rules of Engagement:

It’s in the best interest of all parties to avoid all-out combat, especially with the Sol Federation on such short notice, and with no parties being an official ‘government entity’, just about anything above detaining could trigger an investigation, and worse yet, the seizure of lavaland.

Interdyne should favor the non-lethal approach, preferably under the guise of another corporation (Syndicate, Nanotrasen),

The above applies to stationcrew, but in reverse, you can /try/ to rob or otherwise ‘loot’ an Interdyne operative, but it shouldn’t be done constantly, or lethally to avoid an all-out war with them.

Interdyne Mining/Research Operations (Lavabase) COC:

Deck Officer: Full Management Authority

Scientists+Miners: Under both of their command, in respective order.

Rules of the house:

1. Defend the base, and maintain a layer of secrecy.

2. Do not allow outsiders to know the outpost’s purpose, Maintain a consistent story of In-department medical research, and arms production.

3. Supply materials and general research to the in-company research wing

Interdyne Additional Info (OOC/IC):

Interdyne-NT Relations

Interdyne (Public Facing) and NT are not in declared hostilities, and as such, the cover of typical research should be maintained.

Interdyne-Syndicate Relations

Currently, Interdyne is an uneasy middleman between NT and the Syndicate, working to their own benefit, and trying to avoid direct conflicts wherever possible They may sell the bullets, but they also sell the medicine.

IC/(OOC) - Modus Operandi:

Elsewise under the deck officer’s supervision (who needs admin permission in the form of an approved OPFOR application), use your various assets to gather not only funding, but ‘needed goods’ from nearby facilities, while attempting to keep a neutral guise. Should any ‘incidents’ occur; return to the base and message corporate for support.

OOC - Deck Officer:

Get admin approval (in the form of an approved OPFOR application) before running any NT/Syndicate-interfering operations; be as clear as possible with your goal, the level of force you’re sending in, and the intended steps to complete it in the OPFOR.

(In lieu of a deck officer, follow the CoC for who can lead operations, but no matter who, they MUST OPFOR beforehand.)

Examples of ‘operations’,

Sabotaging the mining base’s power to delay them getting back and forth from the station.

Building bridges to let Nanotrasen’s gulag/icebox prisoners escape into the main base.

Stealing from DS2 and framing it on space explorers,

Should a situation arise in which you must take immediate action against local NT/Syndicate Personnel, You must take the utmost care to portray the event as self defense, or a rogue entity.

(For station crew, you must have the HoS/Captain message Central Command for permission to engage in open hostilities against Interdyne. Interdyne’s presence is not common knowledge, and those who know of it know it as only a medical research facility)



(Station side antags are not to go looking for Interdyne/The Syndicate, and those roles are encouraged to treat them as anyone else trying to enter the base)

(Station crew should have no idea DS2 exists, or what it is if encountered.)

(For station crew, OPFOR before breaking into DS2 to announce intent, so staff can be sure you aren’t just raiding an empty base 5m into a round)

Chain of Command

  • Admiral: Full Management Authority
  • Master at Arms: Full Brig Authority
  • Security Operatives: Under Admiral and MAA’s command
  • Medical Operatives, Service Members and Engineers: Under Admiral’s command
  • Standard Operatives: Under anyone’s command

OOC - DS2 Important Rules:

You must stay on your station, or elsewise it’s Z-level, the only exception is going to the interdyne /base./

You cannot accompany Interdyne to the station, without express admin approval.

The Admiral / MAA cannot leave the station itself, unless it's specifically to visit interdyne.

About OPFORs:

When it comes to DS2, it’s very-hard, because they have a metric ton of people, and access to an /absurd/ amount of gear, like, ridiculous tier, so for the most part, opfors from them will be under /heavy/ scrutiny, and absolutely cannot be done by the admiral, or the MAA, personally, for the simple fact they’d be way to strong on station, even without opfor items.

This extends, to them giving away their equipment, or, to put it plainly, do not give people your elite suit or elsewise to go to the station with.

COMMS AGENT : Follows standard DS2 rules

OOC - For the Admiral:

You can OPFOR for permission for minor sabotage operations, but nothing to the extent of normal traitor actions. This is not guaranteed to be accepted, and likely never will be.

(Think, invading a whiteship and leaving the crew behind on the NT station, or sabotaging the mining base in preparation for an upcoming station-raid)

IC - Operation Procedures:

  • 1. Defend the base, maintain its integrity.
  • 2. Passively siphon research from the local NT base, keep tabs on them.
  • 3. Patrol local space, maintain a security perimeter.
  • 4. Act as an emergency fall-back for your ‘allies’ at interdyne, should the worst happen

(For station crew: OPFOR before breaking into DS2 to announce intent, so staff can be sure you aren’t just raiding an empty base 5m into a round)

(Added: 2/27/23 pending total policy rewrite)

IC - Code of Conduct:

  • 'Do not intentionally harm a fellow agent'
  • 'Do not betray your fellow agents'
  • 'Do not allow yourself, or your fellow agents to be captured, or killed, to the best of your abilities.'

OOC - Rules (Elsewise, inter-DS2 resolvers)

  • For the most part, as the admiral, MMA, or the 'security officers,' you should be acting within command, or elsewise, equivalent security policy, that means, infact, do not shoot people because you have a disagreement about something, and that you have to follow standard execution protocol, with the MMA standing in for the 'HOS' in security/command policy, and the admiral elsewise standing in for 'Captain.'
What you can do:
  • question nearby spacetiders/other-ghost-roles.
  • clear nearby ruins (same z-level).
  • fortify the space-base.
  • patrol local space.
  • expand the base.
  • Kidnap people with explicit OOC consent (via LOOC).
What you cannot do:
  • Jetpack off into space and tide it yourself (outside z level)
  • Attack/go to the station without opfor.
  • Kidnap people for the sake of kidnapping them.
  • Attack people for simply being near the base.
  • Rob people for the sake of robbing them.

Cargodise Lost

(Unaffiliated Cargo Shuttle)


Freighter Chief: Absolute say.

Freighter crewman/Excavator: Below the FC, he’s your boss, you don’t get paid if you piss off your boss, do you?


1. Sell your stock, don’t use everything on yourself, you’re present to make you, and your fellow crewman money.

2. If a crate is labeled for a specific person/’faction’, try your best to deliver it, though, this is up to your ‘QMs’ discretion.

3. Do not abandon the ship, barring total loss of all other crewmembers, it’s your livelihood, and your (temporary?) home.

For station crew: Don’t raid the ship wordlessly, don’t go directly to the cargo bay, try to engage with the freighter crew, and or barter.


Don’t raid the station, stay to lavaland if you can (OPFOR to leave it)

Don’t sell your omnilathe boards, giving away the creator's gift is damaging to his reputation.

Remember, to always tell golems who have just awoken, “Go do whatever.”

For station crew: Avoid raiding the golem ship, and do not purchase the omnilathe board, yes we’re aware you can buy it, that does not mean it’s allowed.

Charlie Station/Port Tarkon(?)

You’ve woken up a late, to your station in shambles, work to repair it, and figure out what happened.

Do not abandon the base without due cause, you can, however, head to the station for trade.

For station crew: You can freely interact with Tarkon, try to avoid instantly taking them back to the station.

For Syndicate roles: They are unaware of the Syndicate’s existence and their current standing with NT. Refrain from looting Charlie or engaging in hostilities. Try to avoid adopting them as discount Syndicate crew


OPFOR is required for acts of major retaliation (storming the mining base, sacrificing miners to the tendril, storming the syndie base, etc.)

Tribals, and worshippers of the necropolis which grants them theoretical immortality, with the catch they have to provide as much as they take.

You are under no obligation to guard the other tendrils or the ‘megafauna’, as they offer gifts to those who slay them, indicating the necropolis’ will.

Though, you are still free to, if you are using it for resources. They are not by default holy sites to you. They are natural resources, so you may treat them as such.


(This is not a pass to grief the mining base, or the other ghostroles for daring to kill a fauna at any point)


Ashwalkers should have no capability on their own to go to the station, as they should have no idea how a mining shuttle or how its console works. They must either be invited or captured by the crew and so forth.

For Syndicate roles: Opfor before involving the ashwalkers in any conflict, be it against the station, or elsewise, naturally this implies player-versus-player combat.

For the station crew: Same as always, don’t raid the camp when it’s empty/clearly uninhabited, Don’t start needless conflict with the ashwalkers, and don’t break the (camp)tendril without good reason (Large scale attacks on the mining base, repeated killings of miners). Don’t use a single ashwalker attacking you as justification to wipe the entire ghost-role. Your character is not a homicidal maniac, and you will never be given permission to pretend to be one unless you are an antagonist.


'Icewalkers', or hearthkin; and the 'local populace' of the ice-moon the crew occasionally finds themselves upon.

A culture of Norse pagan demihumans, the Hearthkin have been living in nearly every corner of the ice moon (or Niflheim to them,) for three hundred years. Developing from the original culture of their Ancestors, these beastfolk combine their own god-gifted lethality with more advanced tech than Ashwalkers; all with the aim of doing legendary deeds and seeking glorious hunts. Currently, the Hearthkin live in uneasy tension with their nearby human-and-otherwise neighbors. Keep your village and your Kin safe, but bringing death on their heads from being reckless with the outsiders will not have the Gods be so kind.

While you are free to defend your 'camp'; you also shouldn't be trying to 'hunt for reasons' to attack the crew, or, in simpler terms, seeing a miner anywhere on the planet isn't an excuse to go to war with them; and yes, trying to immediately escalate to violence when you see them /is/ trying to go to war.

'Reasonable escalation' is being attacked, being bombed, or elsewise, disturbed, doesn't require an opfor to react, however anything that continues escalation does, that is, something past the very-moment (for reference, a miner is trying to set up gibtonite around your base, so you attack him, this doesn't require opfor, however, going to the mining base after, and attacking it does.)

You are free to compete with the station for resources; or 'kills', however, you are /not/ free to go sabotaging the station, or connected facilities just because they're around, as stated above.

Icewalkers should be avoiding entering, sneaking onto, or elsewise, intruding on the station, and it's 'lands' (layer 1) as much as possible, or if required to, as non-impactful as they can manage, afterall, as stated above.

Antagonists should be avoiding any attempts to drag the icewalkers into conflict without an opfor, and the icewalkers shouldn't immediately jump on any excuse offered by someone too either.

For the station crew: Same with the ashwalkers, don’t raid the camp when it’s empty/clearly uninhabited, Don’t start needless conflict with the icewalkers, and don’t break the cave, hole, or tunnel, whatever they spawn in or it's equipment without good reason (Large scale attacks on the mining base, repeated killings of miners). Don’t use a single icewalker attacking you as justification to wipe the entire ghost-role. Your character is not a homicidal maniac, and you will never be given permission to pretend to be one unless you are an antagonist, or elsewise opfor'd

Pod Person

Pod Person:

You’re a plantman, grow stuff, sell it off for stuff you need, smoke weed.

For the stationcrew: Don’t take the gatfruit, or the cherrybombs, and absolutely do not steal their tools, not even the combat gloves.

Skyrat policies