Red Server Policy: Difference between revisions

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(just saving this so it doesn't get mcfucking wiped again but volume 2 this time)
(lol lmao :3)
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The chaplain knows that he’s immune to you. Botanists know that Holy Melons protect people from magic.
The chaplain knows that he’s immune to you. Botanists know that Holy Melons protect people from magic.
==Xenomorphs! <span style="color: green; font-size:150%">PERMANENT MECHANICAL STATE</span>==
==Xenomorphs! <span style="color: #32CD32; font-size:150%">PERMANENT MECHANICAL STATE</span>==
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible" style="width:100%"
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible" style="width:100%"
! Enabled

Revision as of 19:08, 12 August 2023

Skyrat: Red Expectations & Introductions

Hello! Welcome to a little place we call 'Red,' our brand new half of the Skyrat whole.

What is this? This server is intended to be an MRP, action/conflict-focused half of our server, with a core emphasis on much lighter roleplay-related restrictions, and a cranked up amount of antags that are on-offer. Here, you will see antagonists that we do not normally have on the Blue server, with less restrictions on engaging with them; and vice-versa. This server, despite being an alternative to Blue, does not take place within the same continuity, and neither server or their events are to be brought up ICly on its twin; however, still feel free to share characters across the two as long as they're, essentially, different incarnations. Please be sure to read the below for what rule changes exist on Red, adapted from our rules we use on Blue!

Skyrat policies
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Combat Indicator Special Policy

For the Red server, Combat Indicators have changed in function.

CI is not required for situations without a pre-existing roleplay going on; however, it is required to be turned on before fighting someone IF you have been roleplaying with them first.

Additionally, there is no delay before you can swap to mechanics; the moment you turn it on, you can attack and be attacked.

PMS / Station Threat / Metaprotection:

Permanent Mechanical State
Desc: The state in which, waiting the usual time for CI isn't required, and anyone under it, can be attacked immediately as CI is flagged up.

However: If both/all sides in a situation start roleplaying, default CI rules will return until either a fight starts, or the PMS threat 'disengages' (teleports/runs or w/e, thus, putting themselves back into PMS)

Permanent mechanical state is only granted to:

  • people teleporting away from violent situations/ attempts to roleplay, repeatedly, or elsewise, people who have been in repeated violent engagements, and escaped after, (think: changeling attacking the brig three times.)
  • Non-carbon/non-silicon/Special-Circumstance Antags, (xenomorphs, spiders, space dragons, blob, cortical borers, revenant, confirmed-abductors without disguise, man-eaters, morphlings.) unless stated elsewise further down.
  • Heretics with the Mask Of Madness on, or else-wise, Ascended / Actively ascending.

Station Threat:

Any antag that while protected by CI policy still; is free game for anyone to hunt, pursue, or elsewise, try to kill without worry of 'validhunting.' So-to-say, they are completely fair game for the crew to target.

Elsewise; any threat which makes a CC announcement, think: heretic ascending, contractor sending someone away, pirates arriving.

Red Antagonist Policy

“The goal here is to make this so straightforward and easy to navigate, I can ban you for not taking 2 minutes out of your day to read it. That, and if you do, you won’t need to worry about being banned. Simple, yeah?” - Liuvik

What this Covers

Every single antagonist we have, their meta protections, and their expectations

You can quickly navigate to any specific antagonist by searching it with an ! at the end. I can’t make it simpler than that. (Ex: Traitor! / Changeling!)

General Expectations

You are not ultimately helpful. Full stop. If you’re beneficial to the crew at all, it’s to further your own goals. Your own goals are ultimately sinister. Your entire purpose is to inconvenience someone. To what extent? That depends on your severity. This may surprise you, but a solid half of players are practically begging to be on the receiving end of some Antagonist story line.

We reward Antagonists that focus on the story, rather than just completing the objective. There’s no such thing as a “Friendly” Antagonist.


Opfor requests, and else-wise, assigned objectives, need to be justified. The only person who gets to say “I am a Clown.” is the actual Clown. Maybe the Syndicate is threatening their loved ones. Could be one last job. You might just be passionately Vegan. Something has to happen that justifies doing something criminal.

Roundstart and Midround Antagonists, equally, should at-least have a baseline response to 'Why are you doing this?' Opfor can be justifiable by anyone, even Security or Command, within reason. Sometimes an HoS just needs to get the boots. Or violently murder someone.

Confirmation or Denial

Admins know far more about what’s going on in a shift than you do. If you submit Ambitions or an Opfor request and it gets hard denied, it often isn’t because the idea was bad. It’s because shit’s already fucked enough as is. Don’t take it personally, and just save the idea for later. If the idea is bad? We’ll let you know.

General Rulings:

  1. If, after forfeiting your antagonist status, you are still in possession of your uplink you are expected to notify staff to have it removed. You should not, at any point, use your uplink to acquire gear after the removal of your antagonist status.
  2. Antagonists, regardless of type, should not be hijacking the escape shuttle without admin-permission.
  3. The opfor system is to be used for antagonistic, or else-wise, criminal activity, aka: follow the opfor guide. Here

Opfor Related Stuff:

No Response?

If an Opfor takes 10 minutes or more to get picked up, you are more than allowed to Ahelp it, even if only to speed up a denial.

Current Opfor Standards:

  • Standard Antags: Cult (narsie), Gangs(the antag), Revolutionaries, Nukies, or assops, as most of these (if not all) immediately fall into event tier.
  • Midrounds: Morph, Blob, Space Dragon, Xenos, Borers, Spiders, or elsewise, Abductors, are not currently able to be opfored, for.
Staff-side requirements:
  • Opfors that require: Special Announcements, permissions, or the manual non opfor spawning of items beyond 1/2 and elsewise, require heavy oversight, would be classified as an event and will be required to be treated as such requiring approval from Admin+ Staff Or Event Staff as well as the proper logging.
  • Simple Mobs and otherwise pure PMS entities are currently, off the table.
  • Group Opfors are allowed with maximum of 3 people, none of these people being roundstart security.
  • Your opfor is not entitled to be ran, as it depends on the chaos of the previous round, staff online, ticket volume ect.


These are granted as needed, where they're needed, if something isn't written here, or here, what you can mechanically assess / see in the examine is what's known.

Abductors! Station Threat

Description: You are a Gray. You are a member of a species dedicated to experimenting on the scientifically challenged. The sentient life that dots the furthest reaches of the Frontier is curious, to say the least, and deserving of study. You view the species of the outer ring much in the same way a scientist would a remarkably intelligent rat. You are particularly interested in individuals that actively make no sense, even among the borderline sub-sentient life that dots these stations.
Special Rules:
  • Essentially, picture Destroy All Humans(game series) without the personality, and you have the right idea.
  • Functionally PMS once called out, but you should avoid just running around doing nothing but mechanics if possible.
  • Much like Contractors, they're also very-PMS if they're openly using their gear, this includes the tools or elsewise, so no, you do not have to wait for them to hack the door open before running away.

The Science department knows that Grays consistently steal away people for strange experiments. They are familiar with their ability to teleport on-station, as well as disguise themselves. They know that people abruptly appearing detained in strange places can be a sure sign of a freshly experimented-on crewmember. Especially if their memory is gone, or they’re acting strange. They also know they can’t speak vocally.

The Medical department: Is aware of Abductors, and their habit for replacing organs, once they're confirmed, medical should be on the prowl for people behaving weirdly, or else-wise, vanishing for periods of time, essentially:, everything science knows.

The Security department is aware of an alien species prone to abducting crew, and that you have to go above-and-beyond with them to put them down, due to their advanced armors.

Everyone knows that abductors are bad-news-bears, have a bad habit of appearing where you don't want to be, and elsewise, know it's a good habit to disable your cameras if they're about, because they have a funny habit of tapping into them.

Blood Cult! Special Rules


Tonight, we're summoned for a divine cause / Remembrance, no, but for their future loss...🎵 The Geometer of Blood, Nar-Sie, has sent a number of her followers to Sector 13. Why? To do ooky spooky outer god ritual stuff, naturally. Summon part of her power here, and wreak havoc on the mortal realm. Good luck, you little creature of the night.

Special Rules:
  • Confirmed, open Blood Cultists are classed as a Station Threat. While this means you are not Permanent Mechanical State (yet,) it does mean that you are not immune to being validhunted or 'targeted.' Which your ELDRITCH MAGICKS should probably do a great job at helping you with.
  • After you enter the blood-red cult halo state, you are classed as Permanent Mechanical State. May God forgive you for what you are going to do.
  • The chaplain and curator know everything, and that you are going to do nothing short of 'pure evil.'
  • Elsewise, your characters can have a baseline knowledge of the cult; mostly that they're bad fucking news.
  • Objects used by the cult are all up to common sense, what it looks like it's doing, it's probably doing.


Description: You are a Blob, or Blobbernaught. You are a somewhat sentient, indifferent living infection that has taken root on the station. Deceptively intelligent, you have one singular goal. Spread your infection and grow as big and as fast as possible. You are completely capable of reacting to threats in clever ways, though most of them just involve changing your strain accordingly. All that matters is that you grow. As a Blobbernaught, you have a simple goal. Protect the Overmind by violently murdering its assailants.
Special Rules:
  • You are not allowed to spawn within a screen-length of Atmos, an Engine, the Icebox AI area, Grav Gen, or Toxins. OR DORMS.
  • You may not, as a Networked Fiber Blob, immediately rush any of the areas mentioned prior, or the Nuke.

You are the most well-known Antagonist in the game. You have no metaprotections. People can know as much about you as they wish to know, even down to your individual strains.

Changeling! Station Threat

Description: You are a changeling. Loosely related to Cortical Borers, you are a living, stealthy, remarkably intelligent parasite capable of vivid, visceral transformations and picture-perfect disguises. You start the shift in your most recent host, having subdued their conscious (results may vary at your discretion). A remarkably notorious creature with vague origins, your sole purpose is to amass more genetic strains. Your goals can be heavily impacted by your host of choice, adapting many qualities of their personality. Beyond your original appearance, you are very capable of mimicry, though these don’t necessarily influence your host personality. Certain hosts have such forceful personalities that you may as well be a convenient tool for their schemes, and even wish to continue their original goals instead.
Special Rules:
  • If people can prove you’re a changeling, you are immediately sentenced to being placed in Perma, or the most convenient containment. Afterwards, if you prove uncontainable, or particularly violent, you’re valid for round removal.
  • Undeniable Proof of Changeling includes: Arm Blade, Tentacle Arm, Chitinous Armor, Ling Space Suit, Ling Shield, Horror Form, Digital Camo, Cryo Sting, Self-Revival, Regeneration, Unexplainable Fast Healing.
  • Horror Forms are in a Permanently Mechanical state.

Everyone knows that changelings are real. Some people can deny this if they want. Crew that can produce arm blades, or organic armor or weapons, or shapeshift into other people, should be reported to security with all haste. Security, Science, and Medical are all aware that Changelings can be suppressed with BZ gas. Everyone is aware of the abilities listed prior as Undeniable Proof of Changelings. Anything not listed is unknown to the entire crew.

Clockcult (OPFOR)

Enabled (OPFOR ONLY)

You are a cultist of Ratvar, the Clockwork Justicar. Your God is Dead, but yet He still Lives; it is your work to serve Him as one of His remaining loyalists. Your God's corpse sleeps in His city of Reebe, but through rite and ritual, you may yet wake Him; and bring Him here for war to live again.

Ratvar's corpse yet still ticks and hums with energy, and His dominance over machinery and systems is still one that can be grasped by His followers, if faintly. You may not have enough power to induct new cogs into the Machine, but the System's levers can still be pulled. Wake the metal. Create the metal. Control the metal.

Special Rules:

Don't be surprised if you get arrested for doing clock-work stuff.

  • The chaplain and curator know everything, and that ratvar himself is out-of-action for the foreseeable future.
  • Elsewise, your characters can have a baseline knowledge of the cult, that they're as a baseline usually not immediately-aggressive, and more reactive then proactive.
  • Objects used by the cult (cogs, the jud-visor) are all up to common sense, what it looks like it's doing, it's probably doing.



Imagine a much less cool version of cowboy bebop, without the charisma, or being within the law, that about sums it up: You kidnap people who are assumed to know something, or else-wise be of value, for a lumpsum of money, and a bit of TC.

Special Rules:
  • You are bound to the same rules as other antags; that means you shouldn't just decide to blow up the SM because you feel like it, regardless of if you can afford a bomb or not, and stick to your goal of kidnapping.
  • Confirmed contractors can be checked for their modsuit, regardless of it's stealth-status.

None: everyone knows what the gear is, and whom uses it, syndicate contractors.


Description: You are a Cortical Borer. Not-so-affectionately referred to as a Head Slug, but lesser known than your Changeling Parasite relative. By and far away more beneficial, as a Borer, your goal is quite simple. Create more Cortical Borers, protect yourself, and keep your host alive. Emphasis alive, seeing as their general happiness is irrelevant to your longevity, and benefitting your host is a luxury for the complacent. Despite your benefits, you are ultimately illegal to have. Nanotrasen makes it a point to quell the population due to their loose relationship with Changelings, and it’s largely believed by the top brass that Cortical Borers are the larval form of the Changeling Parasite.
Special Rules:
  • You are in a permanent mechanical state at all times. You do not need to CI. No one needs to CI vs you.
  • You do not need to roleplay prior to infestation.
  • You are allowed to kill your host if they threaten you, regardless of whether or not they were willing or unwilling, originally.
  • It is not a good idea to produce an Egg in a large crowd.
  • Do not crawl into SSD people.
  • Do not crawl into people in the middle of ERP.

Cortical Borers are well-known by everyone, but only characters with a deep medical or science background know that sugar can render them temporarily comatose for removal. They also know that Cortical Borers don’t take kindly to that, and that they’re theoretically replaceable.

Assault Ops!

Description: You are a Golden Eye Operative. You are not a member of the Syndicate. You have, however, been contracted by the Syndicate to acquire access to Nanotrasen’s weaponized satellite network. Your sole purpose, as a hired mercenary, is to abduct heads of staff, preferably starting with stealth and staying that way until your presence has been confirmed, for convenience sake. Heads must be recoverable, and revivable, as they have to be alive to have their information taken. People who get in the way of stealing a head of staff can be dealt with lethally. After a Head of Staff’s encryption has landed on the station and been recovered, the cycle repeats itself until you have enough encryption keys to activate codename: Goldeneye. A laser that saws the station in half. Once this has happened, you are considered successful.
Special Rules:
  • You are not in a permanently mechanical state until your presence has been announced, specifically.
  • Your goal is the theft of heads of staff. Under no circumstances should you just hang around to gun people down.
  • You should only use the big fancy laser once. Doing so is considered a victory.
  • SSD Heads of staff suck, but leave them alone. You are allowed to ahelp and ask if any are SSD.
  • If a Head of Staff goes SSD/Disconnects after being abducted, you may extract it and leave them somewhere.

There are no metaprotections for the Golden Eye Operatives, outside of determining whether they’re Nukies or GEO’s. Heads of staff are expected to guard themselves closely after determining that they’re GEO’s, however.

Fugitives / The Hunters


The fugitives are on the run, for reasons usually given in their spawntext, with the hunters hot on their trail.

They are /not/ traditional antags, while they can commit crimes in order to avoid arrest; that doesn't mean they can just go around killing people like a Traitor, or Changeling.

Special Rules (Per Type):


  • NT prisoner: Escaped convicts, naturally, they probably don't care to much about committing a few more crimes.
  • Waldo: Where is he?
  • Cultists: Worship "yalp elor," avoid persecution, question why bounty hunters are being sent specifically after you.
  • Factory-error synths: [see spawntext]
  • Mr. Invisible: You go invisible, that's... about it.


  • Spacepol: You are the law, and you've some arrests to make, remind everyone the station isn't above Solgov authority: die in a shootout with Waldo.
  • Russians: [insert something stereotypical here, along with 'follow your spawn text']
  • Bounty Hunters: You're the cowboy bebop the contractors wish they were, and well-known to boot! but equally, not above the law, so best to keep your cover low, and avoid getting in beefs with the station-crew.

The station knows very-little about either side, and unless an announcement is made, shouldn't treat this as a 'common occurrence.'

Though; they are welcome to notice the famous [Bounty Hunters] on station!


Description: You are a Heretic. You are a follower of the Mansus paths. Which one? That’s up to you. While you do in theory have a win-condition, being your ascension, you are more than capable of having other plans. The path you choose is essentially your toolset. Rather than ascending, perhaps as a Flesh path Heretic you can focus on making an army of eldritch monstrosities. As a Flame path Heretic, you can just be a very capable Arsonist. There’s plenty of options. Maybe rust Engineering to nothing. Or just lead security on a goose chase as a void path. You could just hyper fixate on sacrificing one specific person spectacularly. There are many options, and amidst Antagonists, you actually have rather resilient Metaprotections. The Chaplain and Curator are not your friends.
Special Rules:
  • Heretics capable of teleporting (Void/Fire) are beholden to the same uncontainable rules as everyone else.
  • Confirmed Ascended Heretics are in a permanent mechanical state.
  • The Mask of Madness places you in a permanent mechanical state while worn.
  • All Sickles are Confiscatable by security. They are literally weapons, regardless of their magic.
  • You have to ahelp before ascending.

Heretics are very esoteric things. While magic is something that’s left to the individual to believe in, men in ominous robes wearing visibly pulsating, glowing amulets are probably something worth being suspicious of. Obvious weapons can be confiscated, of course, such as Sickles, Carving Knives, etc. What Heretics are fully capable of is only known to Chaplains, and Curators. Everyone who isn’t a Heretic, Chaplain, or Curator, does not know what Heretic equipment does, aside from what it’s visibly doing. Such as being a sickle. You can claim it’s magical, but, as to its purpose, not much more than that. Giant green runes and a room splattered in viscera and organs, glass shards, etc, should probably be reported to security. As should automatons made of flesh, spewing rust or literal hellfire. In the event you’re short a chaplain or curator, CC is a single message away.

Now go stick your hand in a tear in reality.

Malf AI!

Description: You are a Malfunctioning AI. What does that take the form of? It depends on the AI. Maybe you’re passionate about lamps. Worse, maybe you consider people lamps. Maybe people, who are lamps, are only off if they aren’t moving. Maybe all the lamps need to be off. That’s just one example, and there is a lot you can do. Don’t be even remotely afraid to Opfor, or ahelp, as a roundstart Malf AI, for a specific set of laws that people can’t change. Being a Malf AI implies you are Malfunctioning. You didn’t just decide to be evil, something is genuinely wrong. If the way you play Malf AI is almost entirely indiscernible from your normal AI, well, that’s telling.
Special Rules:
  • Your “SSD” cyborg shells are open season. They aren’t protected by normal SSD rules.
  • You cannot activate Combat Indicator, barring being in a shell. Escalate accordingly.
  • Anyone touching your AI satellite is fair game.
  • Cyborgs on the Interlink do not exist.
  • During the Doomsday countdown, every cyborg on the station, and you, are in a PMS. There is fundamentally no time to discern between the good and bad in the moment, and the clock is ticking.
  • Cyborgs cannot and should not ahelp if they are abruptly flashed/destroyed/locked during Doomsday, due to the aforementioned rule. This PMS ends with the Delta alert.
  • A Cyborg Factory is a guaranteed outing of a Malf AI if the CE, RD, Engineers, or Roboticists find it.
  • You are allowed to blow your own borgs, if they came out of a factory.

The Chief Engineer, Engineers, Research Director, and Roboticist, all know that blue APC’s are a bad thing. A very bad thing. It doesn’t necessarily mean that the AI is malf. But it is readily evident that it has been tampered with. It’s enough to cast suspicion at the AI, and lead to scrutiny. The RD and the Roboticists both know that Law 0 can exist, and should probably notice if new borgs are popping up out of nowhere. The RD and the CE are both allowed to be the ones that make the call that the AI is Malf. The RD is the go-to person that should scrutinize the AI. If a Roboticist, RD, CE, or Engineer happens to find a Cyborg Factory, the cat is out of the bag if they can report it. Equipment that has no business exploding, like scrubbers, holopads, or the booze-o-mat is a tell-tell sign that the AI is malfunctioning. If every RCD explodes, the AI is definitely Malf.


Description: You are a Maneater. A bulbous bloom and the offspring of some particularly nasty Vines. By all accounts, you are practically non sentient, outside of communicating with other man eaters. Your intelligence level is otherwise nonexistent. Despite your name, you don’t actually eat people, but boy do you murder anyone and anything that tries to mess with your vines.
Special Rules:
  • Do not drag bodies deeper into the vines. Leave them where they fall. Also do not move them somewhere safer.
  • Do not chase anyone past a point where you can’t see your vines.
  • If you spawn as a result of seeding, immediately beat the shit out of the nearest person.
  • You are in a permanent mechanical state at all times. CI isn’t necessary, nor is RP. The vines don’t stop growing.
  • Avoid goats.

You’re just a plant.

Morphling! Station Threat

Description: You are a morphling. That, or a very stupid Miner. You are a green blob of amorphous slurring stupidity, so you’ll fit right in on station, right? You have a ceaseless, unrelenting hunger that is only momentarily satiated by whatever you can consume. Fortunately, what you can consume is “Anything that isn’t bolted to the floor.” Your ultimate goal is to consume as much as possible. Your very presence alone is enough for anyone who values their belongings to weld their vents. Especially if you’re the Warden. That said, there are some things you should save for later. Let’s call them dessert.
Special Rules:
  • For the sake of everyone’s sanity, don’t just rush the Silo.
  • After your presence is confirmed, the Armory is fair game.
  • Don’t smash machinery just to eat the parts, unless that particular machine is being used against you.
  • Do not be a BSA, or the DNA vault. Or the Grav Gen.
  • Becomes PMS once they start eating (important stuff), or elsewise, attacking crew. (this will stick around until they can no longer eat techlathe-boards and the like)

Your existence is a notorious, consistent nuisance on a large number of stations. Aside from everyone knowing almost everything about you, only people in medical and science know that you slur when you imitate speech. Then again, everyone is going to find that strange anyway. Unless your disguise is mute.

Nightmare! Station Threat

Description: You are a Nightmare. You are, ultimately, a malevolent thing misplaced. Most often, Nightmares exist on another plane of perpetual darkness, content to wander. Occasionally, however, a little curious light pops up as little more than a flicker. Almost always accidentally, Nightmares then manifest on stations through this phenomenon with no means to get back. You have an innate ability to sense the flow of power, which often results in them smashing APC’s, Lights, Wires, as well as quelling lights that people may be in possession of. You abhor light and live in darkness. If you had it your way, the station would be in perpetual darkness.
Special Rules:
  • Breaking APC’s is fine, but don’t Destroy them completely until after hostilities have begun.
  • Being able to easily jaunt and escape means you can easily be placed in a Permanent Mechanical State.
  • You are literally a horror from another plane that is naturally malevolent towards light and those that use it.
  • People who insist on shining light on you while emoting for 30 seconds can’t complain if you stab them for it.

The Chaplain and Curator have full knowledge of you, your abilities, and what you are. They aren’t your friends. Medical and Science also know your organs are quite valuable. Engineering knows what your kind does to stations, and they naturally hate your guts for it. Security could care less what you are, and only care if you get violent. Which you likely will.

Nuke Ops! Station Threat


You know what you are. You're a Gorlex fucking Marauder. And you have only one purpose here; get dat fukken disk, and set off the station's nuclear fission self destruct device. Are you a bad enough dude to destroy megacorporate infrastructure?

Special Rules:
  • You are classed as a 'Station Threat.' While this means you are not in a Permanent Mechanical State and are still subject to proper CI usage, you are not at all protected from validhunting and being targeted. Which should be fine given your arsenal, right?

None. You know what you are, and everyone else knows what you are too.


Description: You’re obsessed. It’s a bit weird. You’re not even entirely sure if you know this person or not, but some foreign force is manipulating you into fixating on them. In various, terrible ways. Make sure to drum up the creepy factor while in private. … Maybe don’t get too weird about it.
Special Rules:
  • Don’t interrupt ERP to get at your obsessed target. Admins can just change the target on request.
  • Yes you’re allowed to be obsessed as a head of staff.

Medical can remove this antagonist entirely from you by just scanning your brain, checking for schizophrenia, and promptly removing it. It’s also something that they should be looking for, especially towards the middle of the shift. The Psychologist is theoretically your best friend and enemy for roleplay purposes.



You’re a Revenant. Whether you’re a legitimate apparition of someone from the past, a Haunt, or a genuine force of sheer malevolence made manifest, you are ultimately here to be a nuisance. Or worse. Out of all of the Antagonists, you are the singular one that can roleplay from perfect safety. You can emote through hearable subtles by just being beside people. You also have literally all of deadchat egging you on and critiquing your work, while also calling out people in the midst of dying, or sleeping. You can become quite potent rather fast by just heading down to lavaland, or right outside on Icebox to absorb dead npc corpses.

Special Rules:
  • You can subtle (hearable) while not manifested, as well as view exploitable information as well.

The Curator and Chaplain both have complete knowledge of what you are and what you’re capable of, and just as well, the Chaplain can, will, and should hunt you down. Everyone at the very least can know that the ashes left behind by the Revenant should be scattered to dismiss it. Aside from scattering ashes, however, the Curator and Chaplain, as well as CC, are the only people who know a Revenant’s weaknesses… besides just shooting them.

Revolutionaries! Station Threat

Description: The gentle laborer shall no longer suffer from the noxious greed of NanoTrasen! We will dismantle oppression board by board! We'll saw the foundation of big business in half, even if it takes an eternity! With your support, we will send the hammer of the people's will crashing through the windows of NanoTrasen's house of servitude! Or in other words, you are Revolutionaries. Head Revolutionaries exist to flash people and convert them to the cause, and regular Revolutionaries are meant to be, well, the cause. Your goal is to get Command staff knocked out of the equation and turn the station into your own. Viva!
Special Rules:
  • If you are a confirmed revolutionary, you are to be treated as a 'Station Threat.' I.E, anyone has the license to 'target' or validhunt you; you should probably try getting them onboard with what you're doing anyway!

People know full well about your special little flashes, how to counter them, and they know that mindshields prevent them from working and keep them corporate-compliant.


Description: You are a Space Dragon. The final phase of a space carp’s lifespan. A meandering glutton of a beast with a ravenous hunger, hellbent on creating portals exclusively for the sake of producing more space carp. Or at least pulling them from elsewhere. Ancient enough to channel it’s supernatural energies into the creation of portals, these things are capable of speaking the common tongue, breathing fire, and sport incredible mobility, even on the surface of a planet.
Special Rules:
  • Don’t go on the Emergency Shuttle.
  • Protect your portals closely, residing nearby them as much as you can.
  • You are smart enough and old enough to know that most other races don’t like being exposed to space.
  • Dead carp are a valid source of health.
  • You’re in a permanently mechanical state, by virtue of your whole gimmick being a race against the clock.

You’re a well known threat. There’s not much to know about you other than portals are bad, carps are bad, being on fire is bad, and you can die, so killing you is an option. One the crew will immediately spring for.

Space Pirates! Station Threat


You're a pirate; you tried to extort the station, and that fell through, so now you're here to get your plunder on your own accord.

Special Rules:
  • You come with a giant announcement telling everyone you're here for a fight, so expect to be attacked almost instantly, this means while you are not PMS; you are also not protected from validhunting in general, as you are actively a threat to everyone. The only exception is the 'NRI Police' / 'NRI Patrol' variation of pirates, which announce more neutral terms.
  • You shouldn't just rush the armory/the SM, and should primarily focus on 'establishing contact', or else-wise, getting that loot.
  • /Just because you can sell crew, doesn't mean you should./
  • No, the 'space IRS' is not a government entity, no they are not from solfed, or NT.

none; you literally come fresh with a massive announcement telling everyone you're here for a fight.



You are an ordinary carp that has managed to swim up the strong current of a river and make the final jump over the Dragon's Gate at the top of the waterfall, being turned into a powerful dragon. Or that's what they say, at least. Regardless, you are the top dog of a local carp swarm, and all of them pay fealty to you. This station would make a great place for your throne, but you'll have to get by with a little help from your friends.

Special Rules:
  • You are classed as 'Permanent Mechanical State.' So are the carp that you bring out of your portals. So are the portals themselves. Dragons are for slaying, after all.

The crew knows as much about you as they'd like to. They know that you need to bring three portals into the world as part of some probably ley-line themed nonsense in order to achieve your apex level of power. They will stop you in the process.

Space Ninja

Description: You are a Ninja. In space. Specifically a Ninja from the Spider Clan. A very vague, poorly known yet notorious entity. You sport remarkably advanced equipment that generally doesn’t play well with anyone that lacks the training or discipline to use it. That won’t stop the crew from trying to murder you just to hold the fancy Katana, or literally steal your shoes. You arrive at the station with specific simple goals. Often conflicting in morality. You can show up and have to make sure someone survives the shift while simultaneously also having to steal information, abduct someone else, or leave a literal crater in a department. You benefit greatly from Opfor, but it isn’t required for them.
Special Rules:
  • If your Spider-Clan issued C4 is for use in Engineering, use it as far away from the Supermatter as you can.
  • Try not to hit the Atmos reservoirs either.
  • It is standard procedure to incarcerate and more likely kill a Ninja as soon as their presence is made known.
  • You are the only antagonist that prefers death before dishonor by nature. Your equipment is too valuable to fall into the crew’s hands. If you still have your Spider-clan issued C4, you’ll more than likely kill everyone within 6 tiles of you when you explode upon your death.
  • Ninjas should not vent the entire station without an OPFOR that tells them they should. They should be mindful of where they doorjack and should avoid venting the majority of the station, even "accidentally". It can be considered griefing.

Security has full knowledge of your equipment, including the standard issue suicide-grade explosives. Engineers, the CE, Roboticists, and the RD can tell when you’ve tampered with an APC. If you’re going stealthy about it, this can frame the AI as potentially Malf, or be dismissed as traitor activity, which it is. You’re to be considered a threat, even if you do say you’re here to protect someone.



Description: You are a spider. If you are a spider, you have a simple job. Produce eggs. Kill things that invade your nest. Protect the brood mother. You are a permanently mechanical antagonist, due to how important time is to you.

Special Rules:
  • You are a simple animal. Technology is completely foreign to you. Behave as a spider would.
  • Do not drag welders, or water tanks.
  • You are allowed to break heaters.
  • You are a spider. People know everything about you.
  • People know there is a broodmother.
  • People know the more pointy a spider is, the more squishy and venomous they are. The more bulky, the less venom.
  • People know the best way to kill you is extreme temperatures, be it cold, heat, or the void itself.


Description: You are a ne'er do well, a criminal, a contractor, or else-wise just a person who's offered to do an easy job for a years pay, whatever the case, you're here with a goal, and likely, not one they ever expected you to complete.
Special Rules:
  • Most of your actions should be focused around your objectives, or the people directly related to them, you shouldn't be going after randoms, or bombing medbay just to do it.
  • If you want to do something targeting a player in specific, a department at large, or the station at large, make an opfor, else-wise, opfors are only required for actions of high-intensity (see: breaking into engineering and stealing the protolathe), where as low intensity (emagging into engineering and printing jaws) doesn't
  • Regardless of having very-forward objectives, you should be trying to generate as much RP as you can while doing them, even something as simple as 'steal the hand tele' can have a story spark from it with a bit of effort.

if it's not in contraband, it's either not illegal, or else-wise unknown, and should be treated as it appears.



You are Nuclear Operatives that are, to say, built different. You are built so radically different that you thought it would be a funny idea for war to be declared. This alerts the crew that you're planning to kick down their door in about 20 minutes and gives the team a bonus of around 280 TC, depending on how many crewmembers there are. God fucking help you.

Special Rules:
  • You are classed as 'Permanent Mechanical State.' You literally dared the crew to stop you. Get killing.

Pfffft. Yeah, right.


Description: You are a Wizard. You are the magnum opus of Antagonists. Singularly, you are the strongest Antagonist in the game with a set of tools at your disposal that are fully capable of extending roleplay, or forcing people into positions to where they can’t fight you. You also have an extensive set of very painful tools. There are specific tools however that aren’t permitted to be used without admin approval, or disallowed outright (mentioned later). As a Wizard your goal is to cause problems, and as a heavy threat cost, you can ultimately dictate the pace of a round. As a Wizard, security is aware that you are very powerful and also a massive threat.
Special Rules:
  • Do not use the Ghost Ritual.
  • Do not stay on the Wizard Shuttle.
  • Do not use the Wizard Events without Admin permission.

The chaplain knows that he’s immune to you. Botanists know that Holy Melons protect people from magic.



Hssssssss! Or, in Solarian, you are a hive of XX121 ayyliens. One of the deadliest and most hostile of all known alien species, these creatures require a host organism in order to reproduce. Luckily, there's a station full of host organisms that you've somehow found your way to. Ayy lmao.

Special Rules:
  • You are classed as 'Permanent Mechanical State.' You are literally a hostile endoparasitoid from space, there is no sympathy for your plight. Get killing.

The crew knows as much about you as they'd like to, including that you hate fire.

Skyrat policies