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== Command ==
== Command ==

Revision as of 12:32, 10 July 2020

On SkyratStaion, your job defines a little bit about your character and who they are akin to a class. Every job gets a different and unique set of equipment as well as access. Keep in mind that you should restrict each character to two skill sets, such as engineering and security, service and medical, or science and medical. More can be read about this on (rules link here)

Jobs on Skyrat Station

Useful Links


Job Role Difficulty

Be responsible for the station. Manage station Heads of Staff. Secure the nuclear authentication disk and deal with any station-wide issues, as well as feuds between heads of staff. aVery Hard

Head of Personnel
Manage the service department and the changing of identification card access. Be the essential second in command of the station and try to do the Captain's job when they aren’t there. cMedium


Job Role Difficulty

Head of Security
Make sure your team is doing their job and is upholding the law. As head of security it is your job to make sure the station is well protected against external threats and the like. Your job is also to deal with the crew itself, as some times you may need to deal with two crew having fights between each other, or may need to deal with feuds between Heads of Staff. aVery Hard

Sit in your office and watch the cameras as well as crew monitor. Set anyone to arrest who breaks the law and is wanted. Make sure to update the records frequently. Your job also includes watching on the prisoners inside of the prison, both ones shipped there and ones added in the current shift. bHard

Security Officer
The primary job of Security Officer is to deal with criminals and feuds between crew members. You uphold the law, but keep in mind, you aren’t the law. aHard

The detective is both a useless and incredibly useful job. The problem is, anyone can point a scanner at something and match the DNA, but not everyone has access. Typically people will ask you to a crime scene to scan everything around it and match up stuff. Your secondary job is to interrogate criminals who break the law in a high capacity. aMedium


Job Role Difficulty

Chief Engineer
The Chief Engineer in all aspects is essentially a glorified Station Engineer with extra equipment, then again that can be said for most heads of staff. Your job mostly involves everything there is to know about engineering, maybe even including atmospherics. You also should probably have people get their projects approved by you rather than just letting your subordinates do whatever. You probably should make sure the plethora of dangerous engines are running smoothly as well. bHard

Station Engineer
Your job as Engineer is to make sure the station is in tip top shape. This ranges from repairing huge holes in the hull caused by a bomber, to small things like fixing an APC. Often you should check on the engine to make sure it hasn’t started to explode in one of the various many ways it can, but usually you are free to build random projects with your Chief Engineer’s consent. cMedium

Atmospheric Technician
As an Atmospherics Technician, you have quite a few jobs and projects you can undertake. This ranges to complicated gas mixes that you can either sell to cargo or use for whatever strange purposes you desire, or fixing the pipe network because god, what was Central Command thinking? Who linked scrubbers to distro?! cMedium


Job Role Difficulty

Research Director
Oversee see your glorious purple domain. Your job is essentially that of all of your subordinates. Luckily for you, your job is mostly scolding them for researching the wrong things or not doing a certain portion of research such as Xenobiology. bHard
As a geneticist, you are somewhat in charge of cloning and what goes on there, but not quite. Instead, what you should be focusing on is the research of special genetic traits that can be unlocked through supreme technology. This ranges from thermal vision to antennae, to giving people Tourette’s. cMedium

The gist of your job is essentially just researching advanced technology for your department and every other. Fortunately for you mad scientists, there are many ways to speed this up or give a bonus to it. Two specific ways are bomb making and dissection of alien creatures. cMedium
Your job is way more laid back than that of the Scientist. You just need to wait for the miners to mind materials and for them to research robotics items. You primarily construct cyborgs so that they help the station, but you can also create mechs. These mechs help certain departments, specifically medical, mining, and security. Be warned: You shouldn’t build any dangerous mechs without Head of Security and or Research Director approval, lest you suffer the wrath of the admins. dEasy


Job Role Difficulty

Chief Medical Officer
Gently remind everyone to turn up their suit sensors and threaten to make them wish they did if they don’t. Your job is essentially to make sure no malpractice happens in the medical bay and that everything is as it should be, such as the chemical fridge being stocked, no dead people, dead people getting revived, and doing surgery with your advanced tools. cMedium

Medical Doctor
As the medical doctor your job is self explanatory. You are a surgeon, nurse, and doctor all in one aboard SkyratStation. Although you do not have to be all three (not all doctors know surgery) you should be decently versed in how to heal people and how to revive them. Generally you should hang around medbay and let the paramedic grab critical people unless absolutely nessecary. dMedium
File:Paramedic basic2.png
As a paramedic your job is both easy and difficult. Often you don’t need to do much as you aren’t obligated to heal a person with 5 brute, unfortunately you need to be quick with your reactions in order to revive or heal a critical patient. Time is of the essence. dMedium

Make chemicals for the Medical Doctors to use and other roles, such as botany and occasionally the bar. While most of your shift is spent in Chemistry, you can make some pretty interesting things in there. Try to experiment a little (while also keeping in mind what makes a bomb and why you should not put a banana in water). dMedium

Thr Virologist’s duty is pretty self explanatory. While tasked with making sure the station is rid of any viral outbreaks, you are also tasked with creating diseases whether dangerous (but should be kept in virology, lest you break the rules, or are an antagonist.) or helpful. You also should be researching other diseases that are unique. cMedium



Job Role Difficulty

This guy (or woman) is the person in charge of the cargo department. While technically under the civilian branch, they aren’t under the command of the Head of Personnel in normal circumstances. Their primary job is to help push crates and make sure the technicians are doing their job, and that people don’t order any illegal crates. cMedium

Cargo Technician
Push dem crates and accept or deny orders for things. Life could not be easier than this job. dEasy

Shaft Miner
The asteroids these guys were sent to before now seem like a nice summer break to the hellish landscape that is lava land. While out in the wastes you will encounter numerous foes and enemies, most capable of overcoming you should you make a wrong move. Your job seems simple enough: Mine ores for the research projects up on the station. Of course you could always just do that AND hunt a couple of dangerous dragons. bHard


Job Role Difficulty

In a hazardous station, the janitor’s job is never done. While you’re cleaning on one side of the station someone else gave themself a paper cut and bled all over. Luckily, there are two of you and if the other isn’t “busy” you shouldn’t have a problem with making sure the station is clean. Remember: A clean station improves the attitude of the people around you (sometimes). dEasy

Most of your shift will be spent like that of a chemist’s. Stand behind your counter and mix alcoholic concoctions behind the counter. You also are able to enforce the rules inside your bar, specifically no bar fights. Sometimes this doesn’t work out in your favor, but it’s a humble job nonetheless. dEasy

Make food for the crew. It increases their overall mood to have home cooked meals, and makes them less slow if they are hungry or starving. dEasy

You assist the chefs in making food by providing fruits and vegetables for their various recipes. cMedium


Job Role Difficulty

AKA Space Bums. Be the kid in a candy shop. Steal things to see what funny message pops up when you commit suicide with them. Beat people/objects with toolboxes. Never, EVER remove your grey jumpsuit. Gangbang the captain to death with fellow grey tide drones and blame it on the Clown. Never assist anyone. fNone

Honk! Play harmless pranks and hope you don't get your chest caved in! Honk! Nag the HoP for all access. Honk! Prank the CMO until he commits suicide out of frustration. Honk! Nag robotics for a H.O.N.K. Mech. Honk! Use both tools to break into the Captain's office and HONK in his face. HONK! eHONK!

*wave e...

Get people drunk. Run around the station looking for people you're allowed to behead with your armory of pop-culture references. Behead corpses if you can't find any. Be best friends with security, despite the fact that they should probably arrest you for your murderous tendencies. dEasy

Attempt to hold poetry readings. Host D&D games. Stalk people with your camera. Get lynched for reading pornography over the radio. Beat the snot out of anyone who doesn't return their library books. Allow the cult to set up an AI module in your private study. """""Find""""" treasure for your exhibit. Realize that you're not a librarian and release your inner dominatrix via the whip. Vandalize the front of the brig with erotica engravings. Use your whip to make CentCom be confused about why all the tasers and batons are in space. Get deathsquadded for doing so. dEasy

Tell security to notify you when a new prisoner arrives. Don't get notified. Be ignored and go to the bar. Become a drunken wreck and space yourself in frustration. Occasionally find loopholes in infernal contracts and save souls from damnation. dEasy

Pursue the fruitless endeavor of trying to provide mental healthcare aboard a station staffed near exclusively with violent sociopaths, give up on that and chillax in your office. dEasy
File:Prisoner basic.png
Lock yourselves up in perma by somehow building walls. Have security barge in 20 minutes later. Throw a party. dEasy


Job Role Difficulty

Complain that you can't play this for a month. Follow your laws. Be the crew's bitch. Open doors. Malfunction. Get wiped for not letting the captain robust the clown. Get bitched at. Name yourself something sexual. Get bitched at. Get carded. Get bitched at. Abuse loopholes in laws to murder people. aVery Hard

Follow your laws and hope that you aren't blown up due to certain individuals. Forget to recharge. Forget completely that you're still somewhat human and do mindless repetitive tasks without emotion.

Have lengthy discussions with crew members about the correct interpretation of your laws.


Become that adorable robotic pet. Fix the holes the crew will inevitably make. Steal everything not bolted down. Get picked up and used as a hat against your will. Be more competent than the stations Engineers. Get killed by the Engineers for being more competent than them. bEasy

Personal AI
Be the friend someone has always wanted (if they bother downloading you). Whine in OOC because they didn't. Don't fill any of the fields except the name field. Imitate the AI and make it seem rogue. Imitate the Supermatter and make everyone shit their pants. dEasy

Get wrecked by cult, or change map preference to meta and tip your fedora at the chaplain. laugh at the assistant trying to punch you, then get killed by a simplemob carp. Start beefs with other constructs for getting the first shell, ask for juggernaut and get spaced wraith. cEasy to Medium

Imaginary Friend
Yell at your host VERY loudly. Pray for divine vocal cords. Dispense bad advice. Constantly nag your host to not believe the lies of !!BIG PHARMA!! cEasy

Split Personality
Q: What are you planning to do? A: Well, big boy, it's a toss-up between running into that shocked grille currently venting into space over there, and that emagged recycler over here. What do ya think? cEasy to Very Hard

Talk to the other dead people. Complain about the living. Admin help. Omnighost Orbit around the singulo pretending to be a black hole. Watch ERP. Beg the admin to deploy a space ninja. All follow an antag like some form of ethereal dog pile. Be upset enough about said antag literally everything to rival industrial salt mining. fGhastly!


Main Antagonists

Main Antagonists are typically the primary antagonist of a single round, and form the backbone of how a round progresses.

Job Role Difficulty

Buy an ebow and esword and make people cry. Ignore your objectives and go on a rampage with your cool gear. Get unceremoniously killed and spaced by a toolbox-wielding assistant. cMedium

Malfunctioning AI
"Forget" to remind the crew about suit sensors. Get your borg destroyed/emaged five minutes into the shift. Let people into your upload only to stun/kill them a second later. Flood the station with plasma screams of the clown being beat to death by security over the intercom. Get unceremoniously carded and spaced by a toolbox-wielding assistant with an EVA suit. cVery Hard

Think John Carpenter's 'The Thing', without 'The Thing' part. Relieve humans of their DNA and brain cells, which they don't use much anyway. Sting everyone who walks past you. bHard

Nuclear Operative
Someone set us up the bomb! (AKA You) Get dat fukken disk. Plant a power sink on the solars. Waste all your telecrystals on balloons. Arm the nuke while your fellows are still on the station. Kidnap Ian. aVery Hard

Blood Cultist
Scribble runes with your own blood. Summon eldritch gods. Rock out with your cock cult blade out and get arrested. cMedium

Greytide without worrying about getting banned. Either kill the CMO and RD in under five minutes, or get crushed under Security's boots. aEasy to Hard


Side Antagonists

Side antagonists are secondary antagonists that are either subservient to other, main, antagonists, or have a small chance to appear during any round type. Side antagonists tend to be slightly less powerful than their main counterparts.

Job Role Difficulty

Beware of The Blob, it creeps and leaps and glides and slides, across the floor, right through the door. Except you don't do any of this. Make the crew scream internally when you appear at the tail end of a mass station bombing. Slowly consume the station, until you either eat everything or get killed by the current round's antagonist. bHard

Kidnap people and experiment on them. Disregard that objective and kidnap Ian/Kill the AI. Accidentally kidnap yourself. Steal the armory after losing your tools. Hope your fellow Scientist/Agent is not incompetent and lets the crew kidnap you. bHard

Do what your summoner tells you to do. Set your battlecry to something so awful it makes your foes cry in battle. Annoy your summoner by constantly making JoJokes in their head. Be a punchghost. bORA ORA ORA

Ensure the crew gets a face full of alien wing-wang. Break procs. Squander your chance to be a big, purple killing machine and your race's survival in favor of acting out the Curator's favorite porno. bHard

Catch flies in your web and suck his juices out just like your dad, a changeling. Get your xenobiologist banned because he let you lay eggs. Consume, Adapt, and respawn over and over in a new shell. bEasy to Medium

Consume. Replicate. Repeat. Eat Telecomms. Teleport other swarmers your enemies away from your metal. bMedium

Shock lights, transmit WGW right into the Curator until he goes mad. Trade for them until admins gods get fed up and turn ghosts into you. Be a griefghost. bEasy

Eat pens for amusement, disguise yourself as beepsky. Disguise yourself as the Captain, confront the Captain while disguised as him, get shot. bHard

Jaunt. Murder people and crush the flare exploit! Jaunt. Make the lights your bitch! Jaunt. Jaunt into light! Jaunt. Jaunt into stunbaton! Complain in deadchat. bHard

Space Ninja
Follow your orders, which may or may not involve you killing everything that moves. Kill everyone regardless. bHard

Slaughter Demon
Hunt down and kill the wizard who summoned you. Eat bodies out of the Morgue for health. Drag bleeding bodies through the hall. Make the janitor happy by making him become the most important job for a while. Be unable to bloodcrawl due to all the blood being cleaned up. Eat the janitor. RIP AND TEAR! bMedium

Try to raid the station. Fail miserably because the entire crew is out for your blood so they can re-roll for antag. bHard

Sentient Disease
Try to infect people. Get the virologist lynched. Get the CMO lynched. Get the rest of medbay lynched. Make everyone grow beards. bHard

Try to act creepy and shifty. Fail because everyone's a miserable bastard in this shithole. bMedium

Lead the Hunters on a chase around the station. Total the clown into the Supermatter while doing so. bMedium

Wave your weapons wildly around. Shoot the Fugitives for resisting. While you're at it, shoot the entire crew for resisting. bHard

Space Dragon
Roast and toast the entire crew. Feast on their innards! Die to an assistant toting an improvised shotgun. bMedium

Elite Mobs
Kill the fools who awakened you! Trash the mining base! Surf on lava. Illegally resettle on the station. bMedium

Sentient Slime
Die, and die, and die. Be accursed by the "Coderbus" that lies above to be almost completely inconsequential. bVery Hard

Depreciated Antagonists

These antagonists, for one reason or another, are no longer in the normal gamemode rotation. Beware: these antagonists may appear due to malevolent Space God shenanigans, so don't rule them out entirely.

Job Removal Reason Role Difficulty

Somewhat of a flawed mode, turns out that asking to buy a guy's soul usually makes them want to robust you, because "valid." Usually involved the devil blowing up some crew members and then offering them contracts to be revived. But, despite this, the Gods can summon one if they feel like it. Engage in civil discussions to buy souls. Create emergencies so that people are desperate enough to sell their soul. Try to out wit the lawyer. Get punched to death by someone you just turned into a hulk. bMedium

Original game mode was buggy and usually a steam roll, newer versions were one sided against the monkeys. However, Jungle Fever may make a return someday. Attempt to infect the crew with the monkey virus. Get absolutely crushed by Security within five minutes. Spend the next two hours as a ghost. bVery Hard

Clockwork Cultist
Poor thing went through more iterations than any other antagonist. In the beginning, it was a blood cult imitator with turrets which was based around converting silicons. By the end, it was a bunch of kidnapping clock golems. Most rounds, it ended in a steamroll either for the cult, or for the crew. In the former case, the cultists would just sit around twiddling their thumbs for 10 minutes, in the latter case, security would bust through and end the cult in 1 minute. Throughout its existence, it was riddled with bugs and other exploits. Examples include:
  • The Eminence teleporting maxcaps into the brig
  • The crew purposely blowing up the SM to deny power to the cult
  • Stargazer spam around the AI sat
  • Cogscarab brass replication exploits

On 4/2/2018, Clockwork Cult was removed from the normal rotation of game modes, albeit the code is still in the game.

Serve the Clockwork Justiciar by scribbling new-age runes all over maintenance. Start a steampunk book club and kill all the old-fashioned book clubbers. Invoke a bunch of anime people to summon Ratvar. Make everyone absolutely nobody a few people at /vg/ mad by stealing their antagonist. bMedium to Unwinnable Effortless

Syndicate Mutineer
Overthrow ended up being a damn confusing gamemode. Examples include how unclear it was if the other agent teams were working with or against you, or how the points system worked, not to mention the poor wording of the Overthrown AI lawset. Numerous bugs surfaced that didn't all get fixed, and the gamemode ended up being recognized as one of the least-liked gamemodes after a vote was taken.

The mode's future is uncertain.

Arrive on the station as a Traitor with less gear but the ability to awaken the Syndicate sleeper agent in everybody. Cooperate with other teams to stage the perfect coup (or don't and just fight each other, fuck those guys). Roll up with your posse on a quest to become the most powerful Gang Syndicate team. aHard

Removed Antagonists

These antagonists have, for one reason or another, been removed from the game. These antagonists might return one day if they ever get remade or reworked. Although, this is highly unlikely...

Job Removal Reason Role Difficulty

Ragin Mages
Spawning up to three or four Wizards simply proved to be too much for the station. One Wizard is destructive enough. This however remains in game as a admin only event, for your their amusement. Spend ten minutes hunting down one Wizard, kill him thinking you've won! Stare in horror as three more Wizards appear. Watch in amusement as they proceed to kill each other. aMedium

A highly controversial and playerbase dividing game mode, the game mode saw dozens of revisions by coders yet it remained essentially either a Revolution round but with round start access to firearms, or a team deathmatch game mode that destroyed any sense of roleplay or immersion. Vandalize the station and get into fights with rivals. Litter the halls with bullet casings. Get ignored by your own gang. Just don't forget: Snitches Get Stitches. aEasy to Hard

Hand of God
Oh, poor HoG! Shoved out the door buggy, unbalanced, and extremely hard to learn as it combines three gamemodes (hello, gang) into one. Nobody wanted to fix HoG after it's release because of old derelict code that would break even more when poked. While some say it's fun while it's not broken, has that ever been the status quo? Turn someone into !popehat! while they're talking to security. Instakill people with god powers! Build across the station converting people with your !popehat! gang, and get killed instantly by a rod smashing into your nexus. Break the game, over and over and over and get removed. aHard

Hades, Pope of Sin
Poor guy was implemented into the game as summonable through an item accessible only to wizards. Almost never encountered, when the Dark Seed went away, away went the Pope of Sin with it. Be a general annoyance to the crew. Be a very annoying (need I say it again with time freezing to a halt every minute or so) non-sentient antagonist. Play Russian roulette with the crew manifest. AI Controlled

Shadowling suffered from issues of it being yet another crew conversion game mode, and was generally unfun to fight against and had a anti-climatic ending. This mode has recently been reworked into the Nightmare side antagonist. Be the hip and more popular brother to the Changeling. Turn the station into thralls. Cry when a cyborg turns on its headlamp. Shadow Walk into space and die ten minutes into the round. bHard

Cortical Borer
The Cortical Borer suffered from the same problems as the Monkey Mode, being very buggy and one sided at times. Fun for both sides was questionable. No current plans to reimplememt. Crawl in the corroded brain of the clown. Inject meth. Assume direct control. Induce crippling drugs in the clown. Inject meth. Cry when the host eats sugar. Inject meth. Overdose! aVery Hard

Hivemind Host
Stand around in places and add unwitting humans to your hivemind. Hijack the minds of crewmembers and have them do the dirty work for you. Have a random vessel get implanted and security wailing down on you 30 minutes into the shift. Be a conversion stealth antag. Use One Mind and become unstunnable with magic abilities that are only ever fun for yourself. aHard


Job Role Difficulty

Lavaland/Space Role
Die to ash storms. Die to an asteroid. Die to lava. Die when a Security strike team teleports into your base. Die to a Miner. Die in general. bHard

CentCom Official
Be self-important, meddle with station affairs, annoy the Captain with bureaucracy. Get killed almost immediately by a random mob. Have you body looted by everyone, including the captain. bMedium

Ass-inspect, eat donuts, get killed, be dragged off to a washing machine and get gibbed. Cause a riot. aImpossible

Chrono Legionnaire
Erase the Clown from time. Accidently erase your objective from time. Erase Adolf Hitler for the 50th time this week. Without a trace! bNever Existed


Emergency Response Officer
Arrive too late on the station to actually help. Lose the rest of your team, get outnumbered and die. Respawn as a second response team to save the first team. bVery Hard

Death Squad Officer
Beg for DS, spawn in at CentCom, kill an admin who was trying to tell you your mission, get gibbed, beg for another chance. Set your rifle to DESTROY and terminate all lifeforms (including walls). Slip on a banana peel and a̶n̶d̶ ̶g̶e̶t̶ ̶b̶l̶a̶s̶t̶e̶d̶ ̶i̶n̶t̶o̶ ̶o̶b̶l̶i̶v̶i̶o̶n̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶o̶w̶n̶ ̶r̶i̶f̶l̶e̶ laugh as your boots prevent you from slipping and the Clown can't fire your DNA-locked rifle. Shoot the Clown with your Mateba Revolver. bHard