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=OOC ERP Courtesy Policy=
=OOC ERP Courtesy Policy=
We are an adult roleplaying server that allows for erotic roleplay. While we are not sex centric, we are sex positive. We are a roleplaying server first, and we will seek to prioritize immersion first. However, we do allow erotic roleplay, given that it is not done in "low roleplay" fashion.

What does this mean for you?

* '''This means you will not come across adult activity at every turn. However, you will inevitably come across adult activity at some point. As a result, you should understand you are not protected from seeing these activities.''' If something triggers you, you are responsible for removing yourself from the situation, unless someone tries to use that to target you in which case we will get involved. Conversely, you are protected from having to participate in such activities, as we do not allow preference breaking.
Skyrat is a sex positive server, and while erotic roleplay (ERP) is not the main focus of the server, sexual content is present and should be expected to be seen at some point. That being said, roleplay is the focus of our server, that does encompass interactions that are erotic in nature. ERP will happen, and these rules are in place to protect you, and other players who may participate. Even if you do not ERP, it is important to know these rules as they will protect you from punishment if you follow them. A golden rule when coming across ERP is to ahelp if you're not sure what to do with them, as staff are more than willing to assist in situations to make sure that you or other's privacy is maintained and respected.  
* We want everyone reading this policy to understand this does not affect only people who ERP, rather it affects everyone with a vested interest in roleplay.
* '''There have been too many times where strictly clean roleplay, even simple conversations, have been broken up due to people claiming they're ERPing, even when they're not, effectively shattering immersion.'''
* This affects every good-faith roleplayer and can completely kill one's appetite to roleplay, often due to very human emotions, all because some people overestimate how much actual ERP happens on the server.
'''Even if you are not interested in ERP, there are protections in here that you must follow in regards to other player's as well as your privacy and comfort. Not knowing these rules is not a defense from them and violations will be dealt with harshly.'''
* This policy will outline what players are and aren't allowed to do, so one knows what is okay and isn't. '''Keep in mind that good-faith IC interactions are allowed, however, we will be cracking down hard on OOC toxicity, particularly those OOC-in-IC interactions.'''

==Public and Private Definitions==
==Public and Private Definitions==
===Private Area===
===Private Area===

* A private place is essentially an area that is not in public use and is very much out of the way i.e. located in an enclosed room in maintenance or a locked dorm room.
* Any area that is not trafficked by the public for use and is out of the way. This can be a maintenance room, dorms, or a private office.

===Public Area===
===Public Area===

* A public place is essentially an area that is used frequently by the entire public with little to no expectation of privacy, i.e. the bar, hallways, department lobbies, and so forth.
* Any area that is high traffic and frequented by the crew for nominal operations. This includes halls, department lobbies and most rooms in the department. There are some exceptions to this, such as a room made into a semi-private area, e.g. the bar using curtains or other methods to block direct vision.

===Semi-Private Area===
===Semi-Private Area===

* A semi-private place is an area that is not visible from the outside but is still able to be accessed by the public with frequency and is not required for the maintenance of the server, a department, or a job. This can be a shower room, an enclosed space within the bar, maintenance bar, and so forth.
* Any area that is not high traffic, but there is no guarantee of privacy. This can be the aforementioned bar area, or areas of a department that are not typically used.
==Basic ERP Courtesy Guidelines==
===Anti-Grief Protection Rules===
'''0.'''  '''Respect people's prefs.'''
* OOC prefs are absolutes, if it says ask, you should ask, if it says no, it means '''<u>No.</u>'''
* This expands to include people you expose by second hand, that means in no uncertain terms, you shouldn't be proudly talking about how bad you want to dick someone down over the radio, unless you know everyone on that channel has consented.

===Semi-Public Area===
'''1. Don’t be a dick'''

* A semi-public place is an area that is not accessed by the public with frequency but is mandatory for the maintenance of the station, a department, or a job. This can be a blacked-out bar, the back of the department, the breakroom, the engine room, and so forth.
* Do not be toxic to others. Be respectful.
* '''Exception:''' Being actively pursued means that you are not entitled to any protection besides the bare minimum from an official search party. This does not apply to people who stumble upon you incidentally. If found under those circumstances, you will be obligated to roleplay with the consequences. Conversely, individuals, who abuse this policy, may be charged with valid-hunting and other rules violations.

==Basic ERP Courtesy Guidelines==
* Do not grief players who are ERPing. Do not grief players about their ERP in IC or OOC channels.
===Anti-Grief Protection Rule===
* Repeat violations of this policy will be categorized as bad faith actions, and bans taken against this can result in no appeal permabans.
There has been a major increase in the number of individuals getting interrupted while simply roleplaying, talking, or hanging out, because people assume they are ERPing when they are not. As a result, we will be handling these cases with absolute severity, as even non-ERP interactions are being ruined by these individuals. Despite what you think, ERP does not happen that often on Skyrat.

# Do not be a dick. Do not be toxic towards others. '''Be respectful.''' While we are a roleplaying server first, we are still sex positive. Our goal is to balance that without becoming sex-centric or toxic towards those who ERP. We seek a balance. '''Repeat violations of the Anti-Grief Protection Rule will have violators categorized as a griefer if seen acting in bad faith, meaning no-appeal permanent bans will be considered.'''
'''2. Don’t make drama out of ERP'''
# '''Do not call out ERP over comms.''' We have seen an influx of people claiming people are having sex over comms, even when they're not, thus ruining roleplay altogether. Do not use ERP as a way to cause drama. You will be banned. If a command staff is urgently needed to lead, please ask for them to do their job, however, do not do this in bad faith. '''If they do not comply, do not interrupt, instead make an admin-help instead.''' Staff will ascertain the situation to see if the aforementioned command staff is actually needed. Keep note that abuse of this will result in notes and an eventual ban, '''especially during shifts where nothing is happening.''' See #1.

'''Note:''' Also, remember that Captain is not security and actually cannot act in capacity as security if there are a sufficient number of security personnel. Lastly, they are not required for security to do their job.
* Do not ERP Bait, or use ERP to bait a player into a situation with the intention to trick them.
* Do not ERP as someone else’s character without their consent. This includes any intimate interactions such as kissing/groping.
* Calling security on players who are ERPing will be considered making drama. Ahelp instead if they are being disruptive and refuse to cooperate.
* Keep extreme kink activities out of public view (Noncon, hyper, bloodplay, gore, etc.)
* Do not levy accusations of sexual assault or non-consensual against other players over public channels of any kind (this includes PDA messages as they are viewable by all ghosts).

#You are not allowed to interrupt an ERP in a private area without gaining 100% OOC consent. You must LOOC beforehand. Keep in mind that we also have wall-piercing LOOC as an option. '''You will be noted for each violation, and you will be dealt with if we see a pattern.''' We have seen an influx of people acting in bad faith, and we will no longer be tolerating this.
'''3.''' '''Do not call out ERP over any sort of IC or OOC channels.'''
#IC Non-consensual ERP must be kept contained to only OOCly consenting parties. This means you must use the subtle or subtler emote if in public. You also cannot cause a scene ICly, meaning that you should not bring the rest of the crew into it. For instance, you should not call out people, accuse them, or act in any way that draws attention to it such as calling for security. Everyone involved must consent to the scene fully and those that do not consent must be allowed to leave. Lastly, you cannot get others involved without the consent of all involved parties. If you wish to use non-consensual ERP scenes for character development, please avoid using names. '''Basically, do not be a dick, do not create senseless drama, and if you want to roleplay it out along with its IC consequences, go ahead but make sure everyone involved is comfortable with it.'''<br><br>If it is not clear that they are kidnapping you for non-consensual ERP, you may treat it as a normal kidnapping attempt. If they mislead you about the nature of the kidnapping, please alert staff immediately. If anyone attempts to cause a scene that draws in a wider crowd, please alert staff. Those acting in bad faith to create unnecessary drama will be banned.<br><br>In the case that someone is breaking your preference, LOOC immediately and tell them firmly to stop first. This prevents miscommunication, and it also allows for documentation that staff can use as evidence. If they fail to heed your LOOC, please alert staff immediately. Please do not handle it ICly. '''Note:''' Subtle and Non-Subtle refers to the use or lack of use of the subtle emotes respectively. Using subtle emotes output emotes like a whisper, while the standard emote outputs emotes normally.
#Non-Subtle Public ERP only have the "do not be a dick" rule protecting them. This means you can interrupt them and possibly break them up, given that you roleplay up to that process. However, you should not be toxic in the process. Failure to abide by the OOC "do not be a dick rule" will result in a ban. With that said, we highly encourage players to use subtle emotes in public if they don't want to be interrupted. '''Furthermore, this is expected if the fetishes involved are non-vanilla so as to avoid drama.'''
#Subtle Public ERP has more protection. You can interact with them without being toxic, i.e. breaking #1, but you should not be interrupting them or calling them out. You should only attempt to interrupt them or break them up for relocation if they are significantly in the way of others and are actively impeding work. Do not try to use this in bad faith as an excuse to break up roleplay. '''A history of this will result in your permanent ban.'''
# Subtle Public ERP have more protection. You can interact with them without being toxic, i.e. breaking #1, but you should not be interrupting them or calling them out. You should only attempt to interrupt them or break them up for relocation if they are significantly in the way of others and are actively impeding work. Do not try to use this in bad faith as an excuse to break up roleplay. A history of this will result in your permanent ban.
# ERP-baiting is not allowed. You are also not allowed to ERP as someone else's character.
# '''Do report any violations. It will be taken seriously.'''<br />
===Mandated Courtesy Guidelines===
#Do follow the Anti-Grief Protection Rule.
#Do report violations of the Mandated Courtesy Guidelines and Anti-Grief Protection Rule.
#Do follow the preferences in the OOC notes of a player. If in doubt, ask in LOOC.
#Do communicate your preferences in LOOC, especially if you ever feel uncomfortable with the scene. Be clear with your partner to avoid misunderstanding.
#Do use LOOC before admin-helping. The vast majority of problems can be resolved with communication. They may not know your boundaries if you do not LOOC first, and we cannot do anything about it unless you try to handle it on your end first.
#Do work with your partner ICly and OOCly to make your RP/ERP drama-free.
#Do use subtler emotes for non-vanilla kinks when in public.
#Do use subtler emotes when you can for privacy.
#Do remove yourself from the situation if something triggers you. Do report a player if they use that trigger to target you.
#As a head or essential personnel, keep your headset on if engaged in consensual sex. Prioritize your job if needed.
#Do roleplay in good faith, outing the perpetrator in an IC non-con scene without OOC consent makes drama that is disruptive to the whole server, rather than a good story.

* Do not call security for players who are ERPing, this also goes for department radio channels and command channels.
#Do not violate the Anti-Grief Protection Rule
* If command staff is urgently needed, ask them to do their job. Do not do this in bad faith. Do not interrupt if they do not comply, instead make an admin-help.
#Do not perform antagonist activities in the arrival hub. You can have fights and roleplay on the arrival hub, but you are not allowed to damage the place under any means nor use the hub as a way to safely gather material for antagonistic activities.
#Arrival hub dorms are completely protected. Under no circumstance should these dorms be tampered with or affected in any way. Station dorms no longer have this absolute protection, however, they still have the same private ERP protection given by default in the Anti-Grief Protection Rule #3.
#Do not be toxic towards those that ERP. You will be banned.
#Do not use normal emotes for public, non-vanilla ERP.
#'''Do not ERP as someone else's character without OOC permission.'''
#Do not ERP with simple mobs that are real world animals with no humanoid properties, i.e. the station pets. Besides that, feel free to play out your monster fantasy.
#Do not seek to create drama out of ERP. Do not try to shame people for ERPing, and do not out the perpetrator in an IC non-con scene without OOC consent, '''especially if you are not involved.'''
#Do not neglect your job to ERP if you are needed on the job. You can always join as an assistant and ERP the whole shift.
#Do not go out of your way to bother people who are ERPing. Let people have their fun.

==Public Nudity Policy==
'''4.''' '''You must have OOC consent from the erping parties to interrupt ERP in a private area.'''
===Definition of Public Nudity===
Public nudity is when your character has their genitalia exposed in public. This means even if they are not fully naked, they can be considered naked in public if their genitalia is exposed. Conversely, if no genitalia can be seen, even if fully naked, this means they are not considered naked in public.

People, who do not have any visible genitalia even if fully naked, will not be considered naked in public. Please keep in mind any visible genital slit, sheath, and so forth are still considered genitalia. You should either be a barbie doll or have fur or fluff covering over any genitalia to the point of not being visible.
* If they are in a enclosed room, use LOOC Wallpierce.
* If you absolutely need to go into that room for some reason and cannot get permission, ahelp first.  
* If people are publicly ERPing, you may ask them to stop or go somewhere else in LOOC, if they do not cooperate, ahelp.
* ''If you are reading this and applying to the server, please type BANANA EGG, in the chat after you create your ticket to confirm you've read this document.''

Lastly, using gear harnesses does not mean you are exempt, nor is hiding genitalia by using the hide genitals command if there is nothing there to actually hide or cover it.
'''5.''' '''Non Consensual ERP Can only be with LOOC consenting parties.'''

===When is Public Nudity an OOC Issue===
* Non Con must be kept to subtler.
Public nudity is an IC issue, unless it is made into an OOC issue by being a nuisance. Public nudity becomes an OOC issue when one of the following happens:
* Do not broadcast or draw attention to said actions.
* Implications of non-consensual against parties without prior consent is not allowed.
* Do not create a public scene out of it.
* If the other player repeals their consent or says they would wish to discontinue the RP, disengage immediately.  
* '''Violations of this rule will be dealt with harshly.'''

*You constantly get naked every single shift, acting rather LRP in the process.
==Public Nudity Policy==
*You constantly get into trouble with security, get arrested, and refuse to obey Corporate Regulation when it comes to public nudity.
*You constantly ignore your head of department or direct supervisor that asks you to be clothed while on-duty when in said department        .
*You act in bad faith when it comes to being nude in public such as intentionally harassing people with your nudity, using your nudity to have an excuse to commit further crimes, and so forth.

===Is Intentional Public Nudity Prohibited In General?===
Public nudity is allowed on this server. Public nudity is defined as when you are in public with genitalia (or otherwise would have genitalia exposed). Keep in mind the following rules. Note that using public nudity in a way to grief other players is not tolerated, however, the opposite is also enforced. Please do not grief any player who is engaging in public nudity, if they are being unreasonable, please ahelp and a staff will assist. When it comes to public nudity, please remember the following things.
It is completely fine to have a character that prefers to be nude, however, you should be more thoughtful and strategic when it comes to the timing. If you want to get naked in the bar, it is fine as long as you do not try every time. You should not force the issue to the point of being a pain, otherwise you will be labeled a nuisance, thereby making this an OOC issue. As long as you don't try to make this an issue every shift and so forth, it is an IC issue.

'''You can always be naked in a private area. You can also be naked without issue in certain non-public areas. Some areas like a public sauna or swimming pool, it may be acceptable to be naked without incident.'''
* Be considerate, don’t be sexual with it.
* Unless done intentionally for drama, it is an IC issue.
* Players who are ERPing, and players participating in public nudity, are not considered the same, or are to be equated as the same thing. Breaking up ERP is still subject to the listed rules, and is not valid to be broken up through calling for Security. Only public nudity is to be considered a Regulations issue; follow the rules for two players being intimate.
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= ERP Adjacent Things =
On this server, you will come across a multitude of things that while not directly ERP themselves, can carry the insinuation of it. While you can be exposed to these items, the importance is on how they are used.Steps should be taken minimize non-consenting people's exposure to this. Even with these steps, you should accept that you will stumble upon things that are erotic in nature. The following should only be given to consenting parties;

It may be appropriate to expose some skin in semi-public areas, i.e. back of cargo, warehouse, back of your department, or break room. However, if you are fully nude, you should at least make yourself somewhat decent if ordered or asked by your supervisor or head. Again, as long as you're not being openly defiant and making it an issue OOCly, it will be considered an IC issue.
Aphrodesiacs and Cum

ERP Related Chems

Lustwish Vendor Items
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Latest revision as of 22:42, 9 April 2024

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OOC ERP Courtesy Policy

Skyrat is a sex positive server, and while erotic roleplay (ERP) is not the main focus of the server, sexual content is present and should be expected to be seen at some point. That being said, roleplay is the focus of our server, that does encompass interactions that are erotic in nature. ERP will happen, and these rules are in place to protect you, and other players who may participate. Even if you do not ERP, it is important to know these rules as they will protect you from punishment if you follow them. A golden rule when coming across ERP is to ahelp if you're not sure what to do with them, as staff are more than willing to assist in situations to make sure that you or other's privacy is maintained and respected.

Even if you are not interested in ERP, there are protections in here that you must follow in regards to other player's as well as your privacy and comfort. Not knowing these rules is not a defense from them and violations will be dealt with harshly.

Public and Private Definitions

Private Area

  • Any area that is not trafficked by the public for use and is out of the way. This can be a maintenance room, dorms, or a private office.

Public Area

  • Any area that is high traffic and frequented by the crew for nominal operations. This includes halls, department lobbies and most rooms in the department. There are some exceptions to this, such as a room made into a semi-private area, e.g. the bar using curtains or other methods to block direct vision.

Semi-Private Area

  • Any area that is not high traffic, but there is no guarantee of privacy. This can be the aforementioned bar area, or areas of a department that are not typically used.

Basic ERP Courtesy Guidelines

Anti-Grief Protection Rules

0. Respect people's prefs.

  • OOC prefs are absolutes, if it says ask, you should ask, if it says no, it means No.
  • This expands to include people you expose by second hand, that means in no uncertain terms, you shouldn't be proudly talking about how bad you want to dick someone down over the radio, unless you know everyone on that channel has consented.

1. Don’t be a dick

  • Do not be toxic to others. Be respectful.
  • Do not grief players who are ERPing. Do not grief players about their ERP in IC or OOC channels.
  • Repeat violations of this policy will be categorized as bad faith actions, and bans taken against this can result in no appeal permabans.

2. Don’t make drama out of ERP

  • Do not ERP Bait, or use ERP to bait a player into a situation with the intention to trick them.
  • Do not ERP as someone else’s character without their consent. This includes any intimate interactions such as kissing/groping.
  • Calling security on players who are ERPing will be considered making drama. Ahelp instead if they are being disruptive and refuse to cooperate.
  • Keep extreme kink activities out of public view (Noncon, hyper, bloodplay, gore, etc.)
  • Do not levy accusations of sexual assault or non-consensual against other players over public channels of any kind (this includes PDA messages as they are viewable by all ghosts).

3. Do not call out ERP over any sort of IC or OOC channels.

  • Do not call security for players who are ERPing, this also goes for department radio channels and command channels.
  • If command staff is urgently needed, ask them to do their job. Do not do this in bad faith. Do not interrupt if they do not comply, instead make an admin-help.

4. You must have OOC consent from the erping parties to interrupt ERP in a private area.

  • If they are in a enclosed room, use LOOC Wallpierce.
  • If you absolutely need to go into that room for some reason and cannot get permission, ahelp first.
  • If people are publicly ERPing, you may ask them to stop or go somewhere else in LOOC, if they do not cooperate, ahelp.
  • If you are reading this and applying to the server, please type BANANA EGG, in the chat after you create your ticket to confirm you've read this document.

5. Non Consensual ERP Can only be with LOOC consenting parties.

  • Non Con must be kept to subtler.
  • Do not broadcast or draw attention to said actions.
  • Implications of non-consensual against parties without prior consent is not allowed.
  • Do not create a public scene out of it.
  • If the other player repeals their consent or says they would wish to discontinue the RP, disengage immediately.
  • Violations of this rule will be dealt with harshly.

Public Nudity Policy

Public nudity is allowed on this server. Public nudity is defined as when you are in public with genitalia (or otherwise would have genitalia exposed). Keep in mind the following rules. Note that using public nudity in a way to grief other players is not tolerated, however, the opposite is also enforced. Please do not grief any player who is engaging in public nudity, if they are being unreasonable, please ahelp and a staff will assist. When it comes to public nudity, please remember the following things.

  • Be considerate, don’t be sexual with it.
  • Unless done intentionally for drama, it is an IC issue.
  • Players who are ERPing, and players participating in public nudity, are not considered the same, or are to be equated as the same thing. Breaking up ERP is still subject to the listed rules, and is not valid to be broken up through calling for Security. Only public nudity is to be considered a Regulations issue; follow the rules for two players being intimate.

ERP Adjacent Things

On this server, you will come across a multitude of things that while not directly ERP themselves, can carry the insinuation of it. While you can be exposed to these items, the importance is on how they are used.Steps should be taken minimize non-consenting people's exposure to this. Even with these steps, you should accept that you will stumble upon things that are erotic in nature. The following should only be given to consenting parties;

Aphrodesiacs and Cum

ERP Related Chems

Lustwish Vendor Items

Skyrat policies