Woah! You shouldn't be seeing this. Notify GreytideSkye (talk) 23:49, 16 November 2023 (UTC) where this is being shown, unless it's at Template:SurgeryStep.
For reference, steps come from places like [1].
For code parity, I'm naming these templates as they are named in the code, e.g. Unscrew Shell is /datum/surgery_step/mechanic_open in [2] so it will be here, Template:SurgeryStep/mechanic_open.
So the Surgery pages use an unformatted table, where the first 2 columns are the "normal" procedure steps ("Procedure") and the last column is a free-for-all "Ghetto Analogues" wherein you post
Image (chance%) Image (chance%)
with no commas or anything. Actually, the second column is always unused and is there just for formatting. The first column is in the format
Step 1: Image '''Toolname''': step description.
The width of the table is inconsistent, Guide_to_synthetic_surgery uses 450px, Surgery uses 400px. I like 450px better.
I'm going to experiment to see if I can make the template have the columns without the formatting, but, honestly, I think it's going to be necessary to do a two-step.
Screwdriver: skeleton.||
(50%) Any other sharp item (10%)