User:Malle Yeno/Sandbox

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Guide to Smithing & Reagent Forging

Disclaimer: Observations may come from the code. Report any issues to the Github.


Smithing allows players to create reagent objects. Players will need a forge, an anvil, and a water basin to forge. You will also need forging tongs and a forging hammer.

Materials & Stations

Tools and Materials

  • Forging tongs (Crafting menu -> Tribal -> Primitive Forging Tongs (5 iron plates))
  • Forging hammer (Crafting menu -> Tribal -> Primitive Forging Tammer (5 iron plates))
  • Forging bellows (Crafting menu -> Tribal -> Primitive Forging Bellows (5 wood planks))
  • Iron rods
  • Fuel (Either wood, coal, or charcoal)
    • Wood is obtained from tower caps or other dismantled sources.
    • Coal is obtained from the grilling fuel kit from Cargo. Askwalkers in the necropolis can also find coal scattered around their home.
    • Charcoal is produced randomly when your forge is fueled with wood. It is based on a prob(45) function.


Your forge is used to:

  • Turn an iron rod into an incomplete smithing item.
  • Heat up smithing items.
  • Smelt ore into sheets.
Improving your forge with goliath hide increases the number of sheets one piece of ore generates.
  • Turn wood into charcoal.
Occurs by chance based on a prob(45) result.

To use a forge, you have to fuel it.

  • Wood is the weakest fuel.
    • It will only allow you to heat to 50 degrees. You need 51 degrees to heat anything you want to make or smelt.
    • You use bellows to get around this for a few minutes.
  • Coal and charcoal is stronger than wood and can heat your forge to 100 degrees.
  • When your forge runs out of fuel, it will roll for a chance to decrease its temperature until refuelling.
    • The chance increases when you place Watcher Sinew into to. Every sinew up to 10 will reduce the chance to cool down by 10%.
    • 10 sinew pieces means your forge will never cool down.
    • Expert smithys are able to upgrade their forge to have 10 sinews without any sinew sacrified by simply touching the forge.

Forging Workbench

A forging workbench allows you to:

  • Store finished chains and plates. (May not be retrievable afterwards, to be confirmed)
  • Attach handles to your weapons.
  1. Load the workbench with wood.
  2. Insert your weapon head into the workbench.
  3. Hammer the workbench.
  4. When "Item Crafted" pops up, grab at the workbench with an empty hand.
  • Craft armour and reagent items in stages.
    • Chain armour (Boots, armour, helmet, gloves)
    • Plated items (Shield, boots)

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Fuel your forge by interacting with it, fuel in hand.
  2. Wait for your forge to get hotter than 51 degrees. Use bellows to make this go faster.
If you are using wood, it will not get hotter than 50 degrees on its own. Use bellows to push it to 51 degrees for a few minutes.
  1. If you have ore, use it on the forge to smelt into sheets. Take iron sheets and make rods.
  2. With your forging tongs, grab an iron rod.
  3. With your filled tongs, interact with the forge. Select what you want to make.
  4. Take the item created with your tongs and place it on the anvil.
  5. With your hammer, click the anvil rhythmically. You want to get as many 'good hits' as possible.
If you get too many bad hits by clicking too fast, you may break the item.
As your smithing skill improves, you can click faster and still get good hits.
There is an average of 30 hits needed on an item to have it be ready. Smaller items like chains will need around 10.
  1. If your item cools down before you are done hammering, grab it with the tongs and heat it in the forge. You may need to refuel and bellow your forge.
  2. When you notice that "The Metal Sounds Ready.", take the item with your tongs and dunk it in the water basin.
  3. Depending on what you are making, you may need to use the Forging Workbench.
    1. If you are making a weapon, load wood into the forging workbench. Load the head you made. Hammer the bench until the "Item Crafted" text pops up. Interact with an empty hand on the workbench.
    2. If you are making clothes, you will have to store chains and plates in the workbench until you meet the requirement. Examine the bench to see what you might need. When you meet the requirement, hammer it until "Item Crafted" pops up. Interact with an empty hand on the workbench.

Smithing Skill

Smithing is a skill, just like cleaning, mining, and gaming. Find your proficiency inside of your PDA.


  • Better smithies are increase the rate at which they get higher hits. As in, the cooldown for good hits decreases with each level of mastery.
  • At certain milestones, a smithy is able to improve their forge without necropolis materials.


  • Imbuing an item.
  • Turning a rod into an incomplete item.
  • Refueling your forge.
  • Bellowing your forge.
  • Getting a good hit.


  • If you are using wood inside of your forge, you are going to have to bellow your forge every time you make an item.
    • The maximum temperature that your forge can reach with wood is 50 degrees. However, the minimum temperature to start/heat an item is 51 degrees. Your bellows push it up that extra degree for a few minutes.
  • If you put wood inside of your forge, there is a chance your forge will generate charcoal while it is burning.

Reagent Forging

Materials Needed

  • 200u or more of a chemical that you want imbued.
It must be pourable.
  • Reagent forge.
A forge that has 3 regenerative cores in it, OR has been touched by a master smithy.
  • Completed reagent item.
Either clothing or a weapon with a handle.

Reagent Clothing

"Human" characters (as in, not simplemobs) will have 0.5u of imbued reagent injected into them every 3 seconds.

Reagent Weapons

Living creatures that are attached with an imbued weapon will have 1u of the imbued reagent injected into them.


  • Imbued items will never run out of reagent. They "regenerate" their reagent as it is used.
  • If you try to imbue an item when it has less than 200u of a reagent, that reagent will be destroyed.
  • Multiple reagents can be stored inside a reagent item. A reagent item can accept a total of 500u of inserted reagents. However, the first reagent with more than 200u inserted will be the one imbued upon the weapon. The rest will be destroyed.
  • You cannot reimbue a weapon.