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This page needs to be reviewed/updated.
REASON: Icons need to be updated and the new TGUI PDA's and their different apps should probably be explained on here.

A small portable microcomputer (previously called a PDA [Personal Data Assistant]). Tablets are usually useful to their owners, as they have a variety of functions, such as note keeping and messaging, as well as job-specific functions like controlling Beepsky and analysing fingerprints or blood stains, sending deliveries, analysing the surrounding atmosphere, scanning for disease or components, checking how much power are in the APCs around the station and causing chaos.

The Tablet's message function relies on the RD's message server. If it is powerless or broken, then no one will be able to send messages to each other. The message server also logs your dirty little messages, so don't expect to be able to get away with using them to rally a rebellion.

Your primary use of the Tablet will likely be the handy flashlight feature it comes with. Once the station descends into chaos, you won't have to go hunting around for a flashlight, as you have a weak one built right in. Just put the Tablet in your hand, click it, and toggle the "flashlight: on/off." This light will also count for the stacking effect other flashlights have.

Be weary, having your Tablet on will use it's limited battery, you can recharge it at a cell recharger.

Default Programs

  • Hardware Configuration Tool - This allows you to enable or disable modular parts of the tablet.
  • NT Software Hub - This allows you to download software to your tablet at the downside of using internal memory, some applications are restricted to ID access.
  • File Manager - Use this to uninstall programs/software from your tablet.
  • Direct Messenger - This allows you to communicate with your fellow crewmembers, so long as they are within the range of the station or other NT facilities
  • Notepad - Your personal note-taking program for whatever you wish to keep recorded. Using your tablet on a piece of paper will scan its contents to the notepad.
  • Plexagon Crew List - A useful program allowing you to find the names and assigned jobs of your fellow crewmembers

Downloadable Software

  • AtmoZphere - A small built-in sensor reads out the atmospheric conditions around the device."
  • BotKeeper - A remote controller used for giving basic commands to non-sentient robots.
  • Bounty Board Request Network - A multi-platform network for placing requests across the station, with payment across the network being possible.
  • Canary - This program provides visual interface for a station's alarm system.
  • Chat Client - This program allows communication over the NTNRC network.
  • Custodial Locator - This program allows for tracking of custodial equipment.
  • Donksoft Micro Arcade - This port of the classic game 'Outbomb Cuban Pete", redesigned to run on tablets, with thrilling graphics and chilling storytelling.
  • ExperTrak Skill Tracker - Scan and view your current marketable job skills.
  • GrandArk Exporter - A combination printer/scanner app that enables modular computers to print barcodes for easy scanning and shipping.
  • Lifeline - This program allows for tracking of crew members via their suit sensors.
  • Medical Records - Allows the user to view several basic medical records from the crew.
  • NT CIMS - Crystal Integrity Monitoring System, connects to the specially calibrated supermatter sensors to provide information on the status of supermatter-based engines.
  • NT Frontier - Scientific paper publication and navigation software.
  • NT IRN - Nanotrasen Internal Requisition network interface for supply purchasing using a department budget account.
  • Nanotrasen Science Hub - Connect to the internal science server in order to assist in station research efforts.
  • Newscaster - This program allows any user to access the Newscaster network from anywhere.
  • Plexagon Access Management - Program for programming employee ID cards to access parts of the station.
  • Plexagon HR Core - Program for viewing and changing job slot availability.
  • Security Records - Allows the user to view several basic security records from the crew.
  • SignalCommander - A small built-in frequency app that sends out signaller signals with the appropriate hardware.
  • SiliConnect - This program allows for remote monitoring of station cyborgs.
  • WireCarp - This program monitors stationwide NTNet network, provides access to logging systems, and allows for configuration changes

Hardware Dependant Software

Hardware obtained from Deluxe Silicate Selections

  • Area Power Connector:
    • AmpCheck - This program connects to sensors around the station to provide information about electrical systems
  • Miniprinter:
    • Marlowe Treeby's Art Galaxy - This program connects to a Spinward Sector community art site for viewing and printing art.
  • Intellicard Interface Slot:
    • NT FRK - Firmware Restoration Kit, capable of reconstructing damaged AI systems. Requires direct AI connection via intellicard slot .
  • Console Only - (Not usable on Tablets)
    • SecurEye - This program allows access to standard security camera networks.

ID-Based Software

Some jobs have Software only usable with a certain ID, here is a list of each job, and it's unique or special Software.

Tablet Style Jobs Software Access
Everyone AtmoZphere


Bounty Board Request Network


Chat Client

Donksoft Micro Arcade

ExpertTrak Skill Tracker

GrandArk Exporter



Captain All Software
Research Director Nanotrasen Science Hub
Janitor Custodial Locator



All Command Jobs Plexagon Access Management

Plexagon HR Core


All Engineering jobs NT CIMS


All Medical jobs Lifeline

Medical Records

All Science jobs NT Frontier



All Security jobs Security Records