Server Rules

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Skyrat 13 Rules

These rules are the framework for both staff members and regular users. If you don’t agree with these rules, do not say you do. You are not forced to play here; there are other options (both within the Space Station 13 community and outside it) for you.

This framework is derived in large part from drawn from several other related communities’ in-game rulesets, modified to suit our purposes. This is a living, always in-progress document; it may be changed in the future, updates will be announced on the Discord server.

Rule 0: Be Mature

This server is for people who are 18 years of age or older. No exceptions. Our servers are based in the United States and we adhere to both moral guidelines and the United States Law. Alongside this stringent ruling, we ask that you act maturely as a player.

  • Don’t be a dick OOCly. We all have lives, and many of us use the community as a place to relax. Being needlessly antagonistic to other community members, generally toxic, and otherwise unkind while here makes the space worse for others. Further encouraging toxic behavior, and pushing away community members. Just don’t be a dick.
  • English literacy is a must. We do not expect grammatical perfection; but if you are not comprehensible out-of-character, this server is not for you. There are some foreign language Space Station 13 communities out there that could fit your needs better.
  • Don’t “ride the line” with regards to the rules. Follow through on the spirit of rules, and not just their exact wording. You will be punished for this as though you broke the concerned rule(s).
  • If an admin has told you not to do something; do not do it. Do not attempt to play word games, and rules lawyer, at those whose job it is to uphold the rules.
  • Do not target players in bad faith. Anyone who participates in a coordinated effort in the form of a meta-gang to maliciously target someone be permanently banned without appeal if found guilty and found uncooperative if found worthy of the charge. We will assume the worst if we cannot obtain reliable, unadulterated information.
  • Do not ban-bait people.
    • For example, deathgasping, succumbing, or whispering last words in critical conditions means that the person that placed the victim in crit cannot be blamed for killing, only critting. You may admin-help about being critted or attacked, but you cannot admin-help and misrepresent the situation by claiming you were killed. You will get a note and warning, and repeat offenses of this sort of behavior may result in a ban.
    • For more egregious acts of ban-baiting, you may be banned immediately.

Rule 1: Do Not Grief

Griefing is the act of deliberately annoying or angering another player using aspects of the game in unintended ways. Newcomers that exhibit this behavior will find themselves permanently banned. End of Round Grief is not allowed on the server.

  • 1.Plasma-flooding must have permission from an administrator first. We encourage players to use the OPFOR system to request a plasma-flood objective, given sufficient reason. Local plasma-flooding has a greater chance of being accepted, while station-wide plasma-flooding will be exposed to greater scrutiny and will be extremely rare to the point that it should almost never occur except in the rarest of instances where it makes sense.
    For station-wide plasma-flooding, after approval, you should roleplay enough of a lead-up to the plasma-flood in a way that demonstrates clear and sufficient escalation to the station that is engaging. Lastly, you will have a greater chance of being accepted the later it is into a round and when the round is quiet.
  • 2. Do not spam. This includes in-character conversation, the global out-of-character channel, or any other text channel used in-game (such as the Admin-Help system).
  • 3. Do not attack others or engage in what is otherwise known as "random deathmatch" also known as RDM. If you want to attack another character, have a valid IC reason. Conduct yourself in a way that is consistent with our aforementioned principles. Killing someone is frowned upon without a strong IC reason, i.e. self-defense, is needed to achieve your goals as an antagonist, etc.
  • 4. Do not exploit bugs or errors in the code to your benefit in-game. Report issues to the wider community in the main-dev chat channel.
  • 5. Do not intentionally damage the station or its machinery without a valid IC reason. This can make the round effectively unplayable if enough vital functions are destroyed. Unless you are an antag with admin approval, you are not allowed to sabotage the engine to the point that it may potentially cause a point of no return or the round to end shorter than expected.
  • 6. Do not harass players out-of-character. If the source of the harassment is linked to actions within the server, you will be dealt with.
  • 7. Do not harass a player ICly if it is unwelcome. Anyone who participates in a coordinated effort in the form of a meta-gang to harass characters in-game in any manner will be permanently banned without appeal if found guilty and found uncooperative if found worthy of the charge. We will assume the worst if we cannot obtain reliable, unadulterated information.
  • 8. Don't touch SSD/AFK players without prior admin approval via admin help. (Note: Moving an SSD/AFK player to safety or dragging them to the shuttle is exempt from this.)
  • 9. Do not mess with the Interlink where players arrive after the round, as it is not meant for antagging. It is meant to be a safe place to arrive and chill.
  • 10. EORG or "End of Round Grief" is not allowed on the server.


  • Spamming *scream or any emote excessively in public will not be tolerated.
  • Players that look for any reason to kill will be rooted out, i.e. killing someone for walking into or through your workplace and so forth.
  • While brawls or fights that naturally escalate is encouraged, be aware that doing so with the intent of killing someone is heavily frowned upon. Doing so in a manner that is consistent may lead to charges of powergaming and griefing which may result in a permanent ban.
  • Abusing a bug, glitch, or error to gain an item you shouldn't have access to is considered powergaming.

Rule 2: Listen to the staff team

The staff is responsible for upholding the enforcement of rules on the server. As such, they have a final say on related matters. We welcome honest comments, feedback, and critiques with the expectation that it is done civilly and politely in correspondence to the first server principle.

If you are ever considering doing something particularly drastic - including mutinities and murders as a non-antagonist - request permission via Admin-Help.

  1. Be polite, honest, and to the point when sending an admin PM. Give all relevant information that you can, as it will help us resolve your case.
  2. Avoid antagonizing someone you are admin-helping about.
  3. An admin's word is final. If they say not to do it, do not do it.
  4. If you suspect an admin is in the wrong, calmly document and report the incident. Be as thorough and as unbiased as possible. While the latter is difficult when emotional, it will help your case more often than not.
  5. Any form of harmful and deceitful behavior will be met with disproportionate punishment due to the nature of the offense. Lying to the staff is a punishable offense and may become permanent if done frequently. Furthermore, anyone who consistently engages in clandestine behavior with the intent to do harm, i.e. to harass or slander individuals, will receive a permanent ban with no opportunity to appeal.
    1. a Lying in adminhelps, misrepresenting facts deliberately, or logging off when an admin has asked a question may result in permabans.
    2. b Admins will not automatically place bans for players logging off however, and will generally wait a while in case real life situations caused a player to disconnect or go AFK.
  • Avoid talking about s rule infraction in the global OOC channel. This can, and will, lead to people metagaming. When you can, use the Admin-Help and Mentor-Help systems to your benefit.
  • If an admin tells you that something is IC, valid, and so forth, that is the final answer. Admins are not obligated to give you more information than they think is necessary during an ongoing round. If you want more information you may ask again after the round, or you may ask for the logs which may be given if thought appropriate
  • If the situation you are admin-helping about is immediately happening to you, state your intentions in LOOC and either pause the scene or remove your character from the scene.

Rule 3: Stay In-Character and Meet Character Standards

Your character, the one you will be playing on the server, must fit into the lore & setting. For the time being, your character is an employee with NanoTrasen working at a mining and research station in orbit of ‘Lavaland’. The station’s main purpose is the study, extraction, and refinement of the anomalous Plasma. The station is a workplace, acting extremely immature is grounds for termination of your employment (and indefinite detainment until you can be processed).

  • Follow our Character Guidelines: Read Me
  • Speak like an actual person.
  • Do not act like a meme ICly. Being silly is one thing. Being a meme is another.
  • Netspeak terms like "lol", "rofl", "lmao" are specifically disallowed while talking aloud. You may use these in in-character text, like PDA messages.
  • Give your characters proper names.
  • Avoid titles (Captain, Officer, Dr., etc.) in names.
  • Do not impersonate staff or other player characters.
  • Do not recreate someone else’s character in the character creator. There are exceptions like with changeling or a comms agent mimicking them.
  • Do not copy and paste real-world people and pre-existing fictional characters.
  • Do not commit suicide for little reason.
  • Do not kill yourself to escape in-character punishments, do not commit suicide to spite someone for something mildly rude they said, etc.
  • Underaged characters are strictly prohibited. Your character must look like an adult. Short species like goblins, kobolds, and so forth are allowed, however, they must be physically mature.
  • The hard-coded limit for character age is 18 for a reason. Do not attempt to work around this by describing your character as looking “younger than 18” in your flavor text in any form, as it will be treated as a violation of the rules. Do not overemphasize the youthfulness of a character, as that will be treated as a dog whistle.

Rule 4: Meet Minimum Roleplaying Standards - No LRP, Be Immersive

  • Skyrat Main should be treated as a HRP-MRP server. For roleplaying enforcement purposes, please play on the main server with the aim to be High Roleplay or HRP, even if our minimum requirement is MRP. This is to ensure people consistently stay above the roleplaying standards, even at their lowest points. If your quality dips at times due to what's going on in the station, you will not be punished for that, given that you have a record of solid roleplaying. Essentially, we want you to be MRP at your very worst, so that LRP is no longer an issue on the station. See Skyrat Main Roleplaying Standard
  • Low Roleplay (LRP) or No Roleplay (NRP) is not allowed. Both are interchangeable. In Skyrat, LRP/NRP describes the roleplaying intent of a player. It indicates that the action or a player that is said to be LRP/NRP has minimal interest in roleplaying or contributing to the roleplaying environment, oftentimes breaking the immersion of others severely. They are more interested in memeing, mechanics, and being self-indulgent in their behavior without consideration for others' immersion. These players will face a quality control ban. Please note that if a player is so poor that they come off as LRP/NRP, even if they intend to be MRP/HRP, they may also face a quality control ban.
  • You must demonstrate sufficient roleplaying proficiency. You must be part of immersion and ideally add to it, not detract. Spelling and grammar does not have to be perfect, rather we only require it to be comprehensible and readable without being immersion-breaking. We do not expect you to be a good writer, rather we expect you to be a good roleplayer.
  • Choosing your actions based on what'd be funny at the time rather than what your character reasonably would do will be considered LRP if it breaks immersion. This is described extensively in our listed standards above. At the end of the day, you must be considerate of other people's immersion. If your character acts nonsensical, is unable to act in any meaningful way, and you exhibit signs of LRP, i.e. overreliance on quick emotes, memeing in say, etc, you may face a quality control ban. Claiming your character is just "goofy" will not fly.
  • Excessive memeing in-game that will not be tolerated, particularly those that break immersion. You will be given one warning. After that, you will be given a ban in escalating fashion for each fashion, until you are permanently banned from the server. Memeing in a way that contributes to the in-game setting and roleplaying atmosphere is completely acceptable, given that you do not do so excessively.
  • If you choose to do a practical meme or joke such as this:

    Do not do it in a public area. Please do so in a place that is out of the way like maintenance. We may even make specific areas in maintenance that are more suitable for extensive graffiti or goofing off with your friends, given that it's not excessive, i.e. see above.
  • Meme painting like this one below will be tolerated, given that it's not done in a tame and not excessive or ridiculous manner:
  • Like in the case of practical memes or jokes, do not put lewd devices, i.e. milking machines, in public areas. Such devices should be out of public visibility, i.e. in an enclosed room or maintenance, or they will be deemed LRP. In the cases of lewd items, i.e. dildos, they should not be egregiously visible in public areas and interactions with it should be kept to subtle/subtler in public areas. Abuse of such devices for pref-breaking, memeing, or your own humor will result in punishment.
  • Do not shove your fetishes in other people's faces. Sharing explicit details in places or channels that cannot be willfully avoided will fall in violation of this rule. Have respect for other peoples' boundaries. On the other end of the spectrum, if you accidentally come across a scenario that you do not like but does not violate the rules, please be reasonable and respectful, i.e. handle it ICly if it's public or disregard if private, i.e. in areas that are not typically used such as shower rooms, maintenance, and so forth. This relationship goes both ways. Your freedom should not impede another's or vice versa.

Rule 5: Act in Moderation

  • Act in moderation, i.e. ensure that you do not do anything excessively. As a rule of thumb, if you think you're borderline, you are being excessive.
  • Moderation of Lethal Means [Read Carefully]
    • Lethal weaponry should generally only be used if a threat has a reasonable chance to render you incapable of resisting [Ex: Stun batons, lethals, and other items that have a high chance of leaving you in a state of 'powerlessness'], and if it is properly and convincingly escalated such as fighting back against something that may have lasting consequences for your (emphasis on the your) character such as being kept from playing in the round for some significant amount of time.
      If you see a situation that needs intervening, you should attempt alternatives before shooting first, unless the individual is in immediate danger of losing their life or you are unable to engage in roleplay with the individual. Ultimately, follow the action-RP lawset. As always, proper and convincing escalation is key, and we give exemptions based on that.
      Conversely, for example, using your lethal weapon to shoot back at security over minor crimes or transgressions is not allowed. It is not for general bickering, 'for fun', and so forth. Sometimes, we may permit its use given that it does not spread to anyone outside the scene and is done with mutual agreement on both sides. Again, proper and convincing escalation is key. Otherwise, use reasonable force.
      When it comes to corporate regulation, using your weapon in a non life threatening situation opens you up to being charged as if the gun was contraband among other things.