User:Stonetear/Skyrat Balance Changes

From Skyrat
Revision as of 20:25, 9 September 2021 by Stonetear (talk | contribs) (→‎"More Narcotics": Adds PCP and Quaalude)
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The admins giveith, and the admins taketh away. For all the fun features that are present on skyrat, some things are removed.

Extra Drugs

"More Narcotics"

Who knows where this module came from? You aren't going to find these on the /tg/ Guide To Chemistry page. Author's note: I haven't tested any of these.

Drug Icon Recipe description
Cocaine Probably leaves! A powerful stimulant extracted from coca leaves. Reduces stun times, but causes drowsiness and severe brain damage if overdosed.
  • Overdose threshold: 20u
  • addiction type: Stimulants
  • Taste Description: Bitterness
Opium Probably opium poppies! A extract from opium poppies. Puts the user in a slightly euphoric state.
  • Overdose threshold: 30u
  • addiction type: Opiods
  • Taste Description: Flowers
  • 2 parts Opium
  • 2 Parts Acetone
  • Heat to 480 Degrees
  • Min ph: 8, Max ph: 12. At 50% purity, turns into Black Tar Heroin.
She's like heroin to me, she's like heroin to me! She cannot... miss a vein!
  • Overdose threshold: 20u
  • addiction type: Opiods
  • Taste Description: Flowers
Black Tar Heroin Impure Heroin reaction. An impure, freebase form of heroin. Probably not a good idea to take this...
  • Overdose threshold: 10u
  • addiction type: Opiods
  • Taste Description: Flowers
  • 1 part PCC
  • 2 Parts Iron
  • 5 Plasma (catalyst)
Pure rage put into chemical form. //to an extent this is pretty much just super bath salts
  • Overdose threshold: 10u //really low overdose to keep people from abusing it too much
  • addiction type: Opiods
  • Taste Description: Rage!
  • 1 Part cyanide
  • 1 Part fluacid
  • 2 Parts multiver
Pure rage put into chemical form.
  • Taste Description: Satiated rage
Quaalude cyanide = 1 fluacid = 1, /datum/reagent/medicine/c2/)
  • 2 Parts lemon juice
  • 1 Part Hydrogen
  • 1 Part Chlorine
Relaxes the user, putting them in a hypnotic, drugged state. A favorite drug of kids from Brooklyn.
  • Overdose threshold: 20u
  • Taste Description: Lemons

Sexy Drugs

Do NOT spike random people's drinks with it!

Syndicate Items

Some of these don't quite fit the server atmosphere, and were removed. You can't buy them your uplink, and You can't get them without admin trickery.

Item Icon description
Romerol Kit AKA, the zombie thing.
Detomatix PDA Cartridge AKA, PDA bomb. Presumably this so you can't bomb people while they're ERPing. Lame!
Hypnotic Flash No idea, considering we have hypno headsets from the LustWish machine.
Hypnotic Grenade No idea.
Protocol CRAB-17 Phone Removed at the request of two unknown, highly affluent individuals. Quick rundown? It's not fun to play against.

I actually DID see this get used one round. basically the whole station ran down to the engineering security post and everyone just hit the terminal with weapons or whatever until the thing exploded. It didn't make for very interesting gameplay, but does show that admins do sometimes allow you to negotiate for things not normally obtainable.

Blast Cannon If they removed it, at least one person must have destroyed the station with it.
Australicus Slime Mutator Unknown.
His Grace AKA, the toolbox that eats you.


  • If you see someone disappear at the end of the round with the accompanying text: [iterating_player] is teleported back home, hopefully to an everloving family!, They are actually teleported directly to hell and see the message: As you are EORG banned, you will now be sent to hell.