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* '''Faction Type:''' Clandestine Separatist Criminal Organisation
* '''Faction Type:''' Clandestine Separatist Criminal Organisation
* '''Ideology:''' Separatist Socialism ''<small>(Workers and Peasants under the rule of despotic capitalist governments must separate from their land, whatever the cost, and form their own factions/nations where means of production must be controlled by the community as a whole.)</small>''
* '''Ideology:''' Separatist Socialism ''<small>(Workers and Peasants under the rule of despotic capitalist governments must separate from their land, whatever the cost, and form their own factions/nations where means of production must be controlled by the community as a whole.)</small>''
* '''Motto:''' "Secrecy is Currency"


Latest revision as of 14:10, 26 January 2023

Non-Canon and WIP

This page and all its contents is entirely non-canon and does not officially exist within the Skyrat Universe. Please be mindful about this and do not assume that this is at all official. Moreover, this is a work-in-progress. Many things are either not done or haven't been added yet. There is still a lot more to add to this, and some things that are already added can be changed.

Soviet Separatist Syndicate (SSS)

  • Faction Type: Clandestine Separatist Criminal Organisation
  • Ideology: Separatist Socialism (Workers and Peasants under the rule of despotic capitalist governments must separate from their land, whatever the cost, and form their own factions/nations where means of production must be controlled by the community as a whole.)


The Soviet Separatist Syndicate (or Sovetskiy separatistskiy sindikat - Советский сепаратистский синдикат), was originally a rebellious organisation led by russian politicians and businessmen who defected from the Novaya Rossiyskaya Imperiya and formed a criminal organisation to commit acts of treason against the Eternal Empress.

Unlike The Syndicate, the SSS is less of a conglomerate of criminal corporations and organisations and rather a smaller criminal organisation of individual businessmen and politicians all working together against the main threat: Novaya Rossiyskaya Imperiya

Today it is less of a small group of people and rather a much larger organisation relying on secrecy and clandestine operations to protect them from external influence and hostilities and to accomplish their goals but also avoid conflict against them at the same time. The SSS is primarily an organisation that works to spread their ideology of Separatist Socialism and inspire the people to fight against their governments and help spread Socialism throughout the entire Sector, with the SSS secretly supporting those who do so, and at the same time, the SSS is also a criminal syndicate profiting off of illegal financial business, primarily black marketing. Because of its more broadened view and ideal, Novaya Rossiyskaya Imperiya is no longer the main target, but every capitalist organisation/faction in the entire sector.

Rise of the SSS (History)

Shady Business

The early history of the SSS is unknown, but rumours and theories suggest that the organisation was originally a small group of greedy russian businessmen who worked together to achieve wealth through black market trading and usury. It is unknown whether they became rich or not, but after a long time of this business, their building was raided by law enforcement during a meeting, and at the time not all of them were present, so those who were absent had to completely isolate themselves and hide from the government.

The First Step

After some time, the surviving illegal businessmen eventually decided to form another organisation, but this time they decided to leave the borders of Rossiya and become an independent functioning business. However, upon planning so, they were met by a small group of russian politicians, also wanting independence from the queen. Seeing that both parties have the same ideals, they had an agreement and decided to officially form the "Russkiy Sindikat Nezavisimosti" (or "Russian Independence Syndicate"), or RSN for short, with the goal of inspiring the people to proclaim independence and disregard the empress's monarchical rule.

The Council of Seven

The founders, of which there were seven, decided to form a council of leadership, officially naming it the "Independent Council of Seven", which was later shortened to "Council of Seven" after some misunderstanding. The RSN then began a campaign to recruit other citizens and use them to secretly spread the idea of independence whilst also staying under the radar. The Council of Seven handled all things that required their attention, which was everything. They were the only form of leadership at the time, and therefore had absolute authority over everything in the small organisation.

Fall of the RSN

Unfortunately, the RSN was not entirely effective. Although some small local communities endorsed their ideology, progress was minimal. To make matters worse, the RSN realised that they were not making enough money to fund their campaign nor did they have enough support to grow and endorse it. The RSN was a lost cause, and the entire organisation shrinked after many of its members lost hope and abandoned the cause. At one point, a few of its remaining members soon stood against the Council, disregarding their authority, and consequently those members were removed from the RSN. After some time, all members of the RSN had left, and the Council was all that was left.

Rise and Fall of the RSS

However, the Council of Seven was not quick to give up, and instead decided to reform the entire organisation. The organisation was renamed to the "Russkiy Separatistskiy Sindikat", or RSS for short. The RSS was similar to the RSN, but instead of focusing on peaceful independence, it was instead their new official goal to inspire citizens to rebel against their government and form separatist movements in order to violently revolt against the Queen. This idea was however much worse than the RSN. Posing a much more severe threat towards the Queen, members of the RSS were hunted and considered "traitors", and those who were captured were either executed or turned into genemodes.

The Soviet Separatist Syndicate

Before the Council could disband and abandon the cause, a certain unknown individual, codnamed "S-01", has met the council in person and after a long discussion, the RSS was abandoned and a new, improved and greater organisation would be formed.

After being chosen by the council to be the absolute leader of this small organisation, S-01 decided to create a new ideology, one that promotes total separation from despotic capitalist governments and allows the workers to take control of the means of production. Therefore, Separatist Socialism was born. Although Socialism already exists, this specific form of socialism focuses on workers and peasants specifically under the rule of capitalist governments, and is the belief that they must all form separatist movements in order to rebel against their government and form their own factions/nations where socialism is absolute.

After finally reforming the organisation and introducing his ideology, S-01 took the original Russkiy Separatistskiy Sindikat, and renamed it to the Sovetskiy Separatistskiy Sindikat, or "Soviet Separatist Syndicate". The SSS was officially born.

The SSS Today

The SSS decided that instead of focusing only on the NRI, they must focus on Separatism on a sectoral scale, focusing on the entire Sector as a whole. The SSS became a Clandestine Criminal Organisation, making money off of black market trading, mercenary work and other secretive criminal operations. They work to promote their ideology whilst making money off of crime, using that money to grow their organisation, make new technology, produce weapons and other. S-01 created different divisions that keep the Syndicate secretive and unknown, as well as defend it from foreign hostilities and influence. The SSS sends many Agents and Associates to conduct informative and sometimes inquisitive operations in every organisation, including Nanotrasen. To this day, they still work under the radar, growing their organisation and receiving information, whilst secretly spreading the influence of Separatist Socialism.

What differs the SSS from The Syndicate?

In two words, a lot. Here is a list of similarities and differences:


  • Both are Criminal Organisations who commit illegal acts against certain groups.
  • Both are very secretive (in the sense that they keep everything about themselves secret).
  • Both can be recognised as enemies by the Sol Federation and other organisations.
  • Both are Syndicates.


  • Whilst The Syndicate is an anti-Nanotrasen criminal organisation, the SSS is a Clandestine Separatist Criminal Organisation.
  • The Syndicate commits a variety of crimes including terrorism, assasination, mass murder etc. The SSS, although also committing criminal acts, does not partake in terrorism or any massive crimes that involve terrorism and genociding others, only massive clandestine crimes such as stealing top secret documents, brainwashing people in positions of high authority etc.
  • The SSS aims at spreading their ideology and supporting those who rise up against their governments and leaders and making profit. The Syndicate has different goals.